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"We in Himalaya are facing a crisis of
survival due to the suicidal activities being
carried out in the name of development...
The monstrous Tehri dam is a symbol of
this... There is need for a new and long-term
policy to protect the dying Himalaya. I do not
want to see the death of the most sacred
river of the world - the Ganga - for short-term
economic gains."



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Highlights of the movement
( Women¶s active participation,anti-
( Forest contractors tried to women by giving µem
µem alcohol
( Started A.P,in chittoor district
( Issue of alcoholism also raised

( Formed in Maharashtra
( Against cast base inequalites
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‰eliberations during the colonial period on social and

economic issues during the colonial period gave rise to
independent social movements like bla bla bla«
These movements raised issues related to some
underlying social conflicts.
Movements in the Post-
independence period

( Had a strong
presence among the
industrial workers Kanpur
( Major cities
( Major pol. Parties àumbai
established their
own trade unions

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1. Economic injustice
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2. Inequality

 These movements did not participate in elections formally

 Yet they retained connections ± coz many participants in these

movements, as individuals and as organizations were actively
associated with parties

 Benefit ± These links ensured better representation of the demands

of diverse social sections in party politics.
i i ± PARTY à EàEiTS
V Rise

V Participants

V oluntary rganizations

V ion party political formations

V Present Scenario

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