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Compare and contrast
Traditional Literature cannot that be defi
ned. We have many recognized movem
ents in literature that start around the R
enaissance. And after this era or period,
literature cannot be defined as tradition
al or modern because like language, lite
rature can be dynamic and arbitrary .

• Here’s a comparison of literature before a
nd now: literature before has a strict confor
mity on system, norm, elitism, and romantici
sm while literature now can have free verse,
focus on peculiar subjects, unconventional p
oint of views, and topics can be about techn
ology and new knowledge.
• Literature starts way back in prehistory wh
en everything was in the oral tradition. But lit
erature before and after 21st century have o
ral lore . Before, mythology and epics were
being told to generations and to generations
while our contemporary literature have spok
en word performances, poetry reading, etc.
• Creative writing were both penchants of wri
ters before and after 21st century, but the to
pics maybe different such as: human versus
god before, while human versus artificial inte
lligence now. This is about difference betwe
en 21st century and 20th century literature o
r in other words, this is about classic vs mod
ern literature.
• If traditional means not-modern and moder
n means 21st century… traditional articles w
ould be in the realm of expected formats suc
h as sonnets that would follow designated m
eters and rhyme schemes while 21st centur
y literature themes and rhymes are unconve
ntional and much more of an avant-garde.

• Here’s another difference of 21st century literature, modernists would be more i
n lines of free verse, no set rhyme scheme, or format unlike conventional writers.

• Again, the difference would be traditional follows expected forms and formats w
hile modern deviates. Anyways, there are disadvantages too on modernism. Her
e’s a related link: Is the experience of reading literature more important than goo
giling information on the internet?why or why not -

• • Ancient literature, if that’s what you mean by traditional literature, was predom
inantly oral, didactic and mythical, full of romanticism and idealism. Modern writ
ers are revolutionary and has this genre such as Dadaism to publish.
Some say that the small differences between ancie
nt and modern literature are actually hidden in shift
s in language.

• • Modern literature has this development of huma

n consciousness with a freer exchange of ideas.
The literature nowadays has shifted from bigger a
nd more basic human drive issues of survival.
Modern literature is predominantly written or audio-
visual while ancient literatures were spoken.

• • One thing that is very important to remember is

that the term “modern” poetry is used to describe
both recent poems and poetries written during sp
ecific literary period referred to as “Modernism”.
However, here’s a shocker, traditional poets wer
e not “traditional” at the time. They just known for
inventing the forms we know and study today.
Philippines literature
The diversity and richness of Philippine literature evolved side by sid
e with the country's history. This can best be appreciated in the conte
xt of the country's pre-colonial cultural traditions and the socio-politic
al histories of its colonial and contemporary traditions.

The average Filipino's unfamiliarity with his indigenous literature

was largely due to what has been impressed upon him: that his coun
try was "discovered" and, hence, Philippine "history" started only in 1

So successful were the efforts of colonialists to blot out the mem

ory of the country's largely oral past that present-day Filipino writers,
artists and journalists are trying to correct this inequity by recognizin
g the country's wealth of ethnic traditions and disseminating them in
schools and in the mass media.

Japanese literature
• The Japanese language itself also shaped poetic devices and forms
. Japanese lacks a stress accent and meaningful rhymes (all words
end in one of five simple vowels), two traditional features of poetry i
n the West. By contrast, poetry in Japanese is distinguished from pr
ose mainly in that it consists of alternating lines of five and seven syl
lables; however, if the intensity of emotional expression is low, this d
istinction alone cannot save a poem from dropping into prose. The d
ifficulty of maintaining a high level of poetic intensity may account for
the preference for short verse forms that could be polished with perf
ectionist care. But however moving a tanka (verse in 31 syllables) is
, it clearly cannot fulfill some of the functions of longer poetic forms,
and there are no Japanese equivalents to the great longer poems of
Western literature, such as John Milton’s Paradise Lost and Dante’s
The Divine Comedy. Instead, Japanese poets devoted their efforts t
o perfecting each syllable of their compositions, expanding the cont
ent of a tanka by suggestion and allusion, and prizing shadings of to
ne and diction more than originality or boldness of expression.

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