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Group- 16

• Kanika Goyal
• Abhishek Panwar
• Sakshi Rajput
• Akshay Nirwan
Power is the ability to make things happen according to
one's perspective by getting someone else to do it for
you. It is mainly beneficial in organizations where the
managers assign tasks to different employees and make
them do those tasks.

“ Power refers to the possession of authority and

influence over others ’’
 Coercive power
 Legitimate power
 Reward power
 Referent power
 Expert power
Coercive power is the ability of a manager to force an
employee to follow an order by threatening the employee
with punishment if the employee does not comply with
the order.
examples: Demotions , Pay cuts, Termination if
employees does not follows orders .
Legitimate power is power you derive from your
formal position or office held in the organization's
hierarchy of authority.
For example, the president of a corporation has
certain powers because of the office he holds in the
 Reward power is simply the power of a manager to give
some type of reward to an employee as a means to
influence the employee to act.
 Rewards can be tangible or intangible. The key distinction
between a tangible reward and an intangible reward is that
tangible rewards are physical things, while intangible
rewards are not.
 Examples of tangible rewards include monetary awards,
wage or salary increases, bonuses, plaques, certificates, and
 Intangible rewards can also be effective. Examples of
intangible rewards include praise, positive feedback.
Referent power refers to the ability of a leader to
influence a follower because of the follower's loyalty,
respect, friendship, admiration, affection, or a desire to
gain approval
Any member of an organization who has a high level
of knowledge or a set of specialized skills that others
in the organization do not possess may exert expert
power. For example, let's say you're a high-paid
lawyer at a Wall Street law firm
Expert power is power based upon employees' perception
that a manager or some other member of an organization has
a high level of knowledge or a specialized set of skills that
other employees or members of the organization do not

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