Communication Breakdown

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Prepared by: Ms. Jannah Salazar

• another term for misunderstanding,
• or in short something gets in the way in the
communication process that makes the
transaction unsuccessful
• Process barriers
Some barriers – one of the elements in the
that may cause
communication process
breakdown in
blocked the flow of messages
• Physical barriers
– distracting sounds and noise

Some barriers
– Ex. a very cold or hot room
that may cause
– your little brother standing in
breakdown in front of the TV while you’re
communication watching your favorite
“telenovela” or show
– smudges on the printed page
• Semantic barriers
– refer to problems arising from
Some barriers the expression or transmission of
that may cause meaning
breakdown in – misunderstanding or difference
communication in interpretation may occur since
no two people can have exactly
the same frame of reference
• Psychosocial barriers
– can be one’s status and
Some barriers perception
that may cause – It gives rise to personal
breakdown in barriers caused by the
communication superior – subordinate
1. Apply positive self-talk and
Strategies to 2. Use appropriate language.
Communication 3. Be open. Suspend your
Breakdown own judgment, ideas, and
4. Give and accept feedback.
• Communication is a free flowing of
ideas exchanged by the members
of a certain group.
• The communicators may be
Intercultural coming from all walks of life from
Communication different parts of the world.
• The verbal and nonverbal
communication that they are
exchanging involve their
background and values.
• Symbolic exchange
Symbols and signs can be an option to
bridge miscommunication brought
about by language.
Importance of • Irreversible process
Intercultural It is a permanent procedure in a mutually
Communication dependent environment of intercultural
This means that a communicator may not
be changing his/her cultural
communication but he/she can adjust to
cultural communication of others.
• Different cultural communities
A cultural community is
Importance of composed of interacting individuals
Intercultural with shared beliefs and way of life.
Communication Intercultural communication is a
convention where a number of
cultural communities share unified
• Negotiate shared meanings
Agree on general objective of
the intercultural communication
Importance of • Interactive situation
The interactive scene involves
Communication the physical setting like seating
arrangement and psychological
features such as behavior, cognitive
concepts, social skills, etc.
• Cultural identity
refers to the membership and
acceptance into a larger cultural group
that share a system of tradition, norms
Socio-Cultural and values
Aspects of • Gender role
Intercultural Like culture, communicators must
Communication respect and accept the gender
preference of each human being.
People do not have the authority to
judge or condemn others’ sexual
• Age identity
refers to how people feel and
think about themselves as they age
Socio-Cultural Not all children are innocent and
Aspects of childish, even adults are not all
Intercultural matured and responsible.
Communication • Social class
is the rank assigned by the
society to its members according to
their income, titles, possessions, etc.
• Religious identity
refers to the active or inactive
membership of a person to a certain
Socio-Cultural religious organization
Aspects of .
A. Directions: In the following situations, write whether there was
an efficient communication (EC) or a communication breakdown
(CB). Explain why in 3 -5 sentences.
1. A mother asked her Visayan house help to buy “tuyo” (salted
dried fish) at the store. She comes back carrying Marca Pina
soy sauce.
2. Two classmates have just had their Literature class. One
tells the other, “Can I bring your book home so I can
memorize my lines in the play?” The other one says, “Sure
just be sure to return it tomorrow.” The next day, the
borrower returned the owner’s book on time.
3. A student is asking a teacher to accept him as an irregular
student in her class. As they walk along the corridor, the
teacher asks, “Maybe, I can accommodate you. Are you a
hard-working student?” The student answers, “Yes, Ma’am,
I’m a working student.”
4. The teacher asked the class, “In this map, where is North
America, Maria?” Maria went to the board and said, “Here,
Ma’am.” Then the teacher said, “ Good.” Now class, who
discovered North America?” The whole class answered,
“Maria, Ma’am.”
5. The teacher starts her class by saying, “Our lesson for
today is about planets. Earth is the third planet from the
sun. Now, what is next to Mercury, Pedro?” Pedro
answered, “Parang 7-11 yata Ma’am. Di ako sure.”
B. Directions: In 3 to 5 sentences, explain how communication
breakdown can take place in the following situations.
1. Giving comments and reacting to twitter messages
2. Scolding the girl for visiting a male classmate
3. Labelling a student discourteous for not saying “po” or
4. Extending the lecture after the bell has rung signalling lunch
5. Telling the patient who attempted to commit suicide, to be
strong because life is beautiful

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