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Putri Salma 1900064
Rahma Aulina 1900127
Rivani Adistia Dewi 1900140
1. Real Number:
Order and
Absolute of

5. Construction
Introduction to 2. Operations
with Real
Expressions Algebra Number

4. Algebraic 3. Properties of
Expressions Real Numbers
Real Number: Order and Absolute of
• Sets and Real Number
Set = The formal term that we use in mathematics to talk about the collection of objecs.
It signed by a pair of brances to list members of the set. Example: {1,2,3}
The three numbers above is the set of real numbers. The term real distinguishes real
numbers from imaginary.
• Subsets of Real Number
 When studying mathematics, we focus on special sets of numbers. denoted N . That’s
Natural Number.
 The set of whole numbers, denoted W , is the set of natural numbers combined with zero.
 The set of integers, denoted Z , consists of both positive and negative whole numbers, as
well as zero. Notice that the sets of natural and whole numbers are both subsets of the set
of integers.
 Rational numbers, denoted Q , are defined as any number of the form , where a and b
are integers and b is nonzero. Decimals that repeat or terminate are rational. For example,
 The set of integers is a subset of the set of rational numbers because every integer can be
expressed as a ratio of the integer and 1 . In other words, any integer can be written over
1 and can be considered a rational number.
 Irrational numbers are defined as any number that cannot be written as a ratio of two
integers. Nonterminating decimals that do not repeat are irrational.
 Natural num: One, two, …
 Whole num: Start from Zero, one,...
 Integers : 1). Negative integers: negative
one, …
 2). Zero
 3). Positive integers
 Rational num: 1). Fraction, has numerator
read as kardinal number and
denominator read as ordinal number. For
instance: three fourth or three over four
(3/4), a half or one over two (1/2) , eleven
halves (11/2)
2). Decimals. The decimal
representation of a rational number is either
terminating or repeating. For instance,
0,25(zero point two five) is terminating and
0,363636… =0, 36 is repeating.
 Irrational Numbers. For instance:
1). 2 square root or square root of
two( 2 ),
2). 𝜋 usually rounded to a certain
number of decimal places. 𝜋 ≈ 3.1416
• The Real Number Line
Plotting = penentuan atau peletakan. Here is real number line. It
consists of a horizontal line with a point (the origin) labeled as 0. Look at the
picture below.

The real number zero is neither psitive nor negative. Thus, when we want to talk
about real numbers that might be positive or zero we use the term nonnegative
real number.
Plotting the real number is:

For instance:
 Odering the Real Numbers an Distance
When comparing real numbers on a number line, the larger
number will always lie to the right of the smaller one. We say that:
 The number to the left is less than the number to the right.
 Or that the number to the right is greater than the number to the left
For instance:

-5 <- 1 3>1
Negative five is less than Three is greater than one
negative one
 The symbol a ≤ b means that a is less than or equal to b, and the
b ≥ a means that b is greater than or equal to a.
 The symbol <, >, ≤, and ≥ are called inequality symbols.
 When you re asked to order two numbers, you are smply being asked
to say which of the two number is greater.
• Distance Between Two Real Numbers
If a and b are two real numbers such that a≤
b, then the distance between a and b is given by: b – a. For instance:
1). The distance between -2 and 3 is 2). The distance between
0 and 4 is
3 – (-2) = 3 + 2 = 5 4–0= 4

• The Absolute Value of Real Number

The absolute value of a real number a, denoted |a|, is defined as
the distance between zero (the origin) and the graph of that real number
on the number line. Since it is a distance, it is always positive.
If a > 0, then |a| = a – 0 = a
If a = 0, then |a| = 0 – 0 = 0
If a < 0, then |a| = 0 – a = -a
 Opposites, The opposite of any real number a is −a. Opposite real
numbers are the same distance from the origin on a number line, but
their graphs lie on opposite sides of the origin and the numbers have
opposite signs. For example, we say that the opposite of 10 is −10. Since
opposite numbers lie the same distance from 0 on the real number line,
they have the same absolute value. Thus, 10 = 10 and −10 = 10
Addition and Subtraction of Real Numbers
Multiplication of Real Numbers
Division of Real Numbers
Positive Integer Exponents
Symbols of Grouping
Addition and Subtraction of Real
A) Addition of Two Real Numbers
 To add 2 real numbers with like sign, add their absolute values and attach
the common sign to the result.
 To add 2 Real Numbers with unlike sign, subtract the smaller absolute value
from the greater absolute value and attach the sign of the numbers with
the greater absolute value.
The result of adding real numbers is called the sum of the 2 numbers, and the
2 real numbers are called the terms of the sum

 7 – 5 = 7 + (-5)

