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Ending the Reproduction of Kudzu

By: Juliana Yagyu & Jordan Holdaway

Harrison High School

Background Materials and Procedure Next Steps

Kudzu is an invasive plant species that

Materials : Procedure: Our next steps are to use our knowledge
may lead to a decrease in soil productivity
• LB Agar 1. Purchase a Bacterial Gene Engineering CRISPR on CRISPR to modify the genome of kudzu
because of its high amounts of nitrogen. It
• LB Strep/Kan/Arabinose Agar Cas9 Kit and make it stop reproducing. We now
can also be found in unwanted places that
• Glass bottle for pouring plates 2. Take 1 hour to make plates (it may take more know more about kudzu and how to use
are bothersome to farmers and others that
• Inoculation Loops/Plate Spreader time if inexperienced in making plates) CRISPR to prepare us for next year.
work outdoors. In the United States it
• 10-100uL variable volume 3. Streak out bacteria onto an LB Agar plate for
costs around $500 million annually in lost
adjustable pipette about 1 minute References
cropland and control costs to manage
• (1 uL increments) 4. For 12-18 hours let the bacteria grow (it is best to
kudzu. However, by using a CRISPR kit to
let it sit overnight)
Bortesi, L., & Fischer, R. (2015). The CRISPR/Cas9 system for plant

learn more about gene editing and • Box of 96 Pipette Tips genome editing and beyond. Biotechnology Advances, 33(1), 41-

• 14 Petri Plates 5. The next day or when the bacteria have had time 52. Retrieved from
researching Kudzu this year we can use S0734975014001931

• Microcentrifuge tube rack to grow, mix together sample, plasmids, and

our newly obtained knowledge to stop the Crossley, M. (2018). What is CRISPR gene editing, and how does it

• Nitrile Gloves transformation mix work? (Cover story). Chemistry in Australia, 18–19. Retrieved from
growth of Kudzu with CRISPR the following

• Microcentrifuge tubes 6. Refrigerate sample solution for 30 minutes (Do 0038067&site=ehost-live

• 50mL Tube for Measuring NOT freeze!) Jinek, M., Liang, P., Vyas, V. K., Barrasa, M. I., Fink, G. R., Maddalo, D.,
Yin, H, Oye, K. A., Gantz, V. M. & Bier, Ishino, Y., Shinagawa,
Research Question? / Hypothesis • Bacterial transformation buffer 7. For 30 seconds, ‘heat shock’ the sample warm at H., Makino, K., Amemura, M. & Nakata, A., Mojica, F. J., Ferrer,
C., Juez, G. & Rodríguez-Valera, F., Barrangou, R., Cong, L., Mali, P.

25mM CalCl2, 10% PEG 8000 42 degrees celsius or 108 degrees Fahrenheit (2015). CRISPR, the disruptor. Nature. Retrieved from
Research Question(s): Will water.
• LB Media for transformation
Kudzu stop reproducing if its genome 8. Add LB media to your cell solution for about 1
Liu, D., Hu, R., Palla, K., Tuskan, G., Yang, X. (2016). Advances and
recovery perspectives on the use of CRISPR/Cas9 systems in plant genomics
is altered? minute then incubate for at least 1-2 hours at 30
research. Retrieved
• Cas9 Plasmid from

• gRNA plasmid degrees celsius or incubate for at least 4 hours at 300152

Hypothesis(es): If we research more room temp. for the best results Park, A. (2016). The CRISPR Pioneers. TIME Magazine, 188(25–26),
• Template DNA 116–122. Retrieved from
about Kudzu as well as the genes involved 9. Plate 200uL of the bacteria solution and let it dry
• Bacterial Transformation Kit 0052882&site=ehost-live
in reproduction and use CRISPR to learn for 10 minutes
how to edit genes then we can
Richard, G., G., P., Fossdal, G., C., P., W., & D., T. (2015, October 5).
10. Incubate for about 24 hours at 30 degrees Celsius Extreme low temperature tolerance in woody plants. Retrieved

stop the reproduction of Kudzu by

or 86 degrees Fahrenheit for 16-24 hours or at l

altering its genome. room temperature for 24-48 hours Vyas, K. V., Oye, A. K., & Barrangou, R. (2015, June 4). CRISPR, the
disruptor. Retrieved from

Zalatan, G. J., Polstein, R. L., & Hilton, B. I. (2016, March 10). CRISPR:
gene editing is just the beginning. Retrieved August 21, 2019,

Pictures of the Procedure & Results beginning-1.19510

The hypothesis was proven or disproven
because of a misstep made in our project. We would like to thank many people for
We dropped a few plates on the ground helping us complete our science fair this
during testing and we scrapped the plate year, we couldn't have done it without
too roughly when we were attempting the them. Specifically we would like to thank
last steps in our procedure. Mrs. Curran, Ms. Allard, Mr. Ward, Mr.
This is when we made the A picture of the different This is our final product after plating
Holder, Mrs. Tatum, and our parents.
bacterial transformation bacterial transformation our bacterial transformation mix onto
mix. tubes. the LB Strep plate.

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