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Saba Trimazi
Bad Design

It is a bad design.

It is a visiting card and its color

combination is not good. It a combination
of Urdu and English, while it should be
complete in Urdu or English.

In my point of view, the picture of cars

should not be in it.
Bad Design

Its color combination is very un-attractive

and pink color is creating disturbing the
eyes to view it.
Bad Design

Its background blue color is not creating

good impact for viewer.

Its background should be white and the

logo of Timmy’s should be placed in the
transparent form.

In this designed, the typography should be

in black color.
Bad Design

In this design, it is a match box and its title

of 3 Talwar is not matching with its

The 3 sword logo is not for such products.

The purpose of this match box is going

down by the logo that are 3 sword on it.

It is not conveying that it is match box by

its logo.
Bad Design

It is a bad design because it is not

presenting the menus with its color

4 colors are used as background with

white typography color that is not

The products picture also not visible.

Bad design

In this design, the pull-off handles are

placed in bad location that make this
design poorly designed.
Good Design

It is a good design because its color

combination is attractive for the kids.

In this design, the typography is used for

kids to attract them.

It is game packaging for kids, to get

attention of kids for this game.
Good Design

It is a good design because its color and

background combination is relate to each

In this design, the product name is

“Energizer” is describe in cartoon form to
be energies.
Good Design

It is a good design, the colors are used for

soft and attractive and designed for kids.

This packaging designed, describes itself

that made for kids and kids softness.
Good Design

This designed is create for kids, its

typography and cartoons are used to
attract the kids.
Good Design

Its color combination and typography is

used to show the softness of the product.

In this designed, the elephant baby that

described the product for kids.

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