Faculty Ranking 1

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Faculty Ranking

Faculty ranking shall be based on a

system which includes:

A. To cover only those who are

qualified, regular and full-time faculty
members. All other faculty personnel
shall be given shadow rank using a
separate ranking system and solely
for the purpose of renewing or terminating their services. All other faculty personnel shall be given shadow rank using a separate ranking system and solely for the purpose of renewing or terminating their services.
B. A score of very satisfactory for
six (6) consecutive semesters
shall be the basis of evaluating
faculty ranking. The criteria shall
1.1 Academic Qualification 40 points

Bachelor’s Degree, LLB/MA/MS Units 3

12-18 5
19-24 6
25-30 8
31 up 10
D.M.D. 13
MD,LL.B. without Board/Bar 17
LL.B/MD with Bar/Board,MA, MS,MBA,MPS 20
Doctoral Units
19-18 21
19-27 22
28-36 24
37-45 26
Coursework completed. No Dissertation35
Doctoral Completed with Dissertation 40
Added points
with Civil Service Eligibility 3
NC 1, NC2 3
TM 1, TM 2 4
With PRC License 5
B. Experience (within NVC) 10 points

Master’s Degree(one to Five years) 2 points

Master’s Degree(Six to Ten years) 2 points
Master’s Degree(Ten to Fifteen years) 2 points
Total for 15 years 10 points
Doctoral Degree(one to Five years) 8
Doctoral Degree( Six and Above) 10
1.2 Experience (Outside of NVC) 10 points
Master’s Degree(One to five years) 2 points
Master’s Degree(Six to Ten years) 3 points
Doctoral Degree(one to Five years) 8
Doctoral Degree( Six and Above) 10
B. Performance Evaluation 10 points

i. 2.61-3.00 3
ii. 3.01-3.04 4

iii. 3.41-3.80 5
iv. 3.81- 4.207
v. 4.21-4.60 8
vi. 4.61-5.00 10
C. Research and Publication 13 points

i. Applied 6.5
ii. Basic 6
iii. Action 2
iv. Unpublished Instructional Material 1.5
v. Published Instructional Material 3
vi. Scholarly Publication 6.5
vii. Editor of a professional Journal 3.5
viii. Creative Work 6.5
E. Training Programs 7 points

i. As Resource Person
International 5 points
National 4 points
Institutional 3 points

ii. As Organizer
International 5 points
National 4 points
Institutional 3 points
iii. As Participant 1 point
F. Professional Involvement 5 points

i. International
Officer 3 points
Member 2 points

ii. National
Officer 3 points
Member 2 points
iii. Regional
Officer 3 points
Member 2 points
Rank Level
Instructor 1 6-9
2 10-13
3 14-17
4 18-21
5 22-25
Assistant Professor 1 26-30
2 31-35
3 36-40
4 41-45
5 46-50
Associate 1 51-55
Professor 2 56-60
3 61-65
4 66-70
5 71-75

Professor 1 76-80
2 81-85
3 86-90
4 91-95
5 96-100
Rights and Privileges of a Full Time Member:
A. Benefits Provided by Law-

1. Maternity Benefits up to the fourth child.

2. Paternity Benefits up to the fourth child.
3. Paid Holidays
4. 13th Month Pay
5. 7 Day Sick Leave Benefits
6. 7 Day vacation Leave Benefits
7. Retirement Plan under R.A. 7641

The 7 days Sick Leave being a privilege extended to employees requires that the employee must notify the employer at the first available instance his availment of the sick leave benefit,
not later than two days after being absent, otherwise the employee shall be considered absent without leave. (AWOL).
In case of the 7 day vacation leave, the employee is required to notify the employer at least two (2) days ahead of time, otherwise he/she will be considered absent without leave (AWOL). The Dean or Head of
Office is under obligation to provide
substitute teacher each time a faculty
takes a leave.
Faculty Development, Scholarship Grants and Awards

It shall be the policy of the school to provide a program for faculty development through scholarship and assistance, including awards and recognition to ensure continuing
personal, professional and academic growth. Towards this end, the school
shall extend the following:
A. Incentive for Publication in Journals and High Impact Conferences.
a. All permanen t faculty members are eligible.
b. A residency at the NVC for 2 years is required.
c. Cand idates mu st p resent a paper or invited as a keyn ote speaker in a regional, nation al and international ven ue.
d. The benefits shall include plane fare, registration fee and accommodation, plus a reasonable allowance, but not to
but not to exceed once every two years;
B. Judge Rustico S. Quimpo Academic Enhancement Award

The RSQ Academic Enhancement Award is NVC’s program to provide assistance to qualified and deserving members of the Academic workforce.
The award is a continuing program that encourages faculty members to complete higher studies along vertical articulation lines.

