RPFT Presentation

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K – 12

Components and Exercise
Session Outline:
 Revisit on what Physical Fitness is and
its 2 major components.
 Discuss/Demonstrate the 14 RPFT
Activities, its:
- Purpose
- Procedure
- Equipment to be used
- Rubric of Scoring
1. Identify the different components and
exercises of RPFT.
2. Perform the exercises of RPFT.
3. Appreciate ways of taking good care of
one’s body.
What is Physical Fitness?
 It is the functional capacity of the body
that allows for an improved quality of
life. It is the body working at peak
 It is the body’s ability to do work with
alertness and vigor
What are the 2 components of
Physical Fitness?
1. Health-Related Fitness
- Has a direct relationship to good
health and reduces the risk of
hypokinetic diseases.
2. Skill-Related Fitness
- Sometimes called as motor fitness
or sports fitness because they are
used directly in specific sports or
Health Related Components:
 Body Composition – refers to the
relative percentage of muscles, fats,
bones and other tissues that comprise
the human body.
 It is the body’s relative amount of fat to
fat-free mass.
a.Body Mass Index (BMI)
Weight – the heaviness or lightness of our
human body.
Height – the distance between the floor to the
top of the head in standing position.

 Formula:
Weight in Kilograms
[Height in Meter]2
 Equipment:
Bathroom Scale
 Procedure: (Weight)
1. Wear light clothing before weighing.
2. Before the start of the weighing, adjust
the scale to zero point.
3. On bare feet, stand erect and still with
weight evenly distributed at the center
of the scale.
4. Record the score to the nearest 0.5
 Height:
 Equipment:
1. Tape measure laid flat to a concrete
wall. The zero point at the bottom of the
2. L-Square, and

 Procedure:
a. Stand erect on bare feet with heels, buttocks
and shoulders pressed against the wall with
tape measure.
b. Place the L-square against the wall with the base at
the top of the head of the person being tested.
c. Record the score to the nearest 0.1 centimeter.
BELOW 18.5 Underweight

18.5 – 24.9 Normal

25.0 – 29.9 Overweight

30.0 - above Obese

b. Waist Circumference – is a good predictor of
visceral fat which contributes to more
risk of cardiovascular diseases and
diabetes than fat located in other areas
 Equipment:
Tape Measure
 Procedure:
1. Wear light clothing before taking waist
2. On bare waist, stand erect and wrap
tape measure around the waist.
3. Record the score to the nearest 0.1
Centimeter Inches Centimeter Inches

Very High >120 >47 >110 >43.5

High 100-120 39.5-47 90-109 35.5-43

Normal 102 40 89 34.6

Low 80-99 31.5-39 70-88 28.5-35

Very Low <80 <31.5 <70 <28.5

 Flexibility – refers to the ability of the joints to
move through a full range of motion.
 Activities:
1. Zipper Test – a test of upper arm and
shoulder girdle flexibility intended to
parallel the strength/endurance
assessment of the region.
 Purpose:
To be able to touch the fingertips together
behind the back by reaching over the
shoulder and under the elbow.
 Equipment:
 Procedure: ( For the Student)
a. Stand erect.
b. To test the right shoulder, raise your right arm,
bend your elbow, and reach down across your
back as far as possible.
c. At the same time, extend your left arm down
and behind your back, bend your elbow across
your back, and try to cross your fingers over
those of your right hand.
d. Reach with the right hand over the right
shoulder and down the back as if to pull a
zipper of scratch between the shoulder blades.
 Procedure (For the Tester)
e. To test the left shoulder, repeat procedure (a-
d) with the left hand over the lest shoulder.
f. Observe whether the fingers touched or
overlapped each other.
g. Measure the distance in which the fingers
h. Record the score in nearest 0.1 centimeter.

