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Case Study

Top Industrial Leaders

This case study mainly deals with the global leaders.It
gives us good picture of leadership qualities that the
successive leader should posses.
In this case study 206 CEO respondants from Fortune
500 and service 500 companies, identified 3 top
leaders Don Peterson at Ford, Lee lacocca at Chrysler
and Jack Welch at General Electric.The majority of
leaders questioned felt that there is no leadership
crisis in US, another leaders pointed out that the
ineffectiveness of managers in competing in the global
market, excessive focus on short-term results, often at
the expense at the expense of long-term company
health and the lack of investment in plants.
2/3 of respondants thought that leadership can be
taught . But there was also the realisation that latent
leadership qualities have to be foundation for
Qualities of good leader.
Wide coverage because identified by Fortune.
For emerging entrepreneurs to be good leaders.
Difference of opinion so cannot be accurate.
Questions & Answers
Who were the top leaders identified in the survey?
Why do you think they have been effective?
The top leaders identified in the survey is Don
Peterson at Ford, Lee Lacocca at chryslar & Jack welch
at General Electric.
They are effective Because,
1. Listeners- They take time listen to the suggestions
concerns of those they endaevour to lead.
2. Encouragers- They encourage others and help bring
out their best.
3.Assertive- They tell the truth as they see it openly &
4.Decisive- They know what needs to be done and
they make timely , difficult decisions when necessary.
2. What Were the leadership characteristics identified
by Fortune? How far do you agree with the seven
statements about the characteristics?
The leadership characteristics identified by Fortune as
1. Trust in Subordinates is the foundation for
delegating authority.
2.Leadership must provides a vision for the enterprise
and inspire others to commit to his vision.
3.Leadership must take command in times of crisis.
4.Taking risk is a part of business.
5.need to be very competent in the fields and
command the respect of employees.
6. A top executive Surrounds by ‘Yes sayers’ will get a
wrong picture of what is going within and outside the
7.Effective leaders simplify complex situations and
problems. They also see and understand big picture.
In addition to above qualities a good leader
should have
1.Passionate- Good Leaders are not Passive in whatever they
are usually extremely passionate in whatever they are doing
whether it is sports or business leaders are extremely focussed
and some of them are even concerned by their passion.
2. Compassion- They have compassion for their
followers.They are not selfish people who only think about
their own needs and luxuries they also have heart for the
people under them as well.
3. Charismatic- They are attractive people and they draw
people to them by their shining personalities. It can be by
4.Integrity- They are people who keep their promises
and they dont play the two-faced political game that a
lot of others do.
5. Discipline- Good leaders are extremely disciplined
in their pursuit of their goals.
3.Do You think the leadership skill can be taught? Give
arguments in support of your answer.
Yes, Leadership is definitely a skill that can and to a
certain extent has to be taught.There is however another
issue that like most other skills even thought it can be
taught, not everyone will be able to excel at it no matter
how good the training. To be an excellent leader does
require some elements of personality and context such
as integrity and respect from those you are
leading.Whist you can teach skills related to these things
people can’t suddenly change who they are
As a person without time and effort that goes for
beyond just being taught. Teaching leadership will not
make them great leaders but importantly it will
broaden their skills base so that they can lead different
circumstances in different times and different places.
Everybody can be leaders but not good leaders. A good
leader is a one in which he has some particular skills
such as , Becoming influential, Facilitating teamwork
and collaboration, Being a catalyst for a change,
developing others, having compelling vision.
Thank You

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