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Ethnic issues and National

i. Introduction
ii. Ethnicity and National Integration
iii. Ethnic Movements in Pakistan
iv. Ethnic issues
v. National integration and disintegration
vi. How to address ethnic issues

10-Feb-20 2
• Pakistan is a multiethnic country consisting of
four major ethnic identities
• Accordingly, Pakistan consist of four
provinces having ethnic issues
• If these issues are resolved amicably, it would
create national integration
• Which mean bringing the people together.
• In case of failure to do so, disintegration

10-Feb-20 3
• Ethnicity is defined as the division of people
on the basis of race, color, region, language etc
• There are two theories of ethnicity – Capitalist
and Communist
• Capitalist theory says that ethnicity is natural
and ethnic issues can be addressed through
development. Example USA – a melting pot
• Second theory says it is unnatural and
revolution can remove discrimination. Exp RR
10-Feb-20 4
• National Integration is essential for unity,
harmony, development and prosperity of a
• National leader address ethnic issues to the
satisfaction of all stakeholders for the greater
good of the country.
• Pakistan has suffered in 1971 due to
disintegration and Baluchistan has problems
similar to East Pakistan.

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• There are ethnic issues in Pakistan such as;
i. Resource distribution,
ii. Water distribution,
iii. Provincial autonomy,
iv. Implementation of 18th amendment,
v. Non-implementation of Quota system,
vi. Census,
viii. Routs and Economic Zones of CPEC,

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ix. Kalabgh dam,
x. Language, etc
• These issues are largely due to unequal size of
provinces and distribution of resources on
population basis.

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Ethnicity and National Integration
• There is a strong linkage between ethnicity and
national integration.
• Malaysia is an example wherein PM Mahatir
Muhamad, addressed ethnic issues and created
national integration.
• Federal system as it exist in Pakistan is unity
in diversity.
• Too much centralization would lead to
10-Feb-20 8
Ethnicity and National Integration
• Ethnicity has challenged integration in the
• Due to divergence between East and West
Pakistan, disintegration took place in 1971.
• There have been five conflicts between
Baluchistan and federal government in the
• Similarly, there have been problems in other
provinces also.
10-Feb-20 9
Ethnicity and National Integration
• In Singapore, there was realization that, in
order to progress harmoniously, it was
important to have ethnic harmony.
• Therefore, government housing was allocated
in a manner that all groups were mixed and
ethnic segregation avoided.
• The result has been that the ethnic disharmony
seen in many developing countries such as
India, Myanmar does not exist in Singapore.

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Ethnic Movements in Pakistan
i. East Pakistan Movement
ii. Greater Baluchistan Movement
iii. Pakhtunistan Movement
iv. Sindhudesh Movement
v. Saraiki Movement
vi. Muhajer Qumi Movement
vii.Hazara Movement

10-Feb-20 11
East Pakistan Movement
• This movement started with language as the
people of East Pakistan were not ready to
accept Urdu as the only national language.
• Although majority of the people lived in East
Pakistan, but due to lack of democracy, most
of the rulers were from West Pakistan.
• Economically, East Pakistan was backward.
• After elections of 1970, power was not
transferred to East Pakistan leaders.
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Greater Baluchistan Movement
• Baluchistan was reluctant to join Pakistan at
the time of independence and forced to join.
• Baloch living in Baluchistan, Sindh, Punjab,
Iran, Afghanistan be merged into one
independent baloch country.
• There have been five conflicts in the past,
1948, 1958, 1963, 1973, 2003.
• Baluchistan Packages have addressed some
issues and the problem still exist.
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Pakhtunistan Movement
• Merger of Pakhtuns living in KP, FATA and
Baluchistan into one independent state.
• This movement is different from the claim of
Afghanistan over certain areas of Pakistan.
• This movement was supported by the
nationalist parties.
• It has subsided due to Pakhtuns inclusion into
armed forces and Bureaucracy next to Punjab.

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Sindhudesh Movement
• The movement in Sindh dates back to the early
1970s when G.M. Syed gave the call for an
independent ‘Sindhudesh’ ─ a separate
homeland for Sindhis.
• Their demand vary from fighting for provincial
rights to independence.
• It has some support in the rural areas of Sindh.
• Sindh is the second developed province after
Punjab, therefore it subsided a bit.
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Saraiki Movement
• This movement exist in South Punjab due to
relative backwardness of the area.
• Their demand is to create a separate province
by dividing Punjab.
• Their grievance is that resources are spent in
West and Central Punjab.
• During PPP period effort was made to create a
separate province which failed due to PML(N)
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Muhajer Qumi Movement
• MQM was created in 1984, in order to
discourage PPP in Sindh, supported by the
Urdu speaking people of urban Sindh.
• Subsequently, it became militant and created
law and order in Karachi.
• Various operations conducted including the
current one.
• Demand vary from province to separate
country. Links with Raw, PSP and division.
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Hazara Movement
• It started after 18th Amendment in 2010 in
which the name of NWFP was changed into
• The people of Hazara residing in Abotabad,
Manshara etc started a movement for a
separate province.
• The movement was quite active during PPP
period and has subsided with the passage of

