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Energy Resources

All living creatures on the earth, either it is a plant, an animal or a

microbe need energy to perform their vital functions. The earth is
a vast storehouse of energy. The fossil fuels beneath its surface,
the wind and water on its surface, the plants growing on it, the
sunlight falling upon it, these are all sources of energy.
Use of alternative energy resources
Alternative Energy Sources
85% of the energy used today is in the form of fossil

Forms of energy OTHER than fossil fuels are termed

“alternative” energy sources.
Alternative energy sources can be divided into two
main categories.

1) Non-renewable energy sources

-nuclear power
-geothermal power
Geothermal Energy: heat energy from the Earth

-the conversion of natural heat from the Earth’s interior to

heat buildings and generate electricity.

-considered a non-renewable source when extraction

rates are greater than supply.
High vs. Low temp Geothermal
Low Temp: Use of groundwater, Which is 55 F year round.

Deep wells (over 100 feet) are dug, and groundwater is used as a heat source in winter, and
as a coolant in summer.

Initial costs are higher, but cost to run is much lower, and uses little fuel.
Outlook: excellent, low temp geothermal is becoming much cheaper to install, and the
technology is already in place for it to become successful.

High Temp. Geothermal: using hot water from the Earth as an energy source.

-uses water heated from features such as geysers and

2) Renewable Energy Sources
-Solar power
-Wind power
-Ocean currents/tidal
-Biomass energy
Solar Energy
The amount of incoming solar energy is immense.

-in 10 weeks, the amount of incoming solar energy would

equal the energy of all known fossil fuel reserves.

-Distribution is variable, due to climate,location on

Earth, etc…
-Active solar collection requires energy to run pumps for circulation of water or air, or to move
collectors orientation to follow the sun.

-water/air filled solar panels, with pumps

to move heat to where it is needed .

-The Luz Solar Electric generation system uses heated oil to generate steam,
which then generates electricity by a turbine. Located in the Mojave Desert,
The Luz Solar Electric Generation System
Photovoltaic Solar:
Electricity is created directly from special solar
Operation of Solar Cell
Polymer Solar Cell
Water Power: Hydro-power is a good
alternative energy source, because
it is essentially unlimited.
-Direct hydro-power: using moving
water to turn machinery, such as a mill.
-Hydro-electric power: using the power
of water to turn an electric generator,
such as in a dam.
Hydroelectric Power Generation
Power is generated
by harnessing the
energy of falling

The greater the

difference in water
level, the more
Outlook for Hydropower: The outlook
is generally good for hydro-power,
although there are a few drawbacks.

Dams prevent the migration of fish,

and also prevent the natural flows of
rivers, causing sedimentation behind
the dam.
Water Flow

Water level

New level of Sediment


Original Level of Sediment

Tidal/Current Power: generation of
electricity from movement of ocean
tides or currents.
Rising tides are trapped behind a dam,
then released to turn a generator.
Also some work on ocean buoys that
harness the movement of water to
generate electricity.
Tidal Barrage
Tidal potential of some large tidal sites

Country Site Mean tidal Basin Capacity

range (m) area (GW)

Argentina Golfo Nuevo 3.7 2376 6.6

Canada Cobequid 12.4 240 5.3

India Gulf of Khambat 7.0 1970 7.0

Russia Mezen 6.7 2640 15.0

UK Severn 7 520 8.6

Outlook: Generally good, but tidal
energy can only be used in areas
where tides are of sufficient height
to warrant an electrical station.
High costs may be associated.
Offshore buoys would need electrical
transmission lines along the ocean
Wind Power: generation of electricity
using wind to turn turbines.
Free energy, but needs to be in an
area that has constant winds with
enough velocity to warrant placing
Best used in particular sites with a
good steady supply of wind.
Energy density of wind, E=1/2(ρu2),

Power in the wind P= EuA=1/2(ρAu3)

Outlook: Wind power will continue to
grow, but in limited areas. Some
disadvantages and concerns exist.
Windmills kill birds, and interfere with
migratory patterns.
Large windmill farms take up large
areas of land.
Windmills also produce noise, which
may be objectionable.
Biomass Energy: energy from organic
Probably the first source of energy for
man, this energy is renewable and
Already in use in many places, such as
sugar plantations and saw mills.
Also includes the burning of urban
waste, in “trash to steam” plants.
Biomass Energy Production

(1) Anaerobic Digestion

(2) Combustion and Gasification

(1) Anaerobic Digestion
(1) Anaerobic Digestion

Acetogenic Bacteria

C6H12O6 2H2O 4H2 2CH3COOH 2CO2


Methanogenic Bacteria


4H2 CO2 CH4 2H2O

(2) Biomass Gasification

CO, H2

CO, H2, oils,

Outlook: Biomass fuel will continue
to be a large part of the alternative
energy picture. However:
Environmental degradation can and will
occur if the biomass is not harvested in
a renewable manner.
Burning biomass causes pollution,
especially air pollution, and leaves ash
behind. The ash can be very toxic.
The Future of Alternative Energy

Alternative energy sources will play larger roles in the future, but each
needs to be utilized in a manner which damages the environment as
little as possible.

Energy sources will need to be mixed, to use them to their

maximum potential.
Energy recovery

 Reduced coal fired power plants

 Reduced airborne particles, Nox and CO2
 Improved air quality
 Slow climate change
 Longer availability of crude oil
 Reduction of waste volume by up to 90%
 Lower fuel bills on transport
Urban problems related to energy
• Energy requirements in urban area is many folds higher
than in rural areas

• Industries, institutions, transportation etc.

• High standard of living in urban areas

• demands more amount of energy.

Hence for the sustainable development to solve the energy

related problems
Solar energy devices and systems.
Energy recovery from urban and industrial waste.
Biomass energy and co-generation in industry
Renewable Energy Source example-quiz.html

Non renewable energy sources

Use of alternate energy sources

Case studies: indias-rising-energy-needs

Case Studies in Municipal Energy Conservation

Energy recovery.
1. Which of the following is a nonrenewable energy resource?
a. Solar
b. Methane
c. Hydroelectric
d. Coal

2. Nuclear energy is derived from the
a. Combustion of atoms of U 235
b. Fission of atoms of U 235
c. Fusion of atoms of U 235
d. The burning of biomass

3. Limitations of alternative energy sources include
a. High installation costs
b. Unavailability of renewable sources of energy
c. Non-requirement of maintenance
d. Lowered dependence on fossil fuel

4. Which of the following energy sources does not produce carbon dioxide?
a. oil
b. Uranium
c. Coal
d. Natural gas

5. The benefits of energy recovery DO NOT include:
a. Longer availability of crude oil
b. Decrease in e waste
c. Reduced number of coal fired power plants
d. Extract energy from trash

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