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We are Bourne.

A digital agency not satisfied being

called a digital agency.

Why digital (and content) needs to be central

in brand planning and strategy.

June 23rd, 2010

New York/London/Glasgow
Chad Butz: Planning Director
• 3 offices: New York, London, Glasgow
A digital agency
• 40 planners, marketers, creatives,
not satisfied being technical developers, writers, and
called a digital project managers

agency • Delivering work in over 25 languages

• Providing strategic planning guidance

and operational excellence across all
digital channels


• @wearebourne
A digital agency • Planning and Strategy

not satisfied being • Content/Editorial Planning and

called a digital
• Demand Generation
• Campaign Localization

• Marketing Technology

• Social Applications

• Interactive Customer Experience

Experience building brands and increasing sales for
national and international brands
State of the market: Brands are not keeping
pace with customers
• The way brands are researched and
The marketing selected by customers has changed
landscape has dramatically

changed faster than • Customers seek out information, they

ask hard questions and they want to
many realise. know as much about why and how you
do what you do, as what you do.

• To compete in this environment, strong

brands need to be saying the right things,
very often and very well. This is about
constant, creative content and
experience, distributed across multiple
channels, including those where
someone else takes your message and
makes it what they want it to be.
Digital has come a • Digital is meant to fast and flexible but a
great many businesses find it slow and
long way, but it’s painful

still has a long way • Digital is meant to be personalised and

targeted - CRM, Lead Nurturing, Micro-
to go segmentation, 1-to-1 Marketing etc – but
most businesses struggle to get one
version of their story out effectively

• Digital is meant to be experiential, but

many business don’t know how to carry
their brand strategy across deep and
meaningful customer interactions.

• Digital is meant to be results driven, but

driving digital through a customer
lifecycle is rarely accomplished
Imperatives for moving forward
• Brands are no longer built on fleeting
Marketing must encounters with advertising, packaging
ruthlessly instil the or single sales experiences or promotions

reality of today’s • They are now the sum total of what we

think, what we do and how we do it. Not
customers into their a few short above-the-line headlines
businesses • Requires a long-term structured delivery
of content and experience from a number
of angles – opinions, sale pitches,
entertainment, and education.

• And, in a variety of formats – static,

interactive and experiential across e-
mail, web, video, viral, and ambient.
• Marketing planning models are still
Digital demands rooted in traditional cycles, that were
commitment driven by rules that don’t exist online

to commitment • Digital has actually fostered a culture of

ad-hoc planning

• Brands cannot change opinions over the

long term if they are only ever planning
(or, more likely reacting) to what they are
doing next week

• Brands are impatient these days and the

traditional lessons of frequency and
repetition are getting lost. Run with
something for six months, and yes
internally, it feels like a long time. But to
customers, they’ve hardly noticed.
• Business must dig deep. Deep enough
Brand must into their own businesses and into the
lives of their customers to build in-depth
invest in insight personas, filled with lots of actionable
• Brands must use these to build brand
messaging platforms that have legs
beyond a one-off campaign.

• And then plan to work this with a

structured communications programme
that combines useful and relevant
content experience with sales and
marketing messages
• Brands that are online are publishers and
Digital demands they must act like it
that business • Publishers develop themes and create
change their stories. Then they create editorial schedules
that find as many creative ways of talking
behaviour and about that theme as possible. Then they
fight to meet their schedules
their structure
• Staff must be either recruited or trained to
facilitate insight and content generation. It
must be in their job descriptions.

• The fact is that right now, the responsibility

for this task is limited to a few – and almost
no one else has a vested interest in
supporting these people.
• Some of the greatest opportunities in
Integrated marketing, and in digital involve
marketing integration with offline marketing

planning must • Digital experiential and event integration

become a reality • Marketing and sales automation for lead

nurturing and customer relationship

• Data planning and integration with

online marketing systems

• Content strategy and social media are a

natural fit, but this is not being leveraged
• Marketing has so far failed to take
Businesses must control of digital technology strategy
do strategy first. • For large organisations, the technology
Then Technology decisions that IT departments make can
limit the capabilities of marketing and
sales for up to a decade if the wrong
decision are made

• There are two types of technology: 1)

That which enforces consistency and
control; and 2) that which enables
flexibility and speed. They mustn't be

• It is always better to get to market first

with lightweight technology and backfill
once you are know what everyone wants
The opportunity to embed digital into
brand strategy and planning
• Standard brand guidelines are not
Brand strategy enough
must extend much • Brand strategy and development must
deeper extend to:

- PR and sales strategy

- Content and editorial strategy

- Customer experience objectives

- Social media themes

- Customer lifecycle messages

- Rules of engagement for handling

two-way customer communication
Five areas to • Audit: Expand brand audit and project scoping
to include all digital assets
integrate digital
• Research: Ensure the initial research and
into the brand discovery process captures internal and external
insights relevant to digital campaigns
planning process
• Creative Concepts: Expand creative concepts
to a wider range of online executions to ensure
they work in an online environment

• Messaging: Expand messaging concepts to

social media, virals, blogs, website architecture,
and e-mail campaigns to show that messaging
strategy legs to work over the long-term and with
the volume of content demanded online
• Businesses need help in educating and
Strategy must structuring their organisations for digital
address marketing delivery

capabilities, • Changing behaviour around business

and marketing planning
behaviour and
• They need to develop a resource pool to
business structure facilitate content and experience

• They need guidance in choosing

technology that enables marketing and
Any questions?

Thank you.

New York/London/Glasgow
Chad Butz: Planning Director

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