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 Program MA Education

 SS (2019_2021)
 Submitted By
 Humera Afzal
 Zanib
 Umer
 1: Method of Educational psychology.
 2: Conclusions Teachers Teaching & Learner
Learning and educational psychology.
 3: Educational psychology and teaching.
 4: Objective for Learning.
 Some method of educational psychology
 Introspection
 Observation
 Experimental
 Case study
 Interview
 Introspection means self observation.
 Introspection means ‘look within”
 It is not applicable for animals, child and
abnormal people.
 It is observation under controlled conditions.
 Observation should be made not only of the individual’s
behavior but of the whole situation.

Proper planning of the observation process should be

made; objectives must be clear and the proper tools for
recording must be kept properly.
Observer must select the appropriate number of
subjects to be observed. Too many will be difficult to
In the experimental method the conditions are always
 Usually the experimental method is applied on persons
in a random order.
 In the experimental method two different types of
variables are used:
(a) Independent variable like intelligence.
(b) dependent variable like home or school environment,
other socio-economic conditions etc.
 Basic preliminary information about the subject’s name, age,
parent’s age, education, occupation as well as social status.

 Proper physical check-up of the individual is done to ascertain

whether his/her behavioral problem is due to any disease. Only
in the absence of any physical ailment can psychological
treatment start.
 The investigator must not tire the subject; instead, regular
intervals of rest should be given. The method cannot be applied
hastily - it may go on for several weeks or months.
 The main objective of the interview method is to collect
information about unknown fact of the subject, his inner
 Another objective is to make sure that the interviewer and the
subject know each other quite well, so that the collected data is
verified well.
 Interview method aims at providing an opportunity to the
investigator to observe the subject very closely; as a result, at
times, the subject can provide new ideas to the investigator
which help the latter in research work.
 Ineffective teachers DISCIPLINE their classrooms.
 Effective teachers have a minimum of student
misbehavior problems to handle.
 Ineffective teachers are constantly fighting misbehavior
 Effective teaching and learning cannot take place in a
poorly managed classroom.
 Effective teachers make effective use of class room
management strategies
 Everyone has understanding, resources, and interests on
which to build. Learning a topic does not begin from
knowing nothing to learning that is based on entirely new
 The most effective learning occurs when learners transport
what they have learned to various and diverse new
 Teachers have a critical role in assisting learners to engage
their understanding, building on learners’ understandings,
correcting misconceptions, and observing and engaging
with learners during the processes of learning.
 Educational psychology involves the study of how
people learn, including topics such as student
outcomes, the instructional process, individual
differences in learning, gifted learners, and learning
 Educational psychology is one of the many branches
of educational psychology.
 Educational psychology is mainly dealing with
Problems, processes products of education.
 Educational psychology is a scientific discipline that
is concerned with understanding and improving how
students acquire a variety of capabilities through
instruction in classroom settings.
 A learning objective should describe what students
should know or be able to do at the end of the course
that they couldn't do before.
 The objectives must be clear to students. They ALL
must know WHAT they are learning and WHY they are
doing it.
 They also need to see the point of the objectives in the
bigger picture; that is, how they relate to the last
lesson’s learning, the course they are following and the
big overall goal.
 Learning objectives should be brief, clear, specific
statements of what learners will be able to do at the end
of a lesson as a result of the activities, teaching and
learning that has taken place. They are sometimes
called learning outcomes.
 The Learning objective or objectives that you use can
be based on three areas of learning: knowledge, skills
and attitudes.

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