Group 5 Wastewater

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• Pumping stations are either as in-line for lifting the sewage

from a deeper sewer to a shallow sewer or for pumping to
the STP or the out fall. They are required where low lying
development areas cannot be drained by gravity to existing
sewerage infrastructure, and/or where development areas
are too far away from available sewerage infrastructure to
be linked by gravity. The O&M of pumping systems
presented here applies to all such types of pumping
• The type of pumping stations can be (a)
Horizontal pumps in dry pit, (b) Vertical pumps in
dry pit, (c) Vertical pumps in suction well and (d)
Submersible pumps in suction sump. All these
types include a sewage-receiving sump, which is
called suction sump or wet well.
• The size of the dry pit should be adequate for the number of pumps
planned and should be such as to handle the sewage load at the desired
pumping capacity. Allowance should also be made for future requirements
of additional or larger pumps. In the configuration, (a) separate dry pit and
wet well are required: one to hold the sewage, and one to house the
pumps and appurtenances. This option is required for installations where
the pumps will otherwise need separate priming and where-as otherwise
long suction pipes are needed.
• It is typically used to pump large volumes of raw sewage, where
uninterrupted flow is critical and sewage solids could clog suction piping. It
is also used to pump solids in pipe galleries between digesters or other
solids-handling equipment. While construction costs may be higher and a
heating, ventilation and cooling system is necessary when installed below
the floor level, this configuration is best for O&M activities because
operators can see and touch the equipment.
• Sewage sump is a compartment or tank in which sewage is collected. The
suction pipe of a pump may be connected to the wet well or a submersible
pump may be located in the wet well. Sewage sump design depends on the
type of pumping station configuration (submersible or dry well) and the
type of pump controls (constant or variable speed). Wet wells are typically
designed to prevent rapid pump cycling but small enough to prevent a long
detention time and associated odour release.
• Sewage sumps should always hold some level of sewage to minimise odour
release. Bar screens or grinders are often installed in or upstream of the
wet well to minimise pump clogging problems. Instead of manually
operated screens at the bottom, which requires the staff to get down into
the screen sump, it is better to install mechanical bar screens, which can
automatically remove the screenings and lift the same safely above the
ground level. There can also be two such screens one after the other for
coarse screenings and fine screenings. This will require rectangular
channels to maintain longitudinal non-turbulent linear flow
• In general, lift stations are invariably used in
gravity sewer network where depth of cut of
sewers poses a problem in high water prone
areas. The procedure is to sink a wet well on
the road shoulder or an acquired plot after
the shoulder and divert the deeper sewer
there. The submersible pump will lift the
sewage and discharge it to the next on line
LIFT shallow sewer. This is a very useful practice
in such locations.
STATIONS • Equipment located in the wet well should be
minimized, including suction and discharge
valves, check valves, or other equipment
that require routine, periodic maintenance.
This equipment can be located in separate
and suitable dry pits located adjacent to the
wet well to facilitate accessibility and
maintenance for the operator.
To choose the proper pump, the environmental engineer must know
the capacity, head requirements and liquid characteristics. This section
addresses the capacity and head requirement.

• To compute capacity, the environmental engineer should first
determine average system flow rate, then decide if adjustments are
• In addition, the capacity of the well should be such that with any
combination of inflow and pumping. The cycle of operation for each
pump will not be less than 5 mins. and the maximum detention time
will not exceed 30 mins. at average flow.
• The capacity of the pump installed should meet the peak flow rate
with about 100% standby.
• The general practice is to provide three pumping slots in small
stations consisting of the pump of the capacity equal to dry weather
flow (DWF), second pump with capacity, of 2 times DWP and third
pump of capacity 3 times DWF. For larger pumping stations five pump
sets are provided with capacities of 2 units of 0.5 DWP, 2 pumps of 1
DWF and one pump of 3 DWF.
The vertical distance through which the liquid must be lifted i.e the lowest
water level in wet well and highest point on the discharge side.
The distance to flow caused by friction in the pipes, valves, and bonds.
Entrance and transition hosses and had to be included. The loss of head in
friction in the pipes is estimated from the well known equation
𝒉𝒇 =
The head required to impart energy into a fluid to induce velocity, normally
this head is quite small and can be ignored unless the total head is low.
𝒉𝒗 =
The pressure differential that the pump must develop to deliver
water on the side under higher pressure.


