Tanveer Final Presentation

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Supervisor : Dr. Abdur Rashid

Dept. Of Electrical Engineering COMSATS
Institute of Information Technology,
Abbottabad, Pakistan.

By : Muhammad Tanveer ahmad


Presentation layout
Research Methodology
Work Flow Diagram
Problem Statement
Literature Review
Simulation Tool
MHO Relay model
Research Methodology
Stage 1
• Literature survey on MHO relay modeling and distance relays.
Stage 2
• Analyzing Transmission line Model and MHO characteristics
Stage 3
• Learning Simulation Tool (PSCAD).
Stage 4
• Modeling Transmission line and Mho relay characteristic in PSCAD.
Stage 5
• Mho characteristic Analysis in PSCAD.
Stage 6
• Getting Results.

Work Flow Diagram
Analyzing MHO
Literature Survey relay
Simulation tool

Modeling MHO Analyzing

Modeling simple
relay Faultless Line
Transmission line
characteristics results

Applying Fault on
Analyzing Faulty
Transient model Get Results
line in PSCAD
of T-line
Problem Statement
The thesis studies the modeling of MHO relay for power
system protection. The aim is to Model the MHO
characteristics and simulate the transmission systems using
PSCAD/EMTDC simulation software. MHO relay is modeled
to identify between fault zones location and study the
effect of resistance on the behavior of modeled MHO
characteristics. Test network used is shown in figure below.

Referenc Considered Model Analysis Done Transmission Simulation Solution
e of line line Length tool Technique
2009 [1] mathematical Distance relays Long EMTP mathematical
model modeling model

2010 [2] 3 Phase Time-domain Long MATLAB Differential

model environment Equations
2000 [3] 3 Phase Dynamic state Long N/A Modified
space model Fourier
2006 [4] 3 Phase Steady State Long EMTP State space
Model model
2012 [15] 3 Phase Microprocessor Long MATLAB/EMTP Programming

2015 Three Phase Multi MHO relay Long PSCAD/EMTDC Frequency

conductor modeling Dependent
Bundling (Phase) Model
Software and Techniques used before

In analyzing the problems in long transmission

systems and Relay Modeling

EMTP (Electromagnetic transient program)

PWS (Power World Simulator)

Simulation Tool

The transmission line and MHO relay

characteristics model is studied and
implemented in PSCAD.
 PSCAD is user-friendly.
Provide graphical user interface.
Provides powerful means of visualizing the
transient behavior of the systems.
 PSCAD/EMTDC provides a fast and accurate
Transmission line Models


Steady State Transient

model model

MHO relay working principal
The impedance of Transmission Lines is proportional to its
length. A relay capable of measuring the impedance up to a
given point can be used to protect a Transmission Line and is
described as Distance Relay. This is designed to operate only for
faults occurring between the relay location and selected point.
The Relay compares the current flowing and the Voltage at
Relay point. In case of fault on Transmission Line, the current
flowing to fault point increases and the voltage at relay point
decreases. The relay sees this as fall in impedance and if this is
below pre-fixed setting, the relay Operates.

Distance relay measures the apparent impedance from relay

point until fault point and send the trip signal when computed
impedance is less than set impedance [3]. 11
MHO relay impedance trajectory

Zones settings

Calculating the zones impedance settings
 Impedance of 300km line

Z of transmission line of 300km = 300 (0.12413 + j0.665 )

= 67.4375<76.33o Ohm

 Zone setting for Mho relay at relay CB1

Zone 1 reach setting = 80% of transmission line A

= 0.8 x (67.4375<76.33o)
= 53.95<76.33o

Set radius of the mho circle = 53.95/2

= 26.975 Ohm

 Zone 2 sets to back up Mho relay at relay CB1
Zone 2 reach setting = 100% of line A + 50% next line (line B)

=[1x(67.4375<76.33o)]+[0.5x(67.4375<76.33o) ]
= 101.16<76.33o
Set radius of the circle = 101.16/2 = 50.58 Ohm
 Zone 3 sets to back up mho relay at relay CB1

Zone 3 reach setting = 100% of line A + 120% next line (line B)

= [1 x (67.4375<76.33o) ] + [1.2 x (67.4375<76.33o) ]
= 151.75<76.33o
Set radius of the circle = 151.75/2 = 75.872 Ohm

MHO characteristics

Conductor data and Sag

Fig. 1 transmission line conductor data

 Conductor Configurations
– 3 Conductors used
– Bundled Conductors
– Conductors Spacing is shown in the figure 1.
 Sag: Vertical Distance between the highest and lowest point of the curve.
 Sag Calculations:
 10m for conductors
 10m for Ground Wires
Conductor data Calculations

