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 The title page is considered as the first page of a

report, thesis or dissertation. This page varies from
one school to another. Most schools have their
own forms and styles for thesis and dissertations.
This page has usually has exact title of paper is
submitted, the subject for which the paper is
presented, researcher’s full name, and the month
and a year.

 Mostinstitutions provide a printed form for

the approval sheet; you should follow the
requirements of institutions.

 Although preface and acknowledgements can

be considered almost the same, the use of these
two words are different. The Preface or Foreword
is used if the researcher wants to state reasons
for making the study, it’s background, scope,
purpose, and to acknowledge institutions and
 The acknowledgements will do only if the
researcher wishes to recognize and appreciate
assistance from someone.

 Thetable of contents follows right after the

preface or acknowledgements or rather
the title page if there is no approval sheet
or preface page. This gives reader an
analytical overview of the coverage of
the study as well as the order of it’s
Other salient points:
 Avoid listing more than three levels of headings or
 Chapter numbers and wordings, capitalizations, and
punctuations of chapter titles, headings and subheadings
should be exactly the same in the table of contents as they
are in the text.
 The recommended spacing is double- spaced between all
the titles and headings and a single space for titles or
headings that will occupy two or more typewritten lines.
 The recommended indention is two spaces. For headings
requiring more than one type written line, successive lines
are indented two spaces from the starting point of the first

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