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 He is a Filipino poet, literary critic,
short story writer, and a painter.
 He was born on August 5, 1908 in
Manila’s Singalong District.
 His parents were Simeon Villa
(personal physician of Emilio
Aguinaldo) and Guia Garcia (a
wealthy landowner).
 He married Rosemarie Lamb in
1946, with whom he had two
sons: Randall and Lance.
 He is known as
 He studied at the Comma Poet
University of the He died on
Philippines and February 7, 1997
took Pre-Medical at the age of 88
course but then due to cerebral
switched to Pre- stroke and
Law course. multilobar
However, he pneumonia.
realized that his He was buried on
true passion was February 10, 1997
in the arts. in St. John’s
 He usedg the Cemetery in New
penname is York wearing a
Doveglion Barong Tagalog.
(derived from
Dove, Eagle, Lion)
> Pro Patria Award
> Guggenheim
Fellowship in Creative
 Notable Awards:
> Heritage Award
> National Artist of the
Philippines (1973) > Tubod National Artist
> Best Story of the Year > LNNCHS Award for
(1929) Literature
> Academy Award for > YFC
Literature (1943) Fellowship/Campus Kuya
> First Prize in the > Outstanding Work in
Poetry Category of UP American Literarture
Golden Jubilee
Literary Contests (1958)
 Jose Garcia Villa’s  Afterthe publication of
works is focused mainly Footnote to Youth in
about life, about 1993, Villa switched
what’s happening and from writing prose to
it is based on real-life poetry. He is on poetry
situations. for his works are more
on sonnets and poems.
It was a story of a boy named Dodong who
was only 17 years of age when he decides to
marry his love one and it was Teang. Dodong
loves Teang so much that he could not wait
for the right age to settle down in a
relationship that is hard to escape. It’s the
Dodong: I’m not young anymore am I? I’m in
the proper age to marry. I’m strong enough to
build a family, so I must tell them…

*A few moments later…

Dodong: I should marry Teang. Will Itay allow

me? I love Teang. I’ll just ask Itay later…

*After that, he went home…

Father: How’s the field son?
Dodong: So far, so good…

*Then they finished up their meal…

Dodong: Father, I’m going to marry Teang. I asked her last night to marry me and
she said “yes”. I want your permission father…
Father: Must you marry Dodong? You are very young for that…
Dodong: but I’m already 17!
Father: that is a very young age to get married at…
Dodong: But I want to marry… Teang is a good girl…
Father: Then tell your mother…
Dodong: No Tatay, you tell her…
Father: Alright…
At the age of 17, Dodong and Teang got married
without thinking of the risk being in an uneasy part of
life. They just follow what they feel and don’t think what
would happen in their future. After several months of
living, they got a child.
Teang realized how hard being a young parent. She
regretted marrying in an early.
17 years later… their son – Blas had grown up already.
One day, he approach his father Dodong to tell him
Blas: Itay…
Dodong: Yes son?
Blas: I want to marry Tona. I’m gonna ask her tomorrow…
Dodong: Are you sure about marrying Tona?
Blas: Yes Itay, I love Tona and I want her…
Dodong: Must you marry her?
Blas: Yes Itay, I really love her…
Blas follows the footsteps of his parents. He
wants to marry also at the age of 17. He told his
parents what his plans and Dodong have nothing to
do but to explain how hard and how risky to be in
“marriage” at the young age… But like Dodong
before, his son also wants to pursue what he wants.
 The theme of the story Footnote to Youth by Jose
Garcia Villa is that, people will always go with
their feelings without further thinking. They will
do anything to get what they want, especially the
youth, they rushed on doing something without
even minding what may be the outcome of their
sudden acts and then regretting it at the end.

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