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CS Presentation


Submitted to Submitted by
Ms Garima Manish
Assistant Professor 048
BCA E1 2016-2019

Fast and Secure Protocol

What is a Protocol?
A protocol is a standard used to define a method of
exchanging data over a computer network such
as local area network ,Internet etc.
Each protocol has its own method of how data is
formatted when sent and what to do with it once
received, how that data is compressed or how to check
for errors in data.
Example:- HTTP , FTP etc.
What is TCP and FASP
● When we use internet the data receives and
sent in the form of packets
● TCP(transmission control protocol) enables
two hosts to establish a connection and
exchange data.
● TCP guarantees delivery of data and also
guarantees that packets will be delivered in the
same order in which they were sent.
What is FASP ?
It is an innovative file transfer technology patented by
It is an innovative software that eliminates the
fundamental shortcomings of conventional TCP based
file transfer technologies such as HTTP and TCP.
FASP transfers can achieve speed hundreds of times
faster than TCP/HTTP.
It provides a guaranteed delivery time regardless of
file size, transfer distance or network conditions.
Maximum speed
Enables large data transfers over any network at
maximum speed, regardless of network conditions
or distance
Powerful hardware support to maintain high
Complete Security
The FASP protocol also provides comprehensive
built-in security model that does not compromise
transfer speed
Based on open standared cryptography.
● Less loss of Packets
● It ensure to data transmits in a successful manner
Need for FASP over TCP
 Transmit data in bulk size
 Less loss of Packets compare to TCP
 More secure transmission of data than TCP
 Powerful hardware support to ensure maximum

Fig : FASP vs Ftp on Gigabit metropolitan and Wide Area Networks

●The market need for a flexible, next generation file
transfer technology is pervasive and
exploding as file sizes increase, network capacities
grow, and users increasingly exchange
data and media.
●As an all-software platform deployable on any
standard computing device, fasp is capable of filling
the next-generation need, providing optimal data
transfer in an application, over any Internet network,
from consumer broadband to gigabit core.

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