Integrated Marketing Communications Is A Way of Looking at The Whole Marketing Process From The Viewpoint of The Customer

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Integrated Marketing Communications

is a way of looking at the whole

marketing process from the viewpoint
of the customer.
The concept under Personal
which a company Selling
carefully integrates
and coordinates its Public
many Relations
communications Direct Consistent
channels to deliver and Clear
a clear, consistent, Marketing
and compelling Sales
message about the Promotion
organization and its
products Advertising
Definition :An endeavor of presenting a set of message to a target market
through multiple cues and media, with the intention of creating a
favorable response from the market for the company’s total product
offering and simultaneously providing for market feedback for improving
and modifying the offerings.

Role of marketing Communication.

Sender of market Messages.
Receiver of Market Response.
Personal Selling

Communication Idea

Direct Marketing Sales Promotion

Public Relations
Any paid form of non personal
presentation and promotion of
ideas, goods, or services by an
identified sponsor.
Examples: Print, Broadcast, TV
Personal Selling Sales Promotion
Personal presentation by Short-term incentives to
a firm’s sales force for encourage the purchase or
the purpose of making sale of a product or service.
sales and building
customer relationships.
Public Relations
Building good relations with the company’s
Various public by obtaining favourable
publicity, building a good “corporate image”,
and handling of rumours, stories, and events
Direct Marketing
 Direct
communications with
carefully targeted
individuals to obtain
an immediate

 Technology has
facilitated the move
from mass to
Maximum impact when coordinated with entire
marketing mix

? How does the process

? How to set a budget
? Legal and ethical
Managing the customer relationship over a period of

• How can we reach our


• How can we find ways for

our customers to reach us?
Encoding Message
Message Decoding
Sender Receiver

Feedback Response
 For the message to be effective, the
sender’s encoding process must mesh with
the receivers’ decoding process; therefore,
the best messages consist of words and
symbols that are familiar to the receiver

 This underscores the point: Senders need to

know what audiences they wish to reach
and what responses they want.
Identify target audience
Determine objectives (response)
Design a message
Select the media (channel)
Establish Budget
Decide on media mix
Measure results
Manage integrated marketing communications
? What will be said
? How it will be said
? When it will be said
? Where it will be said
? Who will say it
 Familiarity scale
Never Heard Know Know a fair Know
Heard of of only a bit amount very well

 Favourability scale
Very Somewhat Indifferent Somewhat Very
unfavourable unfavourable favourable favourable
Favourable Attitude

Low High
familiarity familiarity

Unfavourable Attitude
What is the Buyer-Readiness Stage?
Awareness Knowledge
Knowledge Liking

Preference Conviction
Conviction Purchase
Cognitive Affective Behavior
stage stage stage

Learn-feel-do: high involvement and high differentiation in product category.

Ex: automobile
Do-feel-learn: high involvement and low differentiation in product category.
Ex: aluminium sliding
Learn-do-feel: low involvement and low differentiation in product category.
Ex: salt
• Based on AIDA model (Attention/Interest/Desire/Action)

• Message Content (what to say)

– Appeal , theme, idea or USP for desired response?

 There are 3 types of appeal

1. Rational
2. Emotional
3. Moral
• Message Structure
– Open vs. conclusion?
– Two sides or one side?
– Strong argument last or first?

• Message Format
– In print ad: headline, copy, illustration & colour
– In radio message: words, voice quality & vocalisations.
– In product/ packaging message: colour, texture, scent, size &
– In presenters: body language, facial expressions, gestures,
dress, posture and hairstyle.

• Message Source
- expert, trustworthy & likeable
• Personal channels (advocate, expert & social)
– For expensive - risky highly visible products
– Word-of-mouth influence
– Opinion leaders key to reaching others
– The idea of a ‘tipping point’

• Non-personal channels
– Media: Print (newspapers, magazines). Broadcast (radio,
television). Network (telephone, satellite, wireless). Electronic
(CD-ROM, web page). Display (billboards, posters)
– Atmospheres: are ‘packaged environments’ Ex, 5 star hotel
uses tangible signs of luxury.
– Events: to communicate particular messages to target audiences.
Ex- sports sponsorships, news conferences, grand openings.
• Wide possible range
• Four commonly used
– Affordable method
– Percent-of-sales method
– Competitive-parity
– Objective-and-task
 Affordable  Competitive-Parity
◦ Set at level ◦ Set to match
management thinks competitors’ outlays
company can afford  Objective-and-Task
 Percentage-of- ◦ Set by defining
Sales objectives,
◦ Set at a certain determining tasks,
percentage of current estimating costs; the
or forecasted sales; sum of the costs is
or as a percentage of the budget
the sales price
 Establish market share goal: Co. estimates 50mn users and targets
8% market i.e. 4mn
 Determine the awareness percentage: Co. targets 80% of 50mn
users i.e. 40mn
 Determine the percentage of aware prospects that will try the brand:
The advertiser is happy if 25% of 40mn try the brand i.e. 10mn. And
40 % of 10mn would become loyal customers i.e. 4mn
 Now determine the number of advertising exposures that will make
users try the brand: The advertiser estimates that 40 advertising
exposures for every 1% of the population i.e. (80% of 50mn = 40mn
users) would bring about a 25% trial rate.
 Therefore determine total no. of exposures: 1% = 40 exposures, so,
80% = 80*40= 3200 exposures
 Determine the necessary advertising budget: One exposure costs
3,277 Rs therefore 3200 would cost 3200*3277= Rs. 1,04,86,400
 One auto dealer dismissed his 5 sales people and cut his
product prices and sales exploded.

 Avon concentrates on personal selling

 Revlon spends on advertising
 Electrolux spends on door-to-door sales force

 Ex: Proctor and Gamble ‘P&G’ no longer believes TV

advertising provides the best value. It asked its ad agencies
to focus less on TV and embrace internet, staged events and
direct mail.
• Advertising
– Reach masses of geographically dispersed
– Low cost per exposure
– Allows high message repetition - frequency
– Contributes to overall image
– Legitimizes product
– Expressive
– Costly - impersonal - one-way
• Personal Selling
– Build buyers’ preference - conviction - action
– Can observe mutual needs and quickly adjust
– Assists in developing relationships
– Buyer more likely to listen and respond
– Sales force a long-term commitment
– The most expensive promotion tool
• Sales Promotion
– Tools include coupons - contests - cents-off deals
- premiums - etc.
– Attract consumer attention and provide
information leading to purchase
– Offer added value - high purchase incentives
– Reward quick response
– Short-lived - weak at building brand preference
• Public Relations
– Typical tools - news stories - features - events
– Believable and economical
– Reach prospects who avoid other approaches
– Can dramatize a company or product
 Direct Marketing
◦ Direct mail - telemarketing - electronic marketing -
online marketing - etc.
◦ Private and specific
◦ Immediate
◦ Customized
◦ Interactive
◦ Suited to targeting and relationship development
Producer Reseller
marketing activities marketing activities
Producer Consumers
Push strategy
Demand Demand
Producer Consumers
Producer marketing activities
Pull strategy
Consumer Goods Industrial Goods
Advertising Personal selling

Sales promotion Sales promotion

Personal selling Advertising

Public Rel. Public Rel.

 Analyze internal and external trends that
can affect your company’s ability to do
business—look for areas where
communication can help
 Audit organizational communications
spending and reassess expenditures
 Identify all contact points for company and
 Team up in communication planning
 Create compatible themes, tones, and
quality across all media
 Standardize performance measures
 Appoint communications director

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