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PTM - 2018
• Pashtun Tahafuz Movement (PTM), or Pashtun
Protection Movement.
• Its leaders are Manzoor Pashteen Ali Wazir
(L), and Mohsin Dawar.
• Pashtuns of FATA, KP and Baluchistan are
united for their collective demands.
• The Military declared it, as engineered

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PTM - 2018
• Their demands are;
i. Justice for Naqeebullah Mehsud who was
killed in a fake police encounter in Karachi,
ii. Recovery of the missing people,
iii. Clearance of landmines, and
iv. An end to harassment of Pashtuns at security

10-Feb-20 20
Ethnic issues
i. Distribution of vii. Routes & Economic
resources Zones of CPEC
ii. Distribution of water viii. Implementation of
iii. Provincial autonomy 18th Amendment
iv. Language ix. Kalabagh Dam
v. Creation of x. Violation of Quota
vi. Census

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1. Distribution of resources
• One of the most important ethnic issue.
• During 1947-71, this was an issue between
East and West Pakistan, which was resolved
through parity which was discriminatory to EP.
• Under the Constitution of 1973, resources
were distributed through population which was
discriminatory to Baluchistan.
• Through 7th NFC this has been addressed,
Population 82%, poverty 10%, Revenue 5%.
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2. Distribution of water
• Indus River System passes through all the four
• There were disputes regarding water
distribution amongst the provinces.
• IRSA (Indus River System Authority) was
created in 1991 to resolve Water disputes.
• Sindh’s share currently stands at 10,000 cusces
per day, Punjab’s 18,000 cusecs, Balochistan
3,000 cusecs and KP 3,000 cusecs.
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3. Provincial autonomy
• The smaller provinces have been raising the
issue of provincial autonomy.
• It was granted through 18th Constitutional
Amendment in 2010.
• The Concurrent list was omitted and as a result
18 ministries were transferred from center to
• East Pakistan tragedy was due to lack of
provincial autonomy.
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4. Language
• It was an issue in East Pakistan as that wing
was not ready to accept Urdu as the only
language of Pakistan.
• This was one of the reason for Pakistan
• In the present Pakistan, language is not as
issue as such as English is the official
language, Urdu as national language and every
province has regional languages.

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5. Creation of provinces
• There is a demand for creating more provinces
such as Sariki, Hazara, FATA, Karachi etc
• More provinces address ethnic issues and in
neighboring countries there are more
• Such provinces should be created on
administrative basis instead of ethnic basis.
• It would ensure distribution of resources.

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5. Creation of provinces
• India has 28 states, seven provinces at the
time of independence.
• Iran has a population of over 80 million and
has 30 provinces,
• Afghanistan has a population of over 34
million and has 19 provinces,
• Turkey has a population of around 80 million,
but has 81 provinces,

10-Feb-20 27
5. Creation of provinces
• Egypt has a population of over 95 million and has
27 provinces,
• Britain has a population of around 66 million but
has nine administrative units,
• Germany has the population of around 83 million
and has 16 states and
• France has 18 administrative regions.
• Pakistan has the population of over 200 million
with only four provinces.

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6. Census
• Census is a constitutional requirement after
every 10 years.
• Last census was held in 1998 and was due in
2008 but held in 2017 due to SC intervention.
• Every ethnic identity oppose or support census
on the basis of its interest.
• It would affect resource distribution,
Parliament representation, CSS Quota etc.

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7. Routes & Economic Zones of CPEC
• It is a huge investment project from China that
has been made controversial.
• Baluchistan and KP leaders are of the view that
originally there was one route passing through
• According to them, PML(N) Govt was diverting
towards Punjab and Sindh (Eastern and Central).
• Every Province is trying to have as many
Economic Zones as possible.
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8. Implementation of 18th Amendment
• There is a tendency of centralization in
• Provincial autonomy granted through 18th
Amendment has not been fully implemented.
• The leaders from smaller provinces raise this
• New ministries have been created with
different name on the devolved subjects.

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9. Kalabagh Dam
• This dam has a capacity of generating
electricity of 3600 MW, which is the average
• It was floated in Zia ul Haq period and made
• KP is opposing due to its adverse implications.
• Sindh and Baluchistan is opposing due to
reduction in water flow.
• Only Punjab in its favor.
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10. Violation of Quota
• Quota is being followed in CSS exam but it is
violated in recruitment at the lower level in
various department.
• The leaders of smaller provinces raise this
issue from time to time in the parliament of
Pakistan to address the situation.
• Various appointments in Federal Capital are
also questioned on this basis.

10-Feb-20 33
National integration and disintegration
• National integration is bringing the people
together by addressing their mutual concerns.
• Equal distribution of resources, equal
opportunities of education and health facilities,
equal representation at all level, non-
discrimination ets create integration.
• The absence of above would lead to

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How to address ethnic issues
• Equal and just distribution of resources.
• Creation of more provinces on administrative
• Implementation of Constitution.
• Equal opportunities of education, health etc.
• Creating national consensus on vital projects
• Discouraging regionalism through
10-Feb-20 35
• It is concluded that ethnic issues are inversely
proportional to national integration.
• Reduction in the first would increase the
• In Pakistan, ethnic issues have not been
properly handled leading to disintegration in
the past and may create problems in future if
remained unattended.

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