Writing Captions

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 Mengidentifikasi, menjelaskan dan
membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan
unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks khusus dalam
bentuk teks caption terkait gambar/foto/tabel
/grafik /bagan

 Menyusun teks khusus dalam bentuk teks

caption terkait gambar/foto/tabel/grafik/bagan,
dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur
teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara benar dan
sesuai konteks
Books don't change people; paragraphs do; sometimes event
A caption is a short
explanation that accompanies
an article, photograph or
illustration. It appear upper or
below an image.
Source: www.reference.com
 Newspapers
 Magazines
 Internet
 Books
 TV
 most printed material
that has pictures
Traditional Game Competition: Students prepare to take part in traditional
game held in SMAN 70 Jakarta on Tuesday, October 4th, 2016 for celebrating
35th school Anniversary. (School Mading/Yenny)
Structure of a caption
1. General information
 Traditional Game Competition

2. Specific/detail information
 Students prepare to take part in traditional game
held in SMAN 70 Jakarta
 It is held on Tuesday, October 4th, 2016
 The activity is for celebrating 35th school
Why are captions so important?
Imagine if you got this
picture without caption.
What do you think about

Three old men

They meet in Bali

Another guessing from picture

 People look at headlines and pictures to decide
what they want to read in the newspaper. If a
picture grasps their attention, they will read the
caption. If the caption is interesting to them,
they will read the article.
 Captions add color and make the newspaper
more interesting.
 Captions also show may information about
picture situation.
What is social function of caption
Describe about pictures
Giving specific information based on the photo’s
Example of a Good Caption


University of Indonesia's campus in Depok, West Java (Tribunnews/Herudin)
No full stop Citation
The following 3 slides are examples of
captions. Answer the questions:
1. What kind of information do you find in
the caption?
2. What is the social function of the text?
3. Is there any specific way of writing a
One main distinction about homeschooling is
that there are no restrictions on learning nor
obligation to learn.(Shutterstock/-)
Look for the picture or take a
picture to give a caption. Then,
write your own caption. Submit via
E mail, or tag in facebook,
Email: delfianti75@gmail.com
Ig: @aisyah_lthf
1. Check the facts.
2. Describe something that is not obvious.
3. Do not start a caption with certain words. (Suggestion)
4. Identify the main people in the photo.
5. Be as specific as possible.
6. Label historical photos properly.
7. Use the present tense in captions.
8. Avoid humour when the photo isn’t intended to be humorous.
9. Remember to always include credits and citations. (Suggestion)

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