1sets and Set Operations

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Set Concepts

Problem Solving
Tom and Jerry want to identify the
cardinality of the set of cities in
Manila that starts with letter P.
Word/s thatIntroduction
describes me:
Note: Can be good or bad
• What is the importance of having or
experiencing bad attitudes or
• If your given a chance to remake the
past to remove that attitude or
situation, will you do that?
• Do you think God gave you this
attitude or situation for you to learn
and let you remember that the love
of God is with you in every situation?
Definition of set
• A set is a well defined collection of
• Individual objects in set are called as
elements of set.
e. g. 1. Collection of even numbers
between 10 and 20.
2. Collection of flower or bouquet.
A well – defined set is a set in which we know for
sure if an element belongs to that set.

• The set of all clubs in MANRESA School is a

well-defined set.
• The set of all subjects of Grade 7 students in
MANRESA School is well – defined.
• The set of best TV shows of all time is not
well – defined. (It is a matter of opinion.)
Properties of Sets
1 Sets are denoted by capital letters.
Set notation : A ,B, C ,D
2. Elements of set are denoted by
small letters.
Element notation : a,d,f,g,
For example SetA= {x,y,v,b,n,h,}
3 If x is element of A we can write as
xA i.e x belongs to set A.

4. If x is not an element of A we can write as

xA i.e x does not belong to A

e.g If Y is a set of days in a week then

Monday  A
and January  A
5 Each element is written once.

6 Order of element is not important.

i.e set A can be written as

{ 1,2,3,4,5,} or as {5,2,3,4,1}
There is no difference between two.
Set Theory
 Georg cantor a German
Mathematician born in
Russia is creator of set
 The concept of infinity
was developed by cantor.
 Proved real no. are more
numerous than natural
 Defined cardinal and
ordinal no.
Georg cantor
Set Representation
• There are three main ways of
representing sets.

1. Description method

2. Roster method or Tabular

3. Set builder method or Rule method
Description method
• Elements are describe and
enclosed in braces.

Set A are all days of the week is

written as
A={all days of the week}
Tabular or Listing method
• All elements of the sets are
listed,each element separated by
comma(,) and enclosed within
Tabular or Listing
• All elements of the sets are listed,each
element separated by comma(,) and
enclosed within brackets { }
• e.g Set C= {1,6,8,4}
• Set T
• Set k={a,e,i,o,u}
Rule method or set builder
• All elements of set posses a common
• e.g. set of natural numbers is represented by
• K= {x|x is a natural no}
Here | stands for ‘such that’
‘:’ can be used in place of ‘|’
e.g. Set T={y|y is a season of the year}
Set H={x|x is blood type}
Cardinality of set
• Number of element in a set is called as
cardianility of set.
No of elements in set n (A)
e.g Set A= {he,she, it,the, you}
Here no. of elements are n |A|=5

Singleton set containing only one elements

e.g Set A={3}
Empty sets
• A set which does not contain any elements
is called as Empty set or Null or Void set.
Denoted by  or { }
e.g. Set A= {set of months containing
32 days}
Here n (A)= 0; hence A is an empty set.

e.g. set H={no of cars with three wheels}

• Here n (H)= 0; hence it is an empty set.
Finite set
• Set which contains definite no of
• e.g. Set A= {,,,}
• Counting of elements is fixed.
Set B = { x|x is no of pages in a
particular book}
Set T ={ y|y is no of seats in a bus}
Infinite set
• A set which contains indefinite
numbers of elements.