The total head of pumping is thus expressed by the following

𝑯𝒕 = 𝒉𝒅 + 𝒉𝒇 + 𝒉𝒗 + 𝒉𝒑
• The amount of suction lift that can be
handled must be carefully computed.
It is limited by the barometric
pressure (which depends on elevation
and temperature) the vapor pressure
(which also depends on temperature),
SUCTION LIFT friction and entrance losses and the
suction side, and the not positive
suction head (NPSH) – factor that
depends on the shape of the impeller
and is sustained from the pump
• The horsepower required to drive the pump
is called brake horsepower (BHP). The
following equation determine the brake
𝟕𝟓 • ɳ𝒑 • ɳ𝒎
HORSEPOWER Q = Discharge
( )
H = Head of water (m)
W = Density of water ( 𝟑)
ɳ𝒑 = Efficiency of the pump
ɳ𝒎 = Efficiency of the driving
• Pumping machinery is subjected to wear &
tear, erosion and corrosion due to its
nature of functioning, and therefore it is
vulnerable to failures. Generally, failures or
interruptions are mostly attributed to
pumping machinery rather than any other
component. Therefore, correct operation
OPERATION and timely maintenance and upkeep of
pumping stations and pumping machinery
AND are of vital importance. Sudden failures
MAINTENANCE can be avoided by timely inspection, follow
up actions on observations of inspection
and planned periodical maintenance.
Downtime can be reduced by maintaining
inventory of fast moving spare parts.
Obviously due attention needs to be paid
to all such aspects for efficient and reliable
functioning of pumping machinery.
The following points should be observed while
operating the pumps.
A. Dry running of the pumps should be avoided.
B. Centrifugal pumps if installed with negative
suction should be primed before starting.
OPERATION C. Pumps should be operated only within the
recommended range of the head-discharge
OF THE characteristics of the pump.

