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Fundamentals of Human

Resource Management
Eighth Edition

DeCenzo and Robbins

Chapter 1
Strategic Implications of a Dynamic HRM Environment

Fundamentals of Human Resource Management 8e, DeCenzo and Robbins

• The World of Work - continues to change, but
at an even more rapid speed.
• HR must understand the implications of:
– globalization
– technology changes
– workforce diversity
– changing skill requirements
– continuous improvement initiatives
– the conditional work force
– decentralized work sites
– and employee involvement

Fundamentals of Human Resource Management 8e, DeCenzo and Robbins

Understanding Cultural
• Today’s business world is truly a global
village. This term refers to the fact that
businesses currently operate around the

Fundamentals of Human Resource Management 8e, DeCenzo and Robbins

Understanding Cultural
• HRM must ensure that
– employees can operate in the appropriate language
– communications are understood by a multilingual work force
• Ensure that workers can operate in cultures that differ
on variables such as
– status differentiation
– society uncertainty
– assertiveness
– individualism
• HRM also must help multicultural groups work

Fundamentals of Human Resource Management 8e, DeCenzo and Robbins

Understanding Cultural
• GLOBE Dimensions:
– Assertiveness
– Future Orientation
– Gender Differentiation
– Uncertainty Avoidance
– Power Distance
– Individualism/collectivism
– Performance orientation
– Humane orientation

Fundamentals of Human Resource Management 8e, DeCenzo and Robbins

Understanding Cultural
• Cultural Implications for HRM
– Not all HRM theories and practices are
universally applicable.
– HRM must understand varying cultural

Fundamentals of Human Resource Management 8e, DeCenzo and Robbins

The Changing World of
• How Technology Affects HRM Practices
– Recruiting
– Employee Selection
– Training and Development
– Ethics and Employee Rights
– Communication
– Decentralized Work Sites
– Skill Levels
– Legal Concerns

Fundamentals of Human Resource Management 8e, DeCenzo and Robbins

Workforce Diversity
• The challenge is to make organizations
more accommodating to diverse groups
of people.

Fundamentals of Human Resource Management 8e, DeCenzo and Robbins

Workforce Diversity
• How Diversity Affects HRM
– Need to attract and maintain a diversified
work force that is reflective of the diversity
in the general population.
– Need to foster increased sensitivity to
group differences.
– Must deal with the different
• Values
• Needs
• Interests
• Expectations of employees

Fundamentals of Human Resource Management 8e, DeCenzo and Robbins

Workforce Diversity
• What Is a Work/Life Balance?
– A balance between personal life and work
– Causes of the blur between work and life
• The creation of global organizations means the
world never sleeps.
• Communication technologies allow employees
to work at home.
• Organizations are asking employees to put in
longer hours.
• Fewer families have a single breadwinner.

Fundamentals of Human Resource Management 8e, DeCenzo and Robbins

Labor Supply
• Why Do Organizations Lay Off During
– Downsizing is part of a larger goal of
balancing staff to meet changing needs.
– Organizations want more flexibility to better
respond to change.
– This is often referred to as rightsizing,
linking employee needs to organizational

Fundamentals of Human Resource Management 8e, DeCenzo and Robbins

Labor Supply
• How Do Organizations Balance Labor
– Organizations are increasingly using
contingent workers to respond to
fluctuating needs for employees.
– Contingent workers include
• Part-time workers
• Temporary workers
• Contract workers

Fundamentals of Human Resource Management 8e, DeCenzo and Robbins

Labor Supply
• Issues Contingent Workers Create for
– How to attract quality temporaries
– How to motivate employees who are
receiving less pay and benefits
– How to have them available when needed
– How to quickly adapt them to the
– How to deal with potential conflicts
between core and contingent workers

Fundamentals of Human Resource Management 8e, DeCenzo and Robbins

Continuous Improvement
• Work Process Engineering involves radical,
quantum changes to entire work processes.
• How HRM Assists in Work Process
– Helps employees deal with the emotional aspects
of conflict and change
– Provides skills training
– Adapts HR systems, such as compensation,
benefits, and performance standards.

Fundamentals of Human Resource Management 8e, DeCenzo and Robbins

Employee Involvement
• Delegation – having the authority to make
decisions in one’s job
• Work teams – workers of various
specializations who work together in an
• HRM must provide training to help empower
employees in their new roles.
• Involvement programs can achieve:
– greater productivity
– increased employee loyalty and commitment

Fundamentals of Human Resource Management 8e, DeCenzo and Robbins

A Look at Ethics
• Three views of ethics:
– Utilitarian View – decisions are made on the basis
of their outcomes or consequences
– Rights View – decisions are made with concern for
respecting and protecting individual liberties and
– Theory of Justice View – decisions are make by
enforcing rules fairly and impartially
• Code of ethics - a formal document that
states an organization’s primary values and
the ethical rules it expects organizational
members to follow.

Fundamentals of Human Resource Management 8e, DeCenzo and Robbins

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