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Developed by

Cleaning and

• Importance of sanitation
• Different types of dirt
• Difference between cleaning and sanitation
• Different types of cleaning tools necessary
• Cleaning chemicals
• Documentation
• Monitoring programs
Importance Of
Importance of Sanitation

• Prevents pest infestation

• Kills bacteria already present
• Reduces potential for cross contamination
• Can help increase shelf life
• Minimizes chance for injury
• Helps create a more pleasant work
Dirt and debris

• Extra materials
• Loose soil
• Inorganic materials
– Hard water, metals, alkaline deposits
• Organic materials
– Food, petroleum, non-petroleum deposits
Factors affecting Cleaning

• Soil type (organic, inorganic and other

• Soil condition
• Water temperature
• Surface being cleaned
• Type of cleaning agent
• Agitation or pressure
• Length of treatment

• Dependent on type of soil:

– Alkaline cleaners (organic soil)
– Acid based cleaners (inorganic soil)
Components of Cleaning


Chemical Time
Cleaning and Sanitizing
Cleaning vs. Sanitizing

• Cleaning
– removing physical contaminants such as soil, food
and dirt particles
• Sanitizing
– reducing the number of disease causing
organisms to safe levels
• to maximize the effectiveness of a sanitizer
the surface must be clean

• Hypochlorites
• Quaternary Ammonium Chlorides
• Acid based sanitizers
• Chlorine dioxide
Steps in proper cleaning and sanitation

1. Remove waste materials

2. Scrape all loose debris and food
particles from surfaces
3. Clean and then sanitize surface
1. Wet cleaning
2. Dry cleaning
4. Cover or protect cleaned equipment
Dry cleaning

• Used where microorganisms are less

of a concern than moulds, pests and
foreign objects.
• Start high, work down
• Tools:
– Brooms, brushes, shovels
– Use a vacuum where possible to prevent
allergens from becoming air-borne
Wet cleaning

• Used in most food processing facilities

to remove sticky residues
• Uses:
– Liquid, most often water
– Form of agitation (scrubbing, scraping)
– Tools:
• Brushes
• High pressure pumps
• Air or steam
Wet cleaning

1. Remove all waste materials

2. Disassemble where necessary and
rinse with water to remove visible dirt.
3. Apply cleaning agent, may need to
4. Rinse cleaning agent from surface with
Wet cleaning continued

5. Visually inspect equipment.

6. Clean and rinse again if necessary.
7. Apply sanitizer. Rinse sanitizer if
8. Remove excess water. Cover or protect
equipment from re-contamination

• Clean in place
• Clean out of place
– Removable piping, fitting, gaskets, valves,
– Product handling utensils
Three sink method (COP)

Pre-rinse Air dry

Sink 1 Sink 2 Sink 3

Clean Rinse Sanitize

Safety precautions

• Personal protective equipment

– Gloves, aprons, eye goggles
• Understand the properties of the
chemicals you are using
– MSDS sheets

• Define:
– Who does the activity
– What they do and how they do it
– Frequency
– Documentation to be kept
• Includes sanitation, verification and
deviation procedures
Sanitation activity description

• Process to be used- CIP or COP

• Cleaning and sanitizing instructions
• Dissasembly/reassembly instructions
• Water temperature
• Chemicals- concentration, how to mix,
contact times
• Water pressure needed
• Frequency

• Pre-operational inspections
• Routine checks of:
– chemical concentrations
– water temperature
– observe sanitation employees performing
their tasks

• Demonstrates due diligence

• Allows third party audit
• Regulatory requirement in some
Verifying and Validating

• Visual checks for dirt

• Environmental swabs
– Food contact surfaces
– Non-food contact surfaces
• Microbiological testing
– Finished products
• Allergen testing

Place the pictures in the right order

Cleaning and Sanitizing Steps
Practical application
On the job.....

• Clean as you go
• Follow correct procedures

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