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Fault Tree Analysis

HAN A P I A L I 1 8 0 6244401
TAYOR I TA N TA RTO 1 7 0 6070791
The Purpose of System Analysis
System analysis is a directed process for the orderly and timely acquisition and investigation of
specific system information pertinent to a given decision.
The Purpose of System Analysis
Definition of a System
A system is a deterministic entity comprising an interacting collection of discrete elements.
The word "deterministic,' in the definition implies that the system in question be identifiable
Definition of a System
The solid inner circle
represents our system boundary
inside of which we are considering
events whose probabilities of
occurrence are, say, of order 10-3
or greater. If the system
boundaries were extended (dotted
circle) we would include, in
addition, events whose
The low numbers simply say that probabilities of occurrence were,
the system is not going to fail by say, of order 10-4 or greater.
the ways considered but instead
is going to fail at a much higher
probability in a way not
Analytical Approaches
There are two generic analytical methods by means of which conclusions are reached in the
human sphere:
It is necessary at this point to discuss the respective characteristics of these approaches. ·
Inductive Approaches
inductive methods are applied to determine what system states (usually failed states) are
To repeat-in an inductive approach, we assume some possible component condition or initiating
event and try to determine the corresponding effect on the overall system
Examples of this method are:
Preliminary Hazards Analysis (PHA), Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA), Failure Mode
Effect and Criticality Analysis (FMECA), Fault Hazard Analysis (FHA), and Event Tree Analysis.
Deductive Approaches
deductive methods are applied to determine how a given system state (usually a failed state)
can occur.
Typical of deductive analyses in real life are accident investigations: What chain of events caused
the sinking of an "unsinkable" ship such as the Titanic on its maiden voyage? What failure
processes, instrumental and/or human, contributed to the crash of a commercial airliner into a
Definisi Fault Tree Analysis
Fault Tree Analysis merupakan sebuah analytical tool yang menerjemahkan secara grafik
kombinasi-kombinasi dari kesalahan yang menyebabkan kegagalan dari sistem. Teknik ini
berguna mendeskripsikan dan menilai kejadian di dalam sistem (Foster, 2004).

Metode Fault Tree Analysis ini efektif dalam menemukan inti permasalahan karena memastikan
bahwa suatu kejadian yang tidak diinginkan atau kerugian yang ditimbulkan tidak berasal pada
satu titik kegagalan
5 tahapan untuk melakukan analisa
dengan Fault Tree Analysis (FTA)
1.Mendefinisikan masalah dan kondisi batas dari suatu sistem yang ditinjau
2.Penggambaran model grafis Fault Tree
3.Mencari minimal cut set dari analisa Fault Tree
4.Melakukan analisa kualitatif dari Fault Tree
5.Melakukan analisa kuantitatif dari Fault Tree
Simbol Fault Tree Analysis
Gerbang logika menggambarkan kondisi yang memicu terjadinya kegagalan, baik kondisi tunggal
maupun sekumpulan dari berbagai macam kondisi. Konstruksi dari fault tree analysis meliputi
gerbang logika yaitu gerbang AND dan gerbang OR
AND Gate, suatu logika hubungan
“DAN”. Hasil atau keluaran A ada Identifikasi terhadap peristiwa tertentu.
jika dan hanya jika semua Biasanya menjelaskan hasil atau
D1…Dn ada secara bersamaan. masukan dari AND Gate atau OR Gate.

Kejadian (biasanya merupakan kegagalan)

OR Gate, suatu logika hubungan yang dapat dijelaskan dengan komponen
inklusif “ATAU”. Hasil atau atau sirkuit tertentu
keluaran B ada jika salah satu
C1…Cn atau salah satu kombinasi
tersebut ada.

Inhibit Gate, suatu keadaan yang Kejadian yang biasanya diharapkan

menerapkan kondisi atau terjadi kecuali kegagalan terjadi maka
pembatasan dengan urutan yang kejadian tersebut tidak akan terjadi.
harus dipenuhi sehingga keluaran
dapat dihasilkan.

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