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Paragraph one – topic sentence (advantages)

Supporting statement 1/arguments/examples

Supporting statement 2/arguments/examples
Paragraph two – topic sentence (disadvantages)
Supporting statement 1/arguments/examples
Supporting statement 2/arguments/examples
• First of all, In the first place, To begin/start with,
• On the one hand………
• There are many advantages to ……………………………………….
• One (very convincing) point/argument in favour of/ against …
• The main/greatest/first advantage of… is …
• Those who are in favour of……………may say/ assert that…
• There are many things to say in favour of ……………….
• One point of view in favour of ...
• Some/many/most people……………………………..claim/feel/maintain/believe
/agree/support the view that…
• It is true that/ It is a fact that ………………………………………………….

• Presenting examples, causes and results: for example/instance, such as, like,
in particular ,therefore, for this reason, because, as, since, as a result,
• A further advantage ..., One/Another/An additional advantage of ...
• What is more, furthermore, also, in addition to, besides, apart from this/that,
not to mention the fact that, etc.

• /___________, there are also certain drawbacks to

• On the other hand………………………….
• Those who are against/ disagree
with…………………………………may say…..
• It could be argued/ claimed that ……………………………..
• In spite of many advantages, …………………………………has its
downsides, too.
• Others/many people oppose this viewpoint/strongly disagree…,
claim/feel/believe this argument is incorrect/misguided
• While/Although …………….., it cannot be denied that…
• A further common criticism/ isadvantage of…
• The main advantage of a package holiday is that you do not have to worry
about anything. Travel agencies guarantee everything except the weather,
so nothing should take you by surprise. Another argument in favour of this
kind of holidaymaking is the fixed cost. Unless you are a spendthrift, you
only need some ‘pocket money’ for souvenirs and postcards, especially if
you opt for all-inclusive holidays.
In spite of many advantages, a package holiday has its downsides, too. As a
rule, you are provided with a standard accommodation in a cliché
environment. You are taken to crowded tourist sights, hence you do not
get the true picture of a place you are visiting. Furthermore, transferring in
a group means waiting for individuals who get lost or need to pee at every
gas station.

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