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 Solar

 Wind
 Geothermal
 water
 It is radiation from the sun that is capable of
producing heat causing chemical reaction
and generation of electricity
 It is the larger source of energy received
front sun but its intensity on earth is low
 Solar energy is becoming rapidly the ultimate
energy source because of its non polluting
 The sun is 150 million kilometers away and
amazingly powerful
 The sun produces large amount of energy
due to continuous nuclear fusion reaction
 In this process hydrogen combine to form
helium and excess energy is released in the
form of electromagnetic radiation
 The total energy emitted by sun per unit
time is 3.9*10^26watt
 The sun emits ultraviolet infrared x rays
visible light to atmosphere when ultraviolet
is not absorbed by the atmosphere it causes
skin burn or skin cancer
 The sunlight that reaches the earth consist of
50% visible light 45 infrared and some
amount of ultraviolet and other forms of
electromagnetic radiation
 This energy can be converted thermal energy
and electrical energy
 Two main types of devices are used for
converting solar energy into thermal energy
 Flat plate
 Flat plate
collectors are used
for house heating
 Concentrating
collectors are used
where high
temperatures are
needed they
reflect and
sunlight from wide
 Itis renewable form of energy and broadly
classified into active solar and passive solar
depending on the way they capture convert
and distribute solar energy
 Active solar includes solar panels and solar
thermal collectors while passive includes
orienting a building to the sun selecting
materials with favorable light dispersing
A device that convert light to energy
 A panel of interconnected assembly of photo
voltaic cells
 Used to supply electricity in residential areas
 There are two protective layer on the
 The top leyer is negatively charged and the
bottom layer is positively charged
 Consist of millions of atoms that produces
positive and negative charge
 Solarenergy can be
converted into
electrical energy by
photo voltaic cell
This converted energy
is used to provide
electricity to
calculators cameras
and watches
Unfortunately though
solar energy is free
but due to high cost
its uses are limited
 Photo voltaic is the conversion of solar
energy into electricity
 it is very reliable and require very little
 Generates no noise or pollution
 When sunlight reaches the panels the
electrons are knocked from the silicon
 These electrons move up from the bottom
layer of silicon
 They then crowed the electrons on the top
 The electrons on the top layer is then
collected by the external contacts on the top
 The electrons then provide power to the
electric system
Fossil fuels are burnt to produce energy which
produces pollution to the environment
Fossil fuels are also nonrenewable once they
are used it will take millions of years to be
 Our current energy source is running out and
causes pollution
 Solar panels not need fossil fuels and not
cause pollution
 They are able to generate electricity as long
as there is sun
 Pollution free
 the energy source is completely renewable
 Electricity generation to remote areas
 They can also be used to provide electricity
to the areas where it might be difficult to
construct power lines
 Require very little maintenance
A solar vehicle is an electric vehicle
powered completely or significantly by
direct solar energy. Usually, photovoltaic (PV)
cells contained in solar panels convert
the sun's energy directly into electric energy.
The term "solar vehicle" usually implies that
solar energy is used to power all or part of a
 Solarvehicles are not sold as practical day-
to-day transportation devices at present, but
are primarily demonstration vehicles and
engineering exercise
A solar cooker, or solar oven, is a device
which uses the energy of direct sun rays
(which is the heat from the sun) to heat,
cook food or drink.
 Solar cooking is often used in situations
where minimal fuel consumption is
important, or the danger of accidental fires
is high.
 The vast majority of solar cookers presently
in use are relatively cheap, low-tech devices
Simple solar cookers use the following basic
 Concentrating sunlight
 Converting light to heat
 Trapping heat
There are three types of materials that are
typically used in the construction of solar
cookers. A property that must be considered in
the selection of materials is moisture
 Structural material
 Insulation
 Transparent material
 Moisture resistance
 Structural materials are necessary so that
the box will have and retain a given shape
and form, and be durable over time.
 Structural materials include cardboard,
wood, plywood, bamboo, metal, cement,
bricks, stone, glass, fiberglass, plastic,
clay, earth, metals, tree bark, cloth
stiffened with glue or other material.
