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Derived from Latin that means

memory. ‘Memo’ is the short form
of the word and is widely used.
a. Brief and crisp
b. Focused (topic & audience)
c. Impersonal
d. Communication flows in all directions (vertical,
horizontal & diagonal)
f. Formal record of activities
g. Deals with day-to-day operations
h. Internal circulation
j. Can be put on notice board
k. Signed by the sender
l. Receiver must sign it in case of acknowledgement
1. Gives and seeks information
2. Gives directives and advice
2. Records organisational activities
3. Acts as covering letter to an enclosed or attached
4. Confirms programmes (meeting time, agenda,
5. Explains procedures (accounts/running a machinery)
6. Gives recommendations

Exercise 1:
You are in charge of programming at a
renowned academic institution called Lalazar
University. The new term has already started on
1st Jan 2010. A copy of the time table is placed
on the notice board. However, students are not
strictly following the time table. All students
must adhere to the schedule since 75%
attendance is mandatory for appearing in the
final exams.
Director Academics says to you:
It is 1st February. I'd like to know why students
even after a period of one month of the
commencement of the term are not adhering to
time table. I've noticed that some students loiter
around in corridors or roam about on
pavements in front of the academic blocks
during class hours. I would also like to know if
the students are in knowledge of the time table
and exam rules. Please apprise me by
tomorrow who is responsible for all this mess-
up and what steps should be taken to solve the
problem permanently.
Write a memo to Director Academics with
reference to his observation. It should cover the
following aspects:
a. Timely issuance of time table.
b. Identifying people responsible for its
c. Referring to University Rules about
attendance and exams
d. Suggesting a solution.
To Director Academics
From Programme in-charge
Date February 1, 2010

Subject Adherence to Time Table

Subject: Adherence to Training Programme

1.Time table for the current academic year, duly

approved, was handed over along with exam
rules to all HODs on 1st Jan 2010 for further
dissemination and implementation. Copies of
the same are also placed on main notice board.
2.HODs may be asked to remind their respective
students about adherence to subject timetable
and also initiate corrective measures.
You are in-charge Training Wing at Riphah
International University. You have prepared a
time table for the next semester commencing
on 11 October 2010. Before finalizing it, you
wish to have input from heads of various
Task: Write a memo to All HODs for their
input before finalizing the time table
To All HODs
From Programme in-charge
Date October 8, 2010

Subject Time table – Autumn Semester

1. Find attached draft copy of the subject for your


2. Your observation / comment, if any, to reach this office by

1200 hours on 9 Oct, 2010, please.
To Head of English Department
From Assistant Director of Studies
Date October 5, 2010


1. The new Director of Studies desires to visit academic

departments during week commencing 11 October
2010. Visit to English department will be on Tuesday 12
October 2010.

2. Please arrange a conducted tour of the department on

the said date followed by light refreshments.

3. Confirm arrangements by 1400 hours, 7 Oct 2010.

a. Suggest a subject for the memo
b. Write a suitable response as head of English Department
To Assistant Director of Studies
From Department of English
Date 6 October 2010

Subject: Visit of Director of Studies

Please refer your letter dated 4 October 2010.

1. The subject visit will be conducted by the HOD

during the long break from 1000 – 1030 hours on
12 Oct 2010. The campus café will provide light
Refreshment in staff room on the said date.

2. Put up for information and as desired, please.

Exercise: 2
You work in a reputed academic institution called
Brilliant University as an assistant to the registrar, Mr
Ali Imtiaz. The Institution has rules about what the
students should wear, and a copy of the rules is given
to everyone at the time of admission. All students
must follow these rules, regardless of their academic
year and department. The dress rules say that all
students should wear grey trousers with a white shirt.
Mr Ali Imtiaz says to you:
I'd like you to send a memo to all the heads of
departments informing them about violation of dress
rules. For example, I've seen some of the students
with unusually long hair. This looks very untidy. I've
even seen one or two of the students wearing joggers.
They need to remind students to look back over the
rules they received. They should have a quiet word
with any of their students not following the rules. I
want you to mention in particular that during summer
term wearing of tie is not compulsory. You'd better use
my name in the memo.'
Write a memo to all HODs about the institution’s dress
rules and the observation of the registrar. Ask them to
ensure strict compliance.
Subject: Non-compliance - University Dress Code
1. The Registrar has observed with concern the
violation of subject code by students. Please ensure the
a. All students are in possession of the fresh rules of
dress code mentioning tie as optional during summers.
b. Advise defaulters individually and remind them of strict
disciplinary action in case of non-compliance.
2. Please acknowledge.

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