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 Apron: The open space left immediately in
front of a berth of a ship is known as apron.
 Approach channel: The dredged clear channel
through which ships proceed from the open
sea to the harbour basin is known as
approach channel.
 Barges: The vessels which require less depth
of water are called barges.
 Basin: The water area formed in a port on the
sea coast protected by an out laying break
water is calledBasin.
 Berth: The space where cargo is unloaded or
loaded into a vessel is known as berth.
 Breakwaters: The protective barriers
constructed to enclose harbours and keep the
harbour waters undisturbed by the effect of
heavy and strong seas are called break
 Dock: the enclosed area provided for berthing
ships to keep them afloat at a uniform level to
facilitate loading and unloading is called the
 Estuary: The harbour constructed along the
banks of a river is known as estuary harbour
or river harbour.
 Harbour: The sheltered area of the sea in
which vessels could be launched, built or
repaired, or could seek refuge during storm
time and provide loading and unloading
facilities of cargo and passengers is called
 Hinter land: The area on the land side of the
port from where the port may get freight and
passengers for transportation is known as
 Jetty: A piled solid or open type structure built
out from the shore to deep water to berth
vessels along side is calleda jetty.
It is a narrow structure projecting from the shore
into the deep water with berths on both sides
and some times on end also.
 Littoral drift:
The exposed coasts are subjected to erosion at
certain sections and siltation at some other
sections due to wind and waves striking the
shore. These waves tend to stir up and move the
lighter particles of the sand in suspension. This
process of movement and deposition of sand
near the fore shore is known as littoral drift.
 Navigational aids: the devices such
lights, signals used as to guide
safe, efficient, economic and warn
and comfortable
travel of ships in rivers, oceans and harbors
are known as navigationalaids.
 Piers: The structures constructed
perpendicular or oblique to the shore of the
sea or river to provide bathing facilities are
known aspiers.
 Quays: The platforms constructed parallel to
the shore to allow ships to berth along sides
these platforms for loading and unloading
purposes are calledquays.
 Wharves: The landing platforms or places in
the form of walls built near the shore for
vessels to berth are known as wharves.
 Transit sheds: A covered arrangement for a
temporary storage of incoming and out going
cargo requiring protection and storage for a
short time is called transit shed.
 Ware houses: The permanent structures
provided on shore or behind transit sheds for
storage for goods for longer periods are
known as ware houses or storage go downs.

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