1. Study Grant towards a Master’s Degree

a. All permanents faculty members are eligible.
b. Candidates must enroll in subject areas certified as priority by the Academic Committee.
c. The study grant shall not exceed three (3) years and any extension not to exceed one(1)year.
d. Must be willing to serve the School as a payback or return service equivalent to one (1) year of service per semester of study grant. This return service shall be commence to run upon completion of the grant.
e. A grantee must furnish the School a copy of her grades every term as a condition for re- enrolling in the current year. A grantee that discontinues, or is terminated for cause or is unable to render a return service shall reimburse
the school of all the cost of the grant plus reasonable interest per month.
f. The benefits shall include tuition and other
g. Transportation Fare, accommodation and
reasonable allowance.

1. Master’s Thesis and Doctoral Dissertation


a. A Thesis incentives not to exceed Thirty

Thousand (Php 30,000.00) for the Master’s
Degree and Fifty Thousand(Php 50,000.00 ) for
the Doctorate Degree, may be granted as thesis
incentives, which shall be paid on:
i)Upon presentation of Chapters 1, 2, and 3, one third (1/3) of the whole amount approved.
ii) Upon passing the oral defense., second release of 1/3 of the grant.
iii) Upon passing the final defense, remaining 1/3 of the grant.

b. The grantee shall serve the school as a payback or return service equivalent to two (2) years for the Master’s Degree and three (3) years for the Doctorate Degree. This is in addition to the return service mandated under the terms of
their respective Program. Failure
to comply with any of the terms shall obligate the Grantee to return the whole amount of the grant plus reasonable interest .

2. Study Grant Leading Towards a Doctorate Degree

a. All permanent faculty members are eligible.

b. Candidates must not be more than 40 years of age.
c. Candidates must enroll among the priority areas identified by the Academic Committee.
d. The Doctoral Program must be offered by an autonomous or accredited educational institution.
e. The grant may cover tuition fees, transportation and accommodation and reasonable amount of allowance.
f. Grantee must sign a return service contract equivalent to one (1) year per every semesters of grant. Any violation of the terms of the grant shall render the grantee liable to return the whole amount of the grant plus reasonable interest.
3. Support for Faculty Research Leave

a. Only permanent and full time faculty members are eligible for this grant.
b. The duration of the research leave shall be for a maximum of one (1) year. Any extension beyond the time shall not be allowed.
c. The research leave is without pay. Unless it is a school initiated research requiring the faculty to take a leave from teaching, in which he/she shall be paid based on the research budget. All school initiated researches shall be subject to the usual disbursement, liquidatio n pursuant to normal accounting procedures.
d. The Grantee shall render an end of research report.

4. Support for Membership in Professional Organization

a. Only full time permanent faculty members shall be eligible.

b. Only reputable, nationally recognized professional organizations are allowed.
c. Must
Teaching Aid Acquisition Benefits
1. Support the faculty development program in the area of
making available much needed teaching tools, materials
equipment, processes within easy reach by teachers at a
subsidized price, easy installments and salary deduction
and other similar schemes
2. Improve the teaching-learning experiences through the
use of the art, new technologies
3. Enhance the identity of the school as a modern and
progressive academic institutions equipped with the
latest academic technology in classroom, extension and
research activities
1. Only One (1) unit shall be covered by this
2. Preference should be given to full time and
permanent personnel
3. Letter of intent addressed to the Physical
Plant/Property Custodian
4. NVC will subsidized 10%-15% depending on
the amount of the item
5. Salary deduction for Ten (10) months plus 10%
interest on the balance
Research is one of the major functions of Higher
Education Institutions. It is a show window of
institutional competence. It complements and invigorate
instruction and extension. Research produces and
creates leading edge knowledge and provides dynamism
and relevance to instruction program. Without the fruits
of labor of the researchers, the extension agents will not
have anything to disseminate to students and the wider
The Northwestern Visayan Colleges is consistently
supportive in promoting our research system to higher
level.Considering the dynamic nature of research and
with the support of the Commission on Higher
Education to HEIs in performing their research and
instruction functions., the NVC always attune its
research thrusts and agenda along with the trends of
the National Higher Research Agenda (NHERA),
Department of Science and Technology (DOST) and the
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
(DENR) to become more locally responsive and

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