Surveillance of Diphtheria Cases (For Bali)

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Surveillance of Diphtheria Cases,

Inpatient at Sulianti Saroso Infectious Diseases

Hospital (SSIDH),
Period 2015-2018
By: Herlina
Sulianti Saroso
Infectious Diseases
Hospital (SSIDH)

• National referral hospital for infectious diseases in

• Located in North Jakarta
• Has the task of research and service for infectious
patients, one of which is diphtheria
Surveillance of Suspected Diphtheria Cases
• Increase in diphtheria cases in the world and
Indonesia from 2014-2018, CFR Indonesia
(4.04%, 1.98%, 5.78%, 4.57%, 1.74%)
• Increased cases of diphtheria hospitalization in
SSIDH from 2014-2018 (3, 16, 37, 260, 298); CFR
(0%, 0%, 5.40%, 1.15%, 3,35%)
Description of Diphtheria Cases in Indonesia and at Sulianti
Saroso Infectious Diseases Hospital 2014-2017

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Cases 396 252 415 954 1665
Death 16 5 24 44 10
CFR 4.04% 1.98% 5.78% 4.60% 1,74%
Cases 3 16 37 260 298

Death 0 0 2 3 10
CFR 0% 0% 5.40% 1.15% 3,35%
Surveillance of Suspected Diphtheria Cases in
√ Statement of the Problem:
Diphtheria is caused by Corynebacterium diphtheriae and
almost all over the world causes an outbreak. This disease
mainly attacks children aged 1-12 years. Easy to spread and
transmitted by direct contact with droplet. Diphtheria
prevention is conducting an immunization program.

√ Objective:
Obtain an overview of the epidemiological surveillance of
diphtheria inpatients period 2015 - 2018 at Sulianti Saroso
Infectious Diseases Hospital based on person, place and time.

√ Methodology:
Passive surveillance by taking patient data from medical record
There was an increase in cases of hospitalized diphtheria
period 2015-2018.
Diphtheria cases in patient based on sex and age from 2015-2018 were children (408
cases) bigger than adult (203 cases) and male (318 cases) bigger than female (293
Based on domicile, the biggest from outside Jakarta 236 cases and North Jakarta 126 cases.
Based on the origin of referrals were hospital 247 cases; health center 171 cases;
come alone 106 cases; and clinic 87 cases.
Based on laboratory culture confirmation were 2 (2015); 5 (2016); 7 (2017); 45
(2018). Based on life status (death) were 2 (2016); 3 (2017); 10 (2018).
Diphtheria cases based on epidemiology criteria: total patients come with suspected diphtheria (sign and
symptoms like diphtheria) from 2015-2018 were 611 cases, consist of 211 patients were non diphtheria
(sign and symptons like diphtheria but final diagnosed not diphtheria) and 400 patients diagnosed to
probable diphtheria (clinical diphtheria). From probable diphtheria, 69 patients diagnosed to confirmed
diphtheria (clinical diphtheria and positive laboratory diphtheria).
Positive Rate : 12.50% (2015), 8.10% (2016), 6.15% (2017), 12.75% (2018).

CFR: 0% (2015), 5.40% (2016), 1.15% (2017), 3.35% (2018)

Diphtheria hospitalized at SSIDH was increase. National
preparedness of diphtheria is needed, especially case finding in
community to break the chain transmission of diphtheria.
Strengthening surveillance networking regarding follow-up the
diphtheria patients.
Thank you

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