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The Impact of Exit Slips on Student Learning: The Effect of Content and Reflection Exit Slips on Quiz Scores

Elizabeth Thomson
Center for Educator Preparation, School of Education, Colorado State University

Introduction & Background Method Results Significance of Findings

Formative assessment (FA) is a method to check Data was collected at a Northern Colorado suburban • Quiz percentages did not increase dramatically across the • The use of content and reflection exit slips did
on student learning and gathers information from school in 3 sections of Pre AP Biology. The data 3 time points (Graph 1). not increase mean quiz percentages to
students to inform future teaching. Numerous collection tools were quiz scores and content and • The most common study habits were reading over notes, practical significance.
studies indicate that FA is an effective method for reflection exit slips administered via Google Classroom. studying with a parent or friend, re-writing notes and • Students that changed study habits between
teachers to gauge student learning and helps with Data collection was completed for 2 quizzes. making flashcards/Quizlet (Figure 1). reflection exit slips increased mean quiz
student retention of information. • Students who studied with a parent/ friend had the highest percentage to practical significance.
Exit slips are one FA strategy that offers a helpful quiz percentages at time 1 and 2 across the 3 time points • Students who studied with a parent/friend had
Tuesday (2 days before quiz)
way for students to synthesize, review and reflect compared to the other 3 most common study habits the highest mean quiz percentages compared
on the content or on the learning process. (Graph 2). to the other most common study habits.
Thursday • Students who changed study habits between time 1 and • The most common study habits did not

Quiz review in class time 2 increased quiz percentages compared to the change for students that increased their quiz
Literature Review based on feedback from control (Graph 3). percentage.
Formative assessments can occur during exit slips • Students who increased their quiz percentage between In summary:
instruction as a check on student understanding, the control and time 1 or the control and time 2 did not • Students with a fluid and exploratory mindset
or can exist as part of the planned material.  have radically different study habits (Figures 2 and 3). who work with others performed better on
Spontaneous FA is effective for immediately quizzes.
Friday Graph 1: (n=96)
adapting instruction based on student feedback.
Tuesday (quizzes returned) Quiz • Multiple factors likely influence student
Planned FA involve pre-determined questions or Control mean = 81%, SD performance on quizzes.
10/28/2019 quiz on cell = 4.00

activities that gauge student understanding. Exit organelles and
slips are FA collected at the end of a class period. Time point 1 mean =
microscope parts 84%, SD = 4.04
Factors that impact the FA include the teacher’s 11/8/2019 quiz on cell Action Plan
Time point 2 mean =
skills and knowledge to explain, administer FA transport The plan is to continue exploring the utility of exit
82%, SD = 5.05
and respond with feedback, the adaptation of slips in the classroom. Having a conversation
teaching strategies, the classroom culture and with students about the utility and importance of
student understanding of the FA activity. FA is a these exit slips may increase effectiveness
robustly researched practice. However, few of the Figure 1: Study habits
because some students were not taking this
studies connect the use of FA directly to specific reported by all students
activity seriously. Additionally, establishing a
educational outcomes and specifically examine (n=96).
routine around exit slips might increase
the use of exit slips. The current study addresses Quiz grades were collected for 3 time points: 1. the effectiveness. The exit slips were completed at
this gap in the research. quiz before beginning exit slip data collection, 2. the only 4 time points throughout the semester and
quiz on 10/28/19 and 3. the quiz on 11/8/19. the start of data collection did not coincide with
Rationale Graph 2:
This research was completed in Pre AP Biology the start of the semester. In the future, exit slip
Read notes (n = 51)
routines should begin at the beginning of a
courses, which is an advanced and fast paced Data Analysis Studied with
class. Students enrolled in this class are semester or unit.
Quiz Scores parent/friend (n = 15)
Freshmen adjusting to the demands of high • The mean and standard deviation for all 3 time points Rewrote notes (n=4)
school. Therefore, understanding content and for all students is presented in Graph 1. Quizlet/Flashcards
developing effective study habits are essential for Content – Based Exit Slips (n = 15) Limitations
student success. • The content exit slips were analyzed for concepts that Limitations for this study include:
. students wanted to review, which informed the in class • The completion of only 2 cycles of data
review prior to the quiz. (Data not presented) Graph 3: (n = 19) collection
Purpose Reflection – Based Exit Slips Control mean quiz = 76% • Not having a control classroom, meaning a
The purpose of this study was to identify the utility • The 4 most common student habits were identified
Time1 mean quiz = 89% class of the same content with the same
of content and reflection based exit slips on Time 2 mean quiz = 87% quizzes that does not complete the exit slip
from the reflection exit slips. For each study habit,
student learning. quiz mean percentages were calculated for all 3 time activity
points, which is presented in Graph 2. • Not controlling for difficulty of the quiz material
Research Questions Given a longer time frame for data collection to
• The mean quiz percentage was derived for students
1. How do content- based exit slips impact accommodate changes class schedules, more
who identified changing study habits between time
student learning? data collection cycled would be completed. All
points 1 and 2 and is shown on Graph 3.
2. How do reflection – based exit slips impact classes were included in the formative
• Common study habits for all students were identified
student learning? assessment exercises because the researcher
and are presented in Figure 1.
• Study habits for students that increased quiz and teacher believed that participating was of
percentage between the control quiz and time point 1 benefit of to the students. Therefore, the design
Hypotheses predicted that when students
Figure 2: Study habits for students Figure 3: Study habits for included all Pre AP- Biology students. Future
completed content and reflection exit slips, and the control quiz and time point 2 were identified (n=28) that  quiz percentage students (n=21) that  quiz
and the mean quiz percentage difference was designs should address the need for a control
student learning measured via quiz scores would between control & time 1; percentage between control &
compared. This is presented in Figures 2 and 3. with the ethical considerations of students.
increase. mean  = 15% time 2, mean  = 13%

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