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1. Describe the concept of consumer
buying behavior.
2.Identify other environmental factors
that influence consumer buying
3. Enumerate the steps in the buying
decision process.
Essential Question
“How do you purchase a
product or avail a service?”
n. – a person who buys
goods and services
n. – reaction of the
consumers to changes
happening in the environment
that influence their buying
BEHAVIOR is simply the
reaction of the consumers to
various events/forces that are
happening in the business
community which contribute to
the decision process.
Determining the buying
behavior of the consumers
is not easy. It may take
several wild guesses to
predict their reactions and
responses to the stimuli.
Environmental Factors
Cultural Factor
Social Factor
Personal Factor
Psychological Factor
Cultural Factor
-perceptions, attitudes, value
system, and even religion of ethnic
and racial groups.

The entrepreneur needs to determine

the dominant culture.
Social Factor
-social classes where the consumers
belong and their social roles and

Each category of social class has a

different pattern of buying behavior
Personal Factor
-personal choices based on age,
occupation, income, and lifestyle

The entrepreneur has to be conscious

of the changes happening in the
buying behavior of consumers
Psychological Factor
-specific experiences with particular
products or services

The entrepreneur must have

conducted a substantial research
Buying Decision Process
1. Recognition of their needs and wants
2. Search for relevant information about the product

3. Evaluation of alternatives

4. Purchase decision

5. Post-purchase analysis
1. Recognition of the Consumers’ Needs
and Wants

When a person feels that there is a need to

buy, then he/she processes the thought of

The recognition of wants is usually the result

of external factor that stimulates desire
2. Search for Relevant Information
about the Product

Commercial publications; Advertising

catalogs; Tv and Radio Commercials;
Colleagues; Internet

The entrepreneur must be watchful enough to

design the right advertising or promotional
3. Evaluation of Alternatives
Intelligent comparison of different brands

Significant areas of the product:

1. Price
2. Quality and durability
3. Brand, color, and design
4. Terms and conditions
5. Required payment
6. Amount of credit
4. Purchase Decision

Stage when the consumer actually buys the


The entrepreneur must clearly define how the

buyers formulate their purchase decision in
order to prepare the proper marketing
approaches to influence their final decision.
5. Post-purchase Analysis

Stage when the consumer makes a simple

analysis whether his/her expectation has been
met or not

The entrepreneur must gather enough

information about the level of satisfaction
manifested by the consumers.

1. Complex Buying Behavior

The decision process happen in a long period.

The pros and cons, probable effects, price,

amenities, and quality must be carefully
examined and evaluated before buying.

This is usually manifested when buying

expensive goods.
2. Simple Buying Behavior
The decision process happen in a short period
because consumers are not attached to certain

The consumers don’t gather enough information

about the product and they can easily switch to
another product.

This is usually manifested when buying low-

priced and needed goods.
3. Brand-Sensitive Buying Behavior
The decision process is based on very particular
brand and identified as “sosyal” because of the
branded products they are using.

They highly value branded products and less

concerned with the price.

This is usually manifested by upper social class

in the community.
4. Price-Sensitive Buying Behavior
The decision process is based on specific
prices of the products.

They price is the determining factor when

they buy a product.

They are referred to as “thrifty” consumers.

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