 Inorder for the box to reach interior
temperatures high enough for cooking, the
walls and the bottom of the box must have
good insulation (heat retention) value. Good
insulating materials include:
 Aluminum foil (radiant reflector), rock
wool, cellulose, wool, straw, and crumpled
 Atleast one surface of the box must be
transparent and face the sun to provide for
 The most common glazing materials are
glass and high temperature plastics such as
oven roasting bags.
 Double glazing using either glass or plastic
affects both the heat gain and the heat loss.
 Heat loss through glass or plastic is cut half,
the efficiency of solar cooker is increased
 Consumes no fuel/woods
 No loss of trees &habits
 Generates no air pollution
 Generates no green house gases
 Produces no smoke
 Eliminates fire danger
 This makes the process difficult during
winter months and on rainy days.
 Cooking also takes a significantly longer time
as compared to conventional methods
 Factors such as wind, rain and snow can
seriously hinder the operation of a solar
 Eyesight can also be damaged if the
concentrated beams of sunlight are reflected
back into the eyes from the solar cooker.
 There is a risk of accidental injury or burns if
the appliance is not used properly
 On May 29, 2012 Pakistan has stepped ahead
by inaugurating the first ever solar power on-
grid power plant in Islamabad.
 The Project titled "Introduction of Clean
Energy by Solar Electricity Generation
 This project includes the installation of
178.08 kW Photovoltaic(PV)
 A total of 356.16 kW of electricity can be
generated by the entire setup
 200 Houses in Thatta Electrified
 Recent Installations of Solar Tube wells all
across Pakistan
 Beacon house installed the first-ever high
quality, integrated solar energy system with
a 10 KW power generation capacity at
Beacon house Canal Side Campus, Lahore. It
was a pilot project for BSS, based upon
feasibility by the US Trade and Development
Agency (USTDA) and designed by the US
 RajaPervaiz Ashraf then Federal Minister of
Water & Power has announced on July 2,
2009 that 7,000 villages will be electrified
using solar energy in the next five years
Chief Minister’s senior advisor Sardar Zulfiqar
Khosa has also stated that the Punjab
government will begin new projects aimed at
power production through coal, solar energy
and wind power; this would generate
additional resources
Quaid-e-Azam Solar Park located in dessert area of
Lal Sohanra, Cholistan, Bahawalpur is largest solar
plant of Pakistan. It produces 100 MW solar power
plant, spanning 500 acres (200 ha) and hosting
392,158 solar modules. The project was initiated
by Govt. of Punjab The project was constructed
with total cost of $131 Million. The initial project
plan was made for 1000 MW , as first phase of
project 100 MW was installed, however, remaining
procedure was halted due to some technical
difficulties. Currently the transmission line has a
capacity of up to 400 MW and the utility company
is in the process of upgrading its capacity to
1,000 MW.
 The Government of Pakistan has allowed the
provincial government of Sindh to conduct
research on the feasibility of solar power.
The government is planning to install a water
filtration plant to make the seawater sweet
through solar energy, said Sindh Minister for
Environment and Alternative Energy
 Pakistan
has also set a target to add 5%
approximately 10,000 MW electricity through
renewable energies by year 2030 besides
replacement of 5% diesel with bio-diesel by
year 2015 and 10% by 2025
 Germany (9,785
 Spain (3,386 MW)
 Japan (2,633 MW)
 United States (1,650
 Italy (1,167 M
 Belgium (363 MW)
 China (305 MW)
 France (272 MW)
 India (120 MW)
Advantages and disadvantages of solar energy
can be different for different people
depending on :
 the geographical location
 the climate of the place they live in
 Environmentally friendly
 Renewable resource
 The power source of the sun is absolutely
 Most systems do not require any maintenance
during their lifespan, which means you never
have to put money into them.
 Solar energy generates electricity only
during the day time
 Solar collectors, panels and cells are
relatively expensive to manufacture although
prices are falling rapidly
 Large areas of land are required to capture
the suns energy
 solar batteries are large and heavy and need
storage space. They also need replacing from
time to time.
 Overall,the sun emits about 7,000 times
more energy than is required for human
consumption. Presently the total amount of
solar energy consumed for human use is less
than 1% of our entire energy requirements.
This means that an incredible amount of
energy is still waiting to be captured.

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