PUMPS • If pump is operated at a point away from duty

point, the pump efficiency normally reduces.
• Operation near the shut-off point should be
avoided, as it causes substantial recirculation
within the pump, resulting in overheating of
sewage in the casing and consequently,
overheating of the pump.
D. As far as possible positive suction is G. When the pumps are to be operated
to be provided to avoid priming during in series, they should be started and
design itself. stopped sequentially, but with
E. Voltage during operation of the minimum time lag. Any pump next in
pump-motor set should be within ±10 sequence should be started
% of the rated voltage. Similarly, immediately after the delivery valve of
current should be below the rated the previous pump is even partly
current shown on the name plate of opened. Due care should be taken to
the motor. keep open the air vent of the pump
next in sequence, before starting that
F. When parallel pumps are to be pump.
operated, the pumps should be started
and stopped with a time lag between H. The stuffing box should allow a drip
two pumps to restrict change of flow of leakage to ensure that no air passes
velocity to minimum and to restrict the into the pump and that the packing
dip in voltage in the incoming feeder gets adequate wetness for cooling and
and should be adequate to allow the lubrication. When the stuffing box is
pump head to stabilise. sealed with grease, adequate refill of
the grease should be maintained.
I. The running of duty pumps and K. Generally, the number of starts per
standby pumps should be scheduled so hour shall not exceed four. Frequent
that no pump remains idle for a long starting and stopping should be
period and all pumps are in ready-to- avoided as each start causes
run condition. Similarly, the running overloading of motor, starter, contactor
schedules should be ensured so that all and contacts. Although overloading
pumps do not wear equally needing lasts only for a few seconds, it reduces
simultaneous overhaul. the life of the equipment.
J. If any undue vibration or noise is L. Troubles in a sewage pumping station
noticed, the pump should be stopped can be mostly traced to the design
immediately and the cause for stage itself. This is all the more true
vibration or noise should be checked when too much grit is likely to come
and rectified. into the sewage pumping stations from
sewage at monsoon time, which is
difficult to handle. Hence, sewers
should not collect any storm water
The following undesirable operations should be avoided:
• A. Operation at higher head A pump should never be operated at a
head higher than the maximum recommended head otherwise such
operation may result in excessive recirculation in the pump, and
overheating of the sewage and the pump. Another problem that
arises if a pump is operated at a head higher than the recommended
maximum head is that the radial reaction on the pump shaft
increases causing excessive unbalanced forces on the shaft, which
may cause failure of the pump shaft. As a useful guide, appropriate
marking should be made on the pressure gauge. Efficiency at a higher
head is normally low and such an operation is also inefficient.
• B. Operation at lower head If a pump is operated at a lower head than
the recommended minimum head, the radial reaction on the pump
shaft increases causing excessive unbalanced forces on the shaft,
which may cause premature wear of bearings and possibly shaft
failure if persisted. As a useful guide appropriate marking should be
made on both pressure gauge and ammeter. Efficiency at a lower
head is normally low, hence such an operation is inefficient. In such
cases, it is advisable to throttle the delivery side valve to create more
head to work within safe head. This will also reduce the power. If this
is a design flaw additional head has to be created at tail end by
elevating the delivery. However, these are not energy efficient
solutions; change of impeller to suit the actual head is the solution.
• C. Operation on higher suction lift If a pump is operated on suction lift
higher than the permissible value, pressures at the eye of impeller
and the suction side fall below vapour pressure. This results in
flashing of sewage into vapour. These vapour bubbles collapse during
passage, resulting in cavitation in the pump, causing pitting on the
suction side of impeller and casing, and excessive vibrations. In
addition to mechanical damage due to pitting, pump discharge also
reduces drastically. Typical damage to impeller and sometimes to the
casing is shown in Figure
• D. Operation of the pump with low submergence Minimum
submergence above the bell-mouth or foot-valve is necessary to
prevent entry of air into the suction of the pump, which gives rise to
the vortex phenomenon, causing excessive vibration, overloading of
bearings, reduction in discharge and in the efficiency. As a useful
guide, the lowest permissible sewage level should be marked on the
water level indicator. Usually the pump manufacturer indicates the
minimum height of submergence. In the case of submersible pumps,
the minimum depth is needed to ensure cooling of the motor while
• E. Operation with occurrence of vortices If vibration continues even
after taking all precautions, vortex may be the cause. Vortex should
be stopped by using anti vortex fittings as described in chapter 4 of
Part A of the manual: A well-planned maintenance programme for
pumping systems can reduce or prevent unnecessary equipment
wear and downtime. (The following maintenance information applies
to both sewage and solids pumping systems.)
The following is a maintenance checklist for a basic pumping-station:
• Check the wet well level continuously (whenever necessary).
• Record each pump’s “run time” hours (as indicated on the elapsed-
time meters) at least once in a day and confirm that the pumps’
running hours are equal.
• Ensure that the control-panel switches are in their proper positions.
• Ensure that the valves are in their proper positions.
• Check for unusual pump noises.
• At least once a week, manually pump down the wet well to check for
and to remove debris that may clog the pumps.
• Inspect the float balls and cables and remove all debris to ensure that
they operate properly. Twisted cables are to be released that may affect
automatic operations.
• If a pump is removed from service, adjust the lead pump selector
switch to the number that corresponds to the pumps remaining in
operation. (This allows the lead pump levels to govern the operating
pump’s starts and stops.).
Properly maintaining pumping-station pipelines and other
appurtenances can minimize pump loads.
Excessive head losses on either the suction or the discharge side of a
pump can increase energy use and the wear rate and consequently, the
O&M costs. Excessive head losses also may lead to process or
treatment problems because solids move slower, so the proper solids
balance is not maintained. Operators can monitor head losses by
routinely checking the pressure gauges on both sides of the pumps.
When operators notice excessive head losses (indicated by a pressure
drop on the suction side of the pump or an increase in pressure on the
discharge side), they should determine whether the losses are a result
of partial clogging, a restriction somewhere in the line, or materials
built up on the pipe wall. To find clogs, operators should start by
checking the pressure at various points in the suction and discharge
piping, and look for spots with abrupt head loss (such as valves or
other constrictions). If something is caught in a valve or other
appurtenance, the operator should stop the pump and physically open
out the valve head and remove the blockage. In smaller pumps, it is
easier to remove the entire valve, disassemble and remove the
blockage, reassemble and refit. During such time, other pumps shall be
run. Scum build-up problems typically are addressed via source control
(for instance, by installing grease traps in the collection system at
locations suspected or known to generate grease, such as restaurants,

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