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White Box Testing

■ Testing Types
■ Testing Techniques
■ White-box Testing
■ Black-box Testing
■ Testing Types
■ Testing Techniques
■ White-box Testing
■ Black-box Testing
Testing Types
• There are two types of testing:
1. Non-execution-based Testing
2. Execution-based Testing
Non-execution-based Testing
• A document is checked by a team of software
professionals with a range of skills.
• Increases chances of finding a fault.
• Types of Non-execution-based Testing
– Walkthroughs
– Inspections
Execution-based Testing
• Execution-based testing is a process of inferri
ng certain behavioral properties of a product,
based, in part, on the results of executing the
product in a known environment with selecte
d inputs.

• Depends on environment and inputs.

• How well do we know the environment?
• How much control do we have over test inputs?
■ Testing Types
■ Testing Techniques
■ White-box Testing
■ Black-box Testing
Test Strategies and Techniques 1
• Test Strategy
– Outlines in broad terms how to use testing to
assess the extent to which the goal for a prod
uct has been met.
• Test Techniques
– Implement strategies, provide the data neede
d to do the assessment.
Test Strategies and Techniques 2
• Both strategy and techniques guide how te
st cases are chosen.

• Distinction between strategy and techniqu

e is soft.
Testing Techniques
• There are two testing techniques:
1. Test to code
– Also called glass-box, logic-driven, structure
d, or path-oriented testing.
2. Test to specifications
– Also called black-box, data-driven, functional,
or input/output driven testing
White-box Testing
• Ignore the specifications — use the cod
e to derive the test cases.
• Objective is to exercise all program state
(not all path combinations)
White Box Testing
• Internal structure
– Paths
– Logical conditions
– Loops
– Data structures
White Box Testing contd.
• Guarantees execution of all independent
• Exercises all logical decisions
• Executes all loops at their boundaries
• Verifies validity of internal data structures
White Box Testing-
• Basis Path
• Control Structure
• Mutation
White Box Testing-
• Basis Path
• Control Structure
• Mutation
White-box Testing Techniques

• Basis Path Testing

• Condition Testing
• Data Flow Testing
• Loop Testing Variants of Basis
Path Testing
Basis Path Testing
• Is a white-box testing technique, proposed by
Tom McCabe.
• Procedure
1. Draw the flow graph of the candidate procedur
al design.
2. Calculate the complexity measure of the flow g
3. Define a basis set of execution paths.
4. Derive a test case against each path.
Basis Path
• Uses logical complexity
• Helps adding necessary test
• Excludes redundant tests
• Identify important paths
Basis Path-
Control Flow Graphs
• Translation of source code
• Consists of
– Node
– Edges
– Regions
– Predicate Node

sequence if while until case

Flow Graph
• A Flow Graph is similar to a flowchart.
• Describes the program control flow.
• Node represents one or more than one stateme
• Edges represents the flow of control.
• A node is called a predicate node if it contains a
• A linear sequence of nodes can be combined int
o one node.
Basis Path-
Control Flow Graphs contd.
1. pos_sum(a, num_of_entries, sum)
2. sum = 0
3. Int i = 1
4. while (i < num_of_entries)
5. if a[i] > 0
6. Sum = sum + a[i]
7. i=i+1
end while
8. end pos_sum
Basis Path-
Control Flow Graphs contd.
Basis Path-
Cyclomatic Complexity
• A software metric
– Quantitatively measures the complexity of pro
• Minimum number of tests
Basis Path-
Cyclomatic Complexity contd.
• How to calculate
– Number of regions
– Edges – Nodes + 2
– Predicate Nodes + 1
– Graph Matrices
• Basis/Independent paths
– 1-2-3-4-8
– 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-4-8
– 1-2-3-4-5-7-4-8
• Basis Set
Basis Path-
Cyclomatic Complexity contd.
1 2, 3 4 5 6 7 8

1, 2, 3 1 1–1=0

4 1 1 2–1=1

5 1 1 2–1=1

6 1 1–1=0

7 1 1–1=0

CC = 2 + 1
Flow Graph: Example 1

Draw a flow chart for

Given program.
Flow Graph: Example 2

Flow chart
Flow Chart => Flow Graph
Cyclomatic Complexity 1

• Cyclomatic complexity provides the quantitativ

e measure of the logical complexity of a progra
• It defines the number of independent paths in t
he basis set of a program.
• Any path through the program that introduces
at least one new set of processing statements
or condition variables is called an independent
• This is an upper bound to the number of test c
ases for that program.
Cyclomatic Complexity 2

• Cyclomatic complexity V(G) can be calcu

lated from the flow graph as:

