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This part of research includes
information which would
focus attention on the
importance and validity of the
It is the general orientation to
the problem area.
A brief rationale to justify the
problem must be provided.
This is the present state of
knowledge regarding the
 Answer these questions: What facets of
the problem (problem) are known and
what need further investigation? What
approaches have been used previously
in research of the problem?
 The background includes:

1. discussion of the problem in general

and the specific situations as observed
and experienced by the researcher (macro
to micro approach)
2. concepts and ideas related to the
problem including clarification important
terminologies; and
3. discussion of the existing or present
conditions and what is aimed to be in the
This is the basic difficulty, the
issue, the area of concern, the
circumstances which exist,
then, how they ought to be.
The researcher should give the
background which led to this
circumstances that exist.
Briefly describe the condition or
a situation that exist which is
perceived as something less than
the ideal;
Or what it should be and how you
see it to be.
Answer the following questions:
What are the reasons for this
circumstances? Is it possible to
be solved or changed? What are
the specific problems that the
The statement of the
problem tells what is done to
make the situation that exist
more like what it should be.
It has two main elements:

1. the objective
2. research questions
The first part of the problem
where the researcher states
the objective
This is a statement of a long-
term objective expected to be
achieved by the study.
This is derived by the
identification and
crystallization of the research
It is prefixed by these
introductory phrases:

Example: “The main

objective of this study
is to ….”
The specific questions which
are to be answered in the
study (all in question form).
They are questions to give
further definition or
explanation of the research
problem by stressing the fact
that they elicit answers to
clarify or solve the research
problem, which is the main
Example of Research Problem
and Research Questions
 Thisstudy attempted to evaluate the
status and extent of implement

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