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English 3

Dyadic Communication
• Dyadic simply means “between two,” so dyadic
communication is communication between two people or creatures. Here are
some examples:
• A conversation between two friends.
• A private professional conversation, such as a consultation with a lawyer.
• A exhange of letters or emails.
Types of Dyadic
Formal dyadic communications
Formal dyadic communications are serious conversations between family and
friends, interviews, confessions or counseling.
Informal dyadic communications
• Informal dyadic communications are chatting between friends and family or
lighthearted joking.
• It is impossible not to communicate, and it is important to remember that
not all communication within the dyad is verbal. It is often true that much of
our communication is non-verbal. Body language, posture, tone of voice,
and facial expressions must also be considered when interpreting messages in
dyadic communication or in any other type of communication.
• Dialogue is between two persons. Most part of the dialogue includes
Questions and answers, requests and information. Dialogue is a
conversational exchange between two people. Dialogue is for purpose.
• Conversation is talking between two or more persons. In talking you can say
everything, even you can joke, you can tell a story, you can laugh.
Conversation is informal interchange of thoughts, information, etc., by
spoken words; oral communication between persons; talk; colloquy.
Four major types of
1. One-on-one interview
• A one-on-one interview is the most common and widely used type of interview.
Under this approach, single interviewer interviews single candidate and these
interviews are held in series. For an example, the candidate is first
interviewed by the HR manager, followed by the interview with departmental
manager and finally with the general manager.
i. Teleponic Interview
ii. Video-call Interview
Telephonic interview
• Generally, the telephonic interview is a pre-screening interview in which the
interviewer analyzes the candidate through a phone call. Such calls can be
made with or without prior information. Telephonic interview is not a reliable
way of the interview because the interviewer is unaware of the person on the
other side of the phone.
Video-call interview
• The video-call interview is the next level of the telephonic interview which
allows the interviewer to see who he/she is interviewing. Applications
specialized for video chats and voice call such as Skype, Google Chat, WebEx,
Blue Jeans, etc are used to conduct such interview. Usually, such interview is
preferred when either of the party cannot be physically accessed.
2. Panel interview
• A panel interview is a type of interview which is conducted between the single
candidate and a panel of interviewers. A panel of interviewers may include 2
or more experts from the specific field. In such interview, questions are raised
by every member of the panel in order and the interviewee is asked to answer
3. Group interview
• A group interview is a type of interview in which a group of candidates is interviewed
at a single time. The interviewees may be evaluated by a single interviewer or a panel
of the interviewers.
• In such interview, the group of interviewees is given a relevant topic for discussion
and supervisors or observers assesses the performance of each candidate carefully.
Candidates should actively participate in such discussions and make responses to
many questions as possible, complimenting other candidates’ views and debating
politely. Finally, the interviewers withdraw results in accordance.
4. Lunch interview
• Interviews which are conducted at restaurants or cafes are known as lunch
interview. In such interview, the interviewer can easily evaluate interpersonal
skills and communication skills, along with table manners of an interviewee.
It is obvious that such interview includes food or drinks. So an interviewee
must make an order carefully so that he/she can easily focus on food and
questions at the same time.

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