 For Three-Conductors bundle equation is

𝐷𝐵𝐸 = 𝑟𝑥 . (𝐷𝐵 )2

 For Four-conductors
𝐷𝐵𝐸 = 𝑟𝑥 . (𝐷𝐵 )2 . 𝐷𝐵 2
 Conductor Configurations with equal spacing:
– 𝐿𝑎 = 2 × 10−7 (H/m)
– Where 𝐷𝐵 is Geometric mean distance.
– 𝐷𝑠 is Geometric mean radius.
– 𝑟𝑥 is radius of conductor
Simulation Data
Transmission line Data
• Frequency Dependent (Phase) Model.
• Three Conductors with Two Ground.
• 300km Long Line.
• 500kV 50 Hz used.

Faults Applied.
• Single Line to ground fault
• 60km, 20km and 12 km from the location of bus-A, bus-B and bus-C.
• 60 Km from bus-A with fault resistance of 10 Ω and 20

Single Phase to Ground Fault
 Calculations for single line-to-ground
 The Voltages and currents at the
point of fault are
 𝑉𝑎 = 𝑍𝑓 𝐼𝑎 ,
 𝐼𝑏 = 0
 𝐼𝑐 = 0
 Symmetrical components of current.
𝐼𝑎0 1 1 1 𝐼𝑎= 𝐼𝑓
 𝐼𝑎+ = 1 𝛼 𝛼 2 𝐼𝑏 = 0
𝐼𝑎− 1 𝛼 2 𝛼 𝐼𝑐 = 0
 𝐼𝑎0 = 𝐼𝑎+ =𝐼𝑎− =
 𝐼𝑎 = 3𝐼𝑎0 =
𝑍0 +𝑍1 +𝑍2 +3𝑍𝑓

Single Phase to Ground Fault sequence network

Calculations for single

line-to-ground fault
 𝐼𝑎0 = 𝐼𝑎+ =𝐼𝑎− =
𝐼𝑎 = 3𝐼𝑎0 =
𝑍0 +𝑍1 +𝑍2 +3𝑍𝑓

Simulation Results

To study the behavior of MHO relay

 To study the behavior of the developed mho relay

characteristics, fault at different locations on the
500kV, 300km transmission line and fault resistances
of different values were simulated using
PSCAD/EMTDC software. The behavior of the mho
relay is as explained here in after.

Case 1: L-G faults at different distances from the
relay location.

Single line to ground fault were set on the

500kV, 300 km transmission line model at a
distance of 60km, 20km and 12 km from the
location of bus-A, bus-B and bus-C


Zone-1 fault location (at 60 km from bus A)


Zone-2 fault location (at 20 km from bus B)

20km from bus B

Zone-3 fault location (at 12 km from bus C)

12km from bus C

Single line to ground fault with fault resistance

 Line to ground fault

with no fault

 i.e. Rf = 0

 Line to ground fault with

fault resistance

 i.e. Rf = fault resistance

Case 2: Single line to ground fault with fault resistance

 Single line to ground fault with different fault

resistance were applied on the transmission line at a
location of 60 Km from bus-A. Simulation results are
shown in following slides, when the fault resistance
is 10 Ω the relay detects the fault in zone 2 instead of

10 Ohm

Zone-1 with fault resistance 10 Ω

10 Ohm
Zone-2 with fault resistance 20 Ω
Now if fault resistance is increased from 10 Ω to 20 Ω then zone of fault again
changes from zone 2 to zone3

60km 20 Ohm 31

 In this thesis mho relay characteristics are developed using

PSCAD. The performance characteristics of mho relay was
evaluated at different locations with single line to ground
fault. Main conclusion of this work is as follows.
 The developed mho characteristics may be used for training
young and inexperienced engineers and technicians.
 Different case studies have been presented in order to
illustrate the response of the developed mho characteristics
at different locations, with and without fault resistances.
Resistive fault causes the relay to under-reach.

Future Work

 For future enhancement, the model can be extended for

other Protection Schemes.
 Presented Model can also be applied in other distance relays
characteristic and fault types. This model can be base for
complex system protection designing.
 The students are able to change simulation parameters such
Load and fault data.
 And observe their effects on the fault impedance locus.

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 [2] Hamid Sherwali and Abdlrahem, Matlab - Modelling, Programming and

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 [3] Z. Peng, M. S. Li, C. Y. Wu, T. C. Cheng, and T. S. Ning, “A dynamic State

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