Q4 - Week 4 Day 1 English

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Restate sentences heard

in one’s own word.

Vocabulary Development:
Find the meaning of the words in column
A from column B
A. B
1. beak a.top edge of a glass or container
2. half-dead b.a large container
3. pitcher c. very tired
4. brim d.the hard pointed part of the bird
e. no life
Vocabulary Development:
Find the meaning of the words in column
A from column B
A. B
1. beak d a.top edge of a glass or container
2. half-dead c b.a large container
3. pitcher b c. very tired
4. brim a d.the hard pointed part of the bird
e. no life
Presentation read it to the class)
The Crow and the Pitcher
A crow, half-dead with thirst, came upon a pitcher that
had once been full of water. When the crow put its beak
into the mouth of the pitcher, he found that only very
little water was left in it, and that he could not reach
down enough to get at it. He tried so hard to reach the
water, but could not. But then, a thought came to him. He
picked up one stone and dropped it into the pitcher. He
looked another and dropped it. He did this again and
again until the water came to the brim, afterwards, he
drank and drank.
Answer the following questions.
1. How did the crow feel that day?
2. What did the crow see?
3. Why did the crow drink the water from the
4. How did the crow make the water come to the
5. What did the crow do when the water in the
pitcher came up?
Read again the short selection
“The Crow and the Pitcher “and
instruct the pupils to listen
carefully and try to get the main
point of every sentence.
1. A crow, half-dead with thirst, came upon a pitcher that had
once been full of water. When the crow put its beak into
the mouth of the pitcher
2. He found that only very little water was left in it, and that
he could not reach down enough to get at it.
3. He tried so hard to reach the water, but could not. But
then, a thought came to him.
4. He picked up one stone and dropped it into the pitcher. He
looked another and dropped it.
5. He did this again and again until the water came to the
brim, afterwards, he drank and drank.
Group activity
Give each group a short selection. Have the
leader read the selection then the member will
write at least 5 sentences they heard.
One man bought a beautiful house with an orchard. Nearby an envious
man lived in the old house. He was constantly trying to ruin the mood of
his new neighbor: he threw garbage under his gates and made other nasty
One day the man woke up in a good mood, went out onto the
porch and saw a bucket of slops there. The man took this bucket, poured
out the slops, cleaned a bucket, put the most ripe and delicious apples
there and went to his neighbor. The neighbor heard a knock at the door
and gleefully thought: “Finally I got it!”
He opened the door expecting for a quarrel. However the man gave
him a bucket of apples saying:
The one who is rich with something, shares it with others.
Independent Practice
Read the short paragraph then answer the
following questions in a complete sentence
The Donkey and the Sponges
A man drove his donkey to the seaside and purchased
there a load of salt. The man and the donkey went home at once. While
crossing a stream, the donkey stumbled and fell into the water. He lay there
for some time until he regained his energy. Upon arising, the donkey was
delighted to find that he had lost his burden. After that, the donkey again
had a chance to cross the same stream, but this time he carried a load of
sponges. Remembering what happened before; he stumbled intentionally
and again fell into the stream. The donkey was surprised when he found out
that, his load became many times heavier than before
Answer the following questions:
1. What was the donkey’s burden on his first journey?
2. Why was he delighted after falling into the stream the
first time?
3. What happened the second time he crossed the
4. Why was the donkey sorry in the end?
5. What is the lesson of the story?
Evaluation : Listen to your teacher while reading the
following sentence then restate it in your own
words.(option: you can use pictures so pupils can get the main point /message of the sentence.)
1. A rich man in a certain town once owned a dog and a cat, both of which
were very useful to him
2. The dog had served his master for many years and had become so old that
he had lost his teeth and was unable to fight anymore,
3. The dog was a good guide and companion to the cat who was strong and
4. The master had a daughter who was attending school at a convent some
distance from home, and very often he sent the dog and the cat with
presents to the girl.
5. One day he called the faithful animals and bade them carry a magic ring to
his daughter.
Thank You

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