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Marcia Solís E-8-169-835.
Maestría en Ingeniería de Planta
In acoustic conditioning, structural designs of walls and
floors are usually contemplated, for example, and the
ventilation part is not given as much emphasis.

For this reason, the article Design and in-situ measurement

of the acoustic performance of a metasurface ventilation
window is chosen which mixes the acoustic insulation and
the efficiency in the ventilation of an enclosure through the
use of acoustic metasurfaces through a series of duct unit

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Recent studies have discovered that acoustic metasurfaces possess great

versatility in designing novel acoustic systems. An earlier theoretical study
pointed out that acoustic metasurface constructed using an array of
resonant-duct unit cells can provide superior sound insulation while
allowing air to ventilate through the openings distributed on the surface.

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Important meaning

• Natural ventilation is taken as one of • Transmission Loss (TL) a term widely

the ways of reducing energy used when discussing sound
consumption, however the public is insulation of a partition. Also known
concerned about its use since the as sound insulation and sound
types of windows that are normally reduction index, but should not be
installed do not offer sound confused with the propagation loss
insulation, that has made the or the propagation transmission loss.
technology have to innovate in (Associates, s.f.)
terms of design philosophy.

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The primary goals are to verify the design methodology,
validate the numerical prediction and demonstrate the
window performance using a fullscale experiment. To maintain adequate ventilation, the length of the
square hole c is required to be at least half of a or b,
whichever is smaller. The maximum c is set as
minimum c plus 0.06 m. Thicknesses of the

two sub-chambers d are both 0.02 m to keep the

window thin and flat.

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It is already known that the hole size c not only affects
ventilation but also has great influence on the TL
performance and effective frequencies of the unit cell. In
each TL contour, the common trend is that noise reduction
is higher with smaller opening c, and the working frequency
is slightly shifted towards higher with an increasing c,

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The lowest frequency range is achieved by 2x3 grid,
because it has tall and slender chamber (long a and narrow
b) to effectively lower the resonant frequency. Targeting
traffic noise peak at 1000 Hz, both 3x2and 3x3 grids can
provide a suitable attenuation zone.

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The panels are cut by a CNC machine and firmly glued to
form a unit cell. Then 3X3 cells are stacked by applying 3M
VHB tape to ensure the connections are tight. The partition
with a meta-surface window is located between two rooms.

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This study has presented an experimental investigation on the
sound insulation of a novel ventilation window designed using
acoustic metasurface principle. The new window design may
overcome the long-standing challenges of traditional ventilation
windows such as poor sound insulation, insufficient ventilation,
bulky window size and lack of transparency.

The sound insulation performance of the window prototype has

been determined in-situ using the two-room testing method. The
experimental results agree with the predictions and demonstrate
the superior noise reduction ability of the proposed window.

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