Failure To Plan Is Planning To Fail

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‘Failure to plan Is

planning to Fail’
‘Winston Churchill’
Case Out line

• Dean of SIM announce one week orientation program
out of which two days in Hilly valley resort.
• The program started late as a result in delay of all
subsequent program leading to inefficient
• Activités like campfire which was very necessary for
developing mutual understanding among students
got cancel due to unplanned session.
• As a result the programme was a failure leading to
unsatisfaction among students and faculty
Failure to plan is planning to fail, how do you
comment on this statement with reference to case

• No coordination between Dean and faculty

• No time management.
• Unplanned sessions
• Not enough space for yoga program
• Sound system was not good.
How do you relate absence of planning in present day
business context.

• Superiors take decisions without consulting

subordinateswhich result in improper
• Coordination is important.
• Understanding the corporate needs

Significance of participation in formulating the plans:

 Participation from all the

 Verticals involved in the program is very important
 Assessing, designing, developing, Implementing and
evaluating the plan.
 Only ideas and thoughts of an individual doesn't suits
all needs
To what extent need analysis is important in
organizing any event or programme.

 In simplest terms, a needs analysis includes all the activities

used to collect information about the students' learning
needs, wants, wishes, desires, etc….
 Some of resources for conducting a needs analysis may
include surveys and questionnaires, test scores, and

 As per the case study, needs can be:

q Institution needs
q Student needs
q Course needs
Importance of organizing and coordination

 The main reason that turned off the training program

was unorganized content.
 The whole controller of the training program was in
the hands of the Dean and was not formulated
 There was a lack of coordination with the Dean and
the faculty, due to which most of the sessions
ended incomplete.
 Due to which most of the faculty felt that they were
being ignored and they complained about the Dean
to the Director.
Discuss the importance of information sharing, which
is the key to effective management of training

• Information sharing mainly aims at reducing

miscommunication among the people.
• Due to lack of information sharing among the faculty and the
Dean, the training program wasn’t effective and useful.
• When the information is shared, planning of activities can be
done and it can be executed successfully.
• In the case study, Dean didn’t share any plan of his and so
every activity was unsuccessful. Therefore, information
sharing can lead to planning and perfect execution with the
support of all people

How could you have used Skill Assessment Tools
before arriving at the program module?

• We could set some parameters based on which we can
judge the students.
• On a scale of 1 to 10, we can give scores on the
various parameters.
• We can find out the parameters in which students
scored low and accordingly we can design the
customized training programme.

Do you think institute needs and individual student’s
career needs matching was important.

 Needs varies from person to person.

 Instead of catering individual needs, institute should

focus on basic needs which are necessary and
relevant in today business scenario.

Execution of the same plan

 The programme was tightly schedule and delay in one

programme will delay in all the programmes.

 Programme should have been conducted on the

campus itself by the coordination of faculty

 If they have conducted outside the campus instead of

stopping every activity halfway they should have
cancelled one activity to manage time effectively.
Thank you
Group : 1
Tamal Das
Sonam Bhatia
Roshan Jaiswal
Preeti Jagdeesh
Nishant Sharma

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