ENGR 180 Discussion Week 4

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Engineering 180
Systems Engineering
Discussion Session – Week 4

Laurie O’Connor, PhD


©2013 Peter Pao and Kenneth Kung - All Rights Reserved 1


Agenda for this week:

 Interim Review instructions

 Team schedule presentations
 Midterm instructions
 Midterm example questions

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Project Assignment 3: Interim Review

 This homework is for each team to do together. Hence the team lead or a
designated person should turn in the completed assignment – one per team.

 For the Group Project, we are conducting an interim review on April 29 in
the Discussion Session. The TA will evaluate the in-class presentation.
The professor and the TA will review the presentation materials submitted.
 1. Each team has 10 minutes. Use Powerpoint for your presentations.
 2. Turn in the presentation used as the homework submittal for the whole
 3. Discuss accomplishments that have been made. Where are you on the
schedule? Do you have any difficulties, issues, and problems? What is the
anticipated progress to be completed by the second interim review to be
scheduled for Week 8.

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Team Schedule Presentations

 Team lead name

 Team name
 Team topic
 Project schedule
 Deliverables and timing
 Collaboration environment – how used?

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Midterm Instructions:
 Midterm 4:00-6:00, Week 6, 5/5/15. Material covered in first three weeks of
lectures and Homework’s 1-3. Know the overall process, its components,
and how they relate.
 Exam will be distributed on USB by TA.
 Use your own laptop, or reserve and check-out a laptop from the library.
 When finished submit electronic copy of exam to TA or CCLE. Draw
diagrams either on computer or on paper. Name should be on all pages.
 Open book, open notes, internet access only to the online
textbook. Disconnect when you are not using the textbook.
 Be prepared to answer questions that ask you to discuss: why, explain, give
an example of, how is this like, etc.

 Hint: Define your terms, clarify your assumptions, discuss reasons, give
examples. Make sure your points are clearly stated.
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Midterm Sample: COTS

(10 pts) COTS (1/2 page)
In developing an allocated baseline, we often allocate
requirements to commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) products
to reduce the technical and schedule risks. However,
COTS products may not meet the preliminary design
requirements assigned to this part of allocated baseline.
Discuss an approach to address this shortcoming.

Do parts change? Requirements?
Task allocation? Re-engineer?
Cost? Functionality? Hazards? Stakeholders?
©2013 Peter Pao and Kenneth Kung - All Rights Reserved 6

Midterm Sample: System integration

(10 pt) System Integration.

Often we like to incorporate new capabilities to an existing

operational system. Suppose a customer has the
requirements that you must keep the system running while
integrating new capabilities. For example, the air traffic
management system must continue to direct the air traffic
flow on a continuous basis, while you are inserting a new
capability. Suggest a method that you can apply to
integrate new capabilities without interrupting the
operational system.

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Midterm Sample: TPM

(20 pts) Technical Performance Measures (TPM) (1 page)
In the textbook, the rate of climb is given as an example of
the TPM for the aircraft that we are developing. The
weight of systems and subsystems influences this TPM.

(a) Name another TPM for this aircraft, and a specific

parameter that can influence this measure.
(b) Why is this TPM important?
(c) Discuss how the design parameter in (a) impacts the

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Midterm Sample: Good Practice Problem

((30 pt) Identify system functions (in air traffic control tower at airports) for the following
operational scenario. The scenario describes how the controller guides an aircraft to take off from
an airport.

 “When an aircraft is ready to leave a gate, the pilot seeks permission from the air traffic
controller via radio. The air traffic controller checks his monitor to ensure flight information
has been entered and flight plan is filed into the system. No enroute congestion flow control,
nor destination airport issues is anticipated for this flight. The controller gave permission to
the aircraft to be pushed back. Checking no other aircraft is on the taxiway that pose safety
concern, the controller gives pilot permission to head to a specific runway. After reaching the
end of runway, the controller checks to ensure no other aircraft is on the runway, nor any
aircraft is about to land on the same runway. When satisfied, the controller gives permission
for the aircraft to go to the take off position and to take off when ready. After takeoff, the
controller asks the pilot to contact the terminal air space controller for further guidance.”
 (a) For each system function identified, give a short description on what it needs to
accomplish. You should identify at least 10 system functions (but do not go over 15 system
 (b) Draw diagram or diagrams to show the input and output relationship among these
system functions.

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Midterm Sample: Adding new functions

 (10 pt) For the scenario given in Question 1, if we are to add a parallel
runway to increase the takeoff and landing capacity, what additional system
functions need to be added? List and explain 3 new or modified system
functions. Modify the diagrams from Question 1 to reflect the added and
modified system functions.

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Midterm Sample: TPM

 (10 pt) For the system functions that you listed in Question 1 and 2, please
discuss the technical performance metric for 5 system functions. Name and
describe each technical performance metric. Include any applicable units
or measure. Give an example.

©2013 Peter Pao and Kenneth Kung - All Rights Reserved 11


Midterm Sample: Measures of Effectiveness

(20 pt) During the system design, we often must consider many factors such
as performance, reliability, maintenability, usability, etc. For example, to
ensure performance requirements are met, we consider measure of
effectiveness such as size, weight, shape, range, accuracy, etc.
 (a) For the air traffic control system that we discussed in the class,
discuss 3 design factors that must be considered.
 (b) For each of the factor, what are the measure of effectiveness that need
to be analyzed? Describe the tradeoff between these design factors that
might affect the design.

©2013 Peter Pao and Kenneth Kung - All Rights Reserved 12


Homework and midterm hint: FFBD

 Levels: Each function should be a part of

(contained in) the function above
 Numbering (like an outline)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4

 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.3.3

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Midterm Sample: FFBD

 (15 pt) In the requirement analysis of aircraft refueling, we see that step 3.1 Conduct
Refueling can be broken into Step 3.1.1 to 3.1.9.
 (a) Take the Step 3.1.6 Refueling Aircraft and break this step into the next level of details.
Specify a minimum of 4 steps.
 (b) Discuss how we can ensure the fuel amount in the aircraft is accurate to plus/minus x% of
the requested amount of fuel (e.g., x could be 0.01% or 1%). What system functions are
needed to ensure this accuracy?

©2013 Peter Pao and Kenneth Kung - All Rights Reserved 14

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