Score Result
0 Did not touch fingertips

1 Just touched fingertips

2 Fingertips overlapped by 1-2 cm.
3 Fingertips overlapped by 3-4 cm.

4 Fingertips overlapped by 5-6 cm.

5 Fingertips overlapped by 8 cm and above

2. Sit-and-Reach – a test for flexibility of the
lower extremities particularly the
 Purpose:
To be able to reach as far as possible without
bending the hamstring.
 Equipment:
Tape Measure
 Procedure: (For the Student)
a. Sit on the floor with back flat on the wall. Feet are
approximately 12 inches apart.
b. Without bending the back, knees and elbow, place
one hand on top of the other and position the
hands on the floor.
c. After the tester has positioned the zero point of the
tape measure, start the test by reaching the
farthest point possible without bending the knees.
 Procedure: (For the Tester)

a. As the student assumes the (b) procedure,

position the zero point of the tape measure at
the tip of the finger farthest from the body.
b. See to it that knees are not bent as the student
reaches the farthest that he could.
c. Measure the distance of the farthest reached
the nearest 0.1 centimeter.
 Scoring:


46< 45-40 39-35 34-30 29-25 24-20

 Cardiovascular Endurance – is the ability of
the heart, lungs and blood vessels to
deliver oxygen to working muscles and
tissues, as well as the ability of those
muscles and tissues to utilize that oxygen.
Endurance may also refer to the ability of
the muscles to do repeated work without
undue fatigue.
3-Minute STEP TEST:
 Purpose – to measure cardiovascular
 Equipment:
1. Steps
Height of Steps:
Elementary - 8 inches
Secondary - 12 inches
2. Stopwatch
 Procedure (For the Student)

a. Position in front of the step.

b. At the signal “GO”, step up and down for 3
minutes at a rate of 24 steps per minute. One
step consists of 4 beats – that is “up for the left
foot, up with right foot, down with the left foot,
down with the right foot”.
c. Immediately after the exercise, stand and relax.
Don’t talk.
d. Then, locate right away your pulse. (The first
beat is zero)
e. Count the pulse for 10 seconds. Multiply it by 6.
 Procedure (For the Tester)

a. As the student assumes the position in front

of the step, signal :Ready” and “GO”, start the
stopwatch for 3 minutes Step Test.
b. After the test, let the student count his pulse
rate for 10 seconds and multiply it by 6.

 Scoring:
60> 61-75 76-90 91-115 116-130 130<
 Strength – refers to the muscles ability to
generate force against physical objects. In the
fitness world, this typically refers to how much
weight you can lift for different strength training