• V(G) = R
• V(G) = E – N + 2
• V(G) = P + 1
• Where R = No. of regions, E = No. of edges, N = No. of nodes, P
= No. of predicate nodes.
Cyclomatic Complexity: Example 1
Cyclomatic Complexity: Example 2
• Here
– R = 4 => V(G) = 4
– E = 11, N = 9 => V(G) = 11-9+2 = 4
– P = 3 => V(G) = 3+1 = 4

• Hence, Cyclomatic Complexity = 4, means th

ere are four independent paths. Lets find out!
Independent paths 1

path 1: 1-11
Independent paths 2

• path 1: 1-11
• path 2: 1-2-3-4-5-10-1-11
Independent paths 3

• path 1: 1-11
• path 2: 1-2-3-4-5-10-1-11
• path 3: 1-2-3-6-8-9-10-1-11
Independent paths 4

• path 1: 1-11
• path 2: 1-2-3-4-5-10-1-11
• path 3: 1-2-3-6-8-9-10-1-11
• path 4: 1-2-3-6-7-9-10-1-11
Exercise 1.
Draw the flow graph, calculate the cyclomatic complexity, list the basis paths
and prepare a test case for one path using the following code segment:
Read (a);
Read (b);

if a>b then
print a;
else if a<b then
print b;
print “Equal-Equal”;
end if
Exercise 2.
Draw the flow graph, calculate the cyclomatic complexity, list the basis paths
and prepare a test case for one path using the following code segment:

Void perform_word_count()
string ValidatedFileName;
int WordCount;

if ( get_input(ValidatedFileName) is false )
print “error 1: file does not exist”
set WordCount equal to count_number_of_words(ValidatedFileName);
if (WordCount is equal to –1 )
print “error 2: file is not text file”
Control Structure
• Condition
• Data Flow
• Loops
Condition Testing
• Exercises logical conditions
• Errors found include
– Boolean operator error (OR, AND, NOT)
– Boolean variable error
– Relational operator error (>,<,=,!=)
Condition Testing Strategies
• Branch Testing
• Domain Testing
• BRO-Branch & Relational Operator
Condition Testing Strategies-
Branch Testing
• Condition can only be
• Example
Condition Testing Strategies-
Branch Testing contd.
• Good for
– Boolean variables
– Simple Expressions
• Fails for compound/complex conditions
– A & (B || (s))
Condition Testing Strategies-
Domain Testing
• Complex/compound conditions
– A & (B || (C & D))
• All possible outcomes of all variables
Condition Testing Strategies-
Domain Testing contd.
• Good coverage

• Not practical for large n

• For n variables, the scenarios will be 2n
Branch & Relational Operator
• Condition Constraints
– Possible outcomes
– Boolean
– Relational
BRO contd.
• Example
– B1 & (E1 = E2)
– (E1 = E2) & (E3 = E4)
BRO contd.
• Lower number of cases
– Less than 2n
• Good for larger value of n
Control Structure
• Condition
• Data Flow
• Loops
Data Flow
• Data definition
– Value of a variable is assigned or changed
• Data usage
– Value of a variable is utilized
– Predicate use p-use
• if (X > 98)
– Computation use c-use
• Y = 26 * X
• Definition use path def-use
Data Flow-
Data Flow-
Example contd.
n number

def use def use

1 2 4 1 5 6

i sum
def use def use
1 3 4 1 1 6
2 3 7 2 1 9
3 7 7 3 6 6
4 7 4 4 6 9
Control Structure
• Condition
• Data Flow
• Loops
• Types
– Simple
– Nested
– Concatenated
– Unstructured
• With n number of pass
es, iterate:
– Zero pass
– One pass
– Two passes
– m passes where m < n
– n – 1, n, n + 1
• Begin with innermost k
eeping all other at mini
• Conduct Simple loop tes
t for the one being teste
• Work outward with sam
e strategy
• Independent
– Simple loop strategy
• Concatenated
– Nested loop strategy
• Non testable
• Repetition
• Strategy
– Avoid
– Redesign
White Box Testing-
• Basis Path
• Control Structure
• Mutation
Mutation Testing
• A fault-based testing approach
– Mutants
• Mutant Killed
– Results are different from the original
• Mutant Equivalent
– Results are same as the original
Mutation Testing contd.
• Code modifications
– Constant replacement
– Arithmetic operator replacement
– Data statement alteration
– Statement deletion
– Logical operator replacement
Mutation Testing-
• Mutant Killed
– Replace i = i + 1 with i = i
– Replace If (a > 0) with If
(a < 0)
• Mutant Equivalent
– Replace if a[i] > 0 with if
a[i] >= 0
– Test Data Set
– A = 0, 1, 2

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