Set A= { x|x is a of whole numbers}

Set B = {y|y is point on a line}

• Write a reflection about
the importance of sets in
your daily life?
• List down one real-life
application or scenario of
the following:
– Infinite Sets
– Finite Sets
– Cardinality
– Roster or Listing form
Bringing of materials
The following materials will be used for an
activity for the topic, definitions on sets.
• 2 pcs Manila paper
• 1 pc Black marker
Advanced readings/Research
• Research examples about each definition on
You will write the following at the back
of your mathematics notebook:
• 3 things you learned,
• 2 things you have a question about,
• 1 thing you want the teacher to know
Set Concepts
Problem Solving
Henry is tasked to do the laundry, he
needs to separate the white from the
colored clothes to avoid having stain on
white clothes. How do you
mathematically represent the task of
RT Activity
• Bring out 5 random objects from your
Equal sets
• Two sets k and R are called equal if
they have equal numbers and of similar
types of elements.
• For e.g. If k={1,3,4,5,6}
• R={1,3,4,5,6} then both
Set k and R are equal.
• We can write as Set K=Set R
• Sets which are the part of
another set are called subsets of
the original set. For example, if
A={3,5,6,8} and B ={3,5,8}
then B is a subset of A it is
represented as BA
• Every set is subset of itself i.e A .3 .1
A .6.
• Empty set is a subset of
every set. i.e A
Universal set
• The universal set is the set of all
elements pertinent to a given
It is designated by the symbol U
e.g. Set T ={The deck of ordinary
playing cards}. Here each card is an
element of universal set.
Set A= {All the face cards}
Set B= {numbered cards}
Set C= {Poker hands} each of these
sets are Subset of universal set T
RT Activity
• Construct a universal set (any elements
are allowed).
• Using your universal set, construct or
identify the following:
 subsets
 elements of subsets
 cardinality of the sets
 Roaster method
 Set builder method,
 finite and definite sets,
 Equal sets
RT Activity
• The assigned group leader will explain
each answer in front of the class.
How can you use the definitions
on sets in your day to day
Follow up activity
• Answer the Mind Strainers letters A to D,
pages 10 -11 of your mathematics textbook
Advanced readings/Research
The given activity prepares the students for the
lesson, operations on sets.
• Research concept and examples about operation
on sets.
You will write the following at the back
of your mathematics notebook:
• 3 things you learned,
• 2 things you have a question about,
• 1 thing you want the teacher to know
Sets and Set
Union and Intersection
A survey of a freshmen class composed
of 10 students revealed that their
favorite subject are concentrated on
Mathematics and English only. Of this
number, 8 students considered
Mathematics their favorite subject
and 5 students considered English as
their favorite subject. How many
students considered both Mathematics
and English as their favorite subjects?

Problem Solving
Construct two questions (per RT) regarding
the video presented.

Each question will be asked to other random

RT group.
Union of sets
• Let A and B be two given
sets then the set of all
elements which are in
the set A or in the set B
is called the union of two
sets and is denoted by
AUB and is read as ‘A
union B’
A= {1, 3, 5, 6} B= {0, 2, 4, 6}

𝑨 ∪ 𝑩 = {𝟎, 𝟏, 𝟐, 𝟑, 𝟒, 𝟓, 𝟔}
Intersection of sets
• Let A and B be two sets. Then
the set of all common elements
of A and B is called the
Intersection of A and B and is
denoted by A∩B

• Let A={1,2,3,7,11,13}

• Then a set C= {1,7,13} contains

the elements common to both A
and B

• Thus A∩B={x|xA and xB}

Number Heads
Determine the elements of the set that
represent A U B, A‫𝐵 ځ‬.

1. A = {2,3,5,7,8} and B = {1,3,4,5,6,9}

2. A = {1,4,6,9} and B = {1,2,4,5,6,7,9}
3. A = {1,2,4,8,9} and B= {3,7}
4. A = {3,4,6,7,8,9} and B= {2,5,7,9}
Follow up activity
The given activity reinforces students’ learning on
the topic, definitions on sets.
• Answer the Written Math B exercise on pp. 18
(11 to 22)
Advanced readings/Research
The given activity prepares the students for the
lesson, operations on sets.
• Research concept and examples about
difference and complement of sets.
Summary Paragraph

Write a paragraph about what you

learned about the union and intersection
of sets. Site some examples.
Sets and Set
Difference and Complement
Statistical Report Activity
Each RT will ask the following questions
regarding the topics:
(Assume that A is the first choice and B is
the second. The Universal set is the whole
1. Are you a fan of set A?
2. Are you a fan of set B?
Statistical Report Activity
Base from their answers your going to
classify/group them with the following:
1. I am a fan of Set A only
2. I am a fan of set B only
3. I am a fan of both sets A and B
4. I don’t like sets A and B
5. People that you didn’t ask
6. I am not a fan of Set A
7. I am not a fan of Set B
Statistical Report Activity
• Write all your findings on the a bond
• Select one member of the RT to
report the and explain the findings of
your RT.
What is the relation of the
classifications of the activity to set
and set operations?
Complement of a Set
1. The complement of a set A is
the set whose elements are
elements of the universal set
that do not belong to A.

2. Let U={1,2,3,4,…,20},

A’ = {1,3,5,7,…,19}
Complement of a Set
U={letters of the alphabet}
B={Vowels of the alphabet}


1. A’
2. B’
Difference of two sets
1. The difference of set A- B is
set of all elements of “A”
which does not belong to “B”.
2. In set builder form
difference of set is:-
A-B= {x: xA xB}
B-A={x: x B xA}
e.g SetA ={ 1,4,7,8,9}
Set B= {3,2,1,7,5}
Then A-B = { 4,8,9}
Difference of a Set
U={letters of the alphabet}
B={Vowels of the alphabet}


1. A – B
2. B – A
How can you use difference and
complement of sets in your daily-life
scenarios? Site some examples.
Let U={1,2,3,…,20} , X={1,2,3,4,5} , and

1. X–Y
2. X’
3. Y’
4. (XUY)’
You will write the following at the back
of your mathematics notebook:
• 3 things you learned,
• 2 things you have a question about,
• 1 thing you want the teacher to know

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