90 Degrees Push-up
 Purpose– To measure strength of the
upper extremities.
 Equipment:
Exercise mat or any clean mat
 Procedure: (For the Student)
a. Lie down on the mat, face down in standard push-
up position, palms on the mat under shoulders,
fingers pointing forward, and legs straight, parallel
and slightly apart with the toes supporting the feet.
b. For boys: Straitens the arms, keeping the back and
knees straight, then lowers the arms until there is a
90 degrees angle at the elbow.
For girls: With knees I n contact with the floor,
straightens the arms, keeping the back straight,
then lowers the arms until there is a 90 degrees
angle at the elbows.
c. Perform as many repetitions as possible, maintain a
cadence of 20 push-ups per minute. (2 seconds
going down-1 sec going up)
 Procedure: (For the Tester)
a. As the student assumes the position of push-
up, start counting as the student lowers the
body on the ground until he reaches 90-
degrees angle at the elbow.
b. Make sure that the student performs the
push-up in a correct form.
c. The test is terminated when the subject can
no longer perform the push-ups in the correct
form (three correction are allowed) is in pain
voluntarily stops, or cadence is broken.
 Scoring:
Repetitions Excellent Very Good Good Fair NI
10-19 yo 36 29-35 22-28 17-21 16>
Male 20-29 yo 36 29-35 22-28 17-21 16>
30-39 yo 30 22-29 17-21 16-12 11>
40-49 25 17-24 13-16 10-Dec 9>
Repetitions Excellent Very Good Good Fair NI
10-19 yo 30 21-29 15-20 14-Oct 9>
Female 20-29 yo 30 21-29 15-20 14-Oct 9>
30-39 yo 27 20-26 13-19 12-Aug 7>
40-49 24 15-23 14-Nov 10-May 4>
Curl –ups
 Purpose – To measure the abdominal
 Equipment:
exercise mat or any other clean mat
 Procedure: (For the Student)
a. Assume a lying position with feet flat on the floor and
knees bent at about 90-degrees, palms down at the
sides with fingertips touching the first tapeline.
b. Complete a slow controlled curl-ups, sliding fingertips
along the floor until they touch the second tapeline.
c. The curl-ups should be perform at a rate of 3 seconds
or 20 curl-ups per minute (2 seconds going up and 1
second going down)
d. There should be not rest at the bottom position and
perform as many curl-ups as possible without
 Procedure: (For the Tester)
a. Ensure a mat that has tapeline set 12 centimeters
b. One curl-up is counted once the shoulder blade
touches the floor.
c. Make sure that student perform the curl-ups in a
correct form.
d. The test is terminated when the subject can no
longer perform the curl-ups in the correct form (three
corrections is allowed), is in pain, voluntarily stops,
or cadence is broken.
 Scoring:
20< 16-19 11--15 6--10 1--5 0
Skill-Related Fitness
 Speed – The ability to perform movement in a
short period of time.

40 Meter Sprint
 Purpose – to measure running speed
 Equipment:
1. Stopwatch
2. Running area with known measurement
 Procedure: (For the Student)
a. Stand behind the take-off line, tips of shoes should
not go beyond the line.
b. At the signal “GO”, run to the finish line as fast as
you can.
 Procedure: (For the Tester)
a. Set the running lane with the measurement of
40 meters.
b. Set the stopwatch to zero point.
c. As you signal “GO”, start the watch and stop it
as the subject crosses the finish line.
d. Record score in seconds.

 Scoring:
4.5> 4.6-5 sec 5.1-5.5 sec 5.6-6 sec 6.1-6.5 6.5<
 Power – The ability to transfer energy into
force at a fast rate.
Basketball Pass
 Purpose – to measure explosiveness of
strength and power of the upper
body muscles.
 Equipment:
1. Basketball Size 7
2. Throwing area
 Procedure: (For the Student)
a. Sit on the floor on buttocks with head and back
resting against the wall while the legs are stretched in
front of the body.
b. Using the chest pass, push the ball with two hands as
far as possible. Make sure that your head, shoulders
and buttocks remain attached to the wall.

 Procedure: (For the Tester)

a. See to it that the position of the subject is in the right
b. Set the point zero of the measurement at the edge of
the wall.
c. After the throw, spot the mark where the base of the
ball first make contact on the floor on the first bounce
closest to the take-off line.
d. Record score to the nearest 0.5 meters.
 Scoring:


10m< 8-9.9m 6-7.9m 4-5.9m 2-3.9m 1.9>
 Standing Long Jump
 Purpose – to measure the explosive strength
and power of the leg muscles.
 Equipment:
1. Measuring device at least 3 meter long
2. Meter stick
 Procedure: (For the Student)
a. Stand behind the take-off line, the tips of your
shoes should not go beyond the line.
b. As you prepare to jump, bend your knees and
swing your arms backward and jump as far as
you can.
 Procedure: (For the Tester)
a. Lay the measuring device on the floor.
b. Set a take-off line in the point zero of the
measuring device.
c. After the jump, spot the mark where the
back of the heels of the subject has landed
closest to the take-off line.
d. Record the score in the nearest centimeter.
 Scoring:


139≥ 140-159 160-179 180-199 200-219 220≤
 Agility – is the ability to change the direction
quickly using a combination of
balance, coordination, speed,
strength and endurance.
Hexagon Agility Test
 Purpose – to measure the ability to move
quickly while maintaining balance.
 Equipment:
1. Tape measure
2. Stopwatch
3. Chalk or tape for marking the ground
 Procedure: (For the Student)
a. Start with both feet together in the middle of
a hexagon facing the front line.
b. On the command “GO”, jump ahead across
the line, then back over the same line into
the middle of the hexagon.
c. Then, continuing to face forward with feet
together, jump over the next side and back
into the hexagon.
d. Continue this pattern for three full
 Procedure: (For the Tester)
a. Mark a hexagon (six sided shape) on the floor.
The length of each side should be 24 inches
and each angle should work out to be 120
b. Record the time taken to complete three full
revolution. The best score from two trials is
recorded in seconds.
c. If the subject jumps the wrong line or land on a
line then the test is to be restarted.
 Scoring:

Test Male 15.2≥ 15.3-16.2 16.3-17.2 17.3-18.2 18.3-19.2≤

Female 17.2≥ 17.3-18.2 18.3-19.2 19.3-20.2 20.3-21.2≤

 Reaction Time – The time elapsed between
stimulation and the beginning of
reaction to that stimulation.
Stick Drop Test
 Purpose – to measure the reaction time as to
how fast a person can respond to a
stimulus, the higher your score, the
faster your reaction time.
 Equipment:
1. Ruler or stick of 24 inches long
2. Armchair or table and chair
 Procedure: (For the Student)
a. Sit in an armchair so that your elbow and the
lower arm rest on the desk.
b. The heel of your hand should rest on the desk
so that only the fingers and thumb extend
beyond the edge of the desk.
c. As the tester drop the stick, catch it with thumb
and index finger as fast as possible without
lifting elbow from the desk. It is important that
you react only to the dropping of the stick
d. Your score is the number of inches read on the
ruler/stick just above the thumb and index finger
after you catch the stick.
 Procedure: (For the Tester)
a. Hold the ruler or stick at the top, allowing it to
dangle between thumb and fingers of the subject.
b. The ruler/stick should be held so that the 24-inch
mark is even with your thumb and index finger. No
part of the hand of the subject should touch the
c. Without warning, drop the stick, and let the subject
catch it with his thumb and index finger.
d. Give the test three times. Be careful not to drop the
stick at predictable time intervals so that the
subject cannot guess when it will be dropped.
e. Scoring:
21-24 17-20 13-16 9-12 5-8 1-4
 Coordination – The ability to use senses with
the body parts to perform motor tasks
smoothly and accurately.
 Paper Juggling – is a physical human skill
involving the movement of an object,
usually through air.
 Purpose – to measure the coordination of the
individual in the performance of motor
 Equipment:
1. A piece of crumpled coupon bond paper
 Procedure: (For the Student)
a. Stand in an area with n o obstruction
b. Hit the crumpled paper 6 times alternately with
right and left palm in upward motion.
(For the Tester)
a. See to it the subject hit the crumpled paper
six times alternately with his right and left
b. Count up how many times the subject has hit the
crumpled paper.
 Scoring:
6 touches 5 touches 4 touches 3 touches 2 touches 1 touch
 Balance – is the maintenance of equilibrium
while stationary or while moving.
 Stork Balance Stand Test
 Purpose: (For the Student)
a. Remove the shoe and put the hands on the hips.
b. Position the non-supporting foot against the inside knee of the
supporting leg.
c. Raise the heel to balance on the ball of the foot.
(For the Tester)
a. The subject is given a one minute to practice the balance.
b. The stopwatch is started as the heel is raised from the floor.
c. The stopwatch is stopped if any of the following occur:
1. The hands came off the hips
2. The supporting foot swivels or moves (hops) in any direction
3. The non-supporting foot looses the contact with the knee.
4. The heel of the supporting foot touches the floor.

 Scoring:
5 sec 4 sec 3 sec 2 sec 1 sec 0

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