 10 – (-13) = 10 + 13
B) Subtraction of Two Real Numbers
 To subtract the real number b from the real number a, we add the opposite
of b to a. That is,
a - b = a + (-b).
 the results of this subtraction is called the difference of a and b.
C) Addition and Subtraction of Fractions
𝑎 𝑐 𝑎+𝑐
 + = Sum
𝑏 𝑏 𝑏
𝑎 𝑐 𝑎−𝑐
 − = Difference
𝑏 𝑏 𝑏

𝑎 𝑏 𝑎𝑑+𝑏𝑐
 +𝑑 = Sum
𝑐 𝑐𝑑
𝑎 𝑏 𝑎𝑑−𝑏𝑐
 −𝑑 = Difference
𝑐 𝑐𝑑
Multiplication of Real Numbers

A) Multiplication of 2 real numbers

 To multiply 2 real numbers with like sign, find the product of their absolute
values. (the final result is positive)
 To multiply 2 real numbers with unlike sign, find the product of their absolute
values, and attach a minus sign. (the final result is negative).
 The result of multiplying 2 real numbers is called their product, and each of
the 2 numbers are called a factor of product.
B) Multiplication of 2 Fractions
𝑎 𝑏 𝑎𝑏
 . =
𝑐 𝑑 𝑐𝑑
Division of Real Numbers

 To divide the real number a by the nonzero real number b, we multiply a by

the reciprocal of b. That is,
𝑎÷b=𝑎 𝑏

The result of diving 2 real numbers is called the quotient of the numbers.
 The number a is called the dividend, and the number b is called the
 using the symbols
we call a the numerator and b the dominator.
Positive Integer Exponents

 Exponential Notation
 Let n be a positive integer and a be a real number. Then the product of n
factors of a is given by
𝑎𝑛 = 𝑎 . 𝑎 . 𝑎 … 𝑎
 In the exponentioal from 𝑎𝑛 , a is called the base and n is the exponent.
When we write the exponential from 𝑎𝑛 , we say that we are raising a to the
nth power.
Symbols of Grouping

 When adding, subtracing, multiplying, or dividing more than 2 numbers, it is

important to use symbols of grouping ( such as parentheses) to indicate
theorder of operation.
1. Mathematical Systems
2. Basic Properties of Real Numbers
3. Additional Properties of Real Numbers
1. Mathematical Systems

Whole Defined operation

numbers • Addition
• Multiplication
• Subtraction
• Division
Integers Input set • Exponentiation
• Etc.
Rational Properties
numbers • Communicative
• Associative
• Identy
Real • Etc.

Algebraic Algorithms
expressions • Vertival
• Long division
• Etc.
2. Basic Properties of Real Numbers

 For the mathematical system that consist of the set real numbers together
with the operation of addition subtraction, multiplication, and division, the
resulting properties are called properties of real numbers.
3. Additional Properties of Real
Once we have determined the basic properties of a mathematical system
(called the axioms of the system),we can go on to develop other properties of
the system. These additional properties are often called theorems, and the
formal arguments that justify the theorems are called proofs.
Algebraic Expressions
Algebraic Exressions
 The letters used to represent the numbers are called variables
 Real number is called constants
 Numerical factor of a variable term is called coefficient
 Algebraic expression is a collection of letters (variables) and real number (constants)
combined using the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division
 The terms of an algebraic expression are those parts that are separated by addition
x² - 3x + 6 the terms are x², -3x, 6

variable constant
Basic Rules of Algebra

 Commutative Property of Addition

Example: 5x + x² = x² + 5x
 Commutative Property of Multiplication
ab = ba
Example: (3 + x)x³ = x³(3 + x)
 Associative Property of Addition
(a + b) + c = a + (b + c)
Example: (-x + 6) + 3x² = -x + (6 + 3x²)
 Associative Property of Multiplication
(ab)c = a(bc)
Example: (5x · 4y)(6) = (5x)(4y · 6)
 Distributive Properties
a(b + c) = ab + ac (left)
Example: 2x(4 + 3x) = 2x · 4 + 2x · 3x
(a + b)c = ac + bc (right)
Example: (y + 6)y = y · y + 6 · y
 Additive Identity Property
Example: 4y² + 0 = 4y²
 Multiplicative Identity Property
Example: (-5x³)(1) = (1)(-5x³) = -5x³
 Additive Inverse Property
a + (-a) = 0
Example: 4x² + (-4x²) = 0
 Multiplicative Invers Property
a · ⅟a = 1, a ≠ 0
Example: (x² + 1)(⅟(x² + 1)) = 1
Identifying the Basic Rules of Algebra

 (5x²)3 = 3(5x²) : Commutative Property of Multiplication

 (3x² + x) – (3x² + x) = 0 : Additive Inverse Property
 (y – 6)3 + (y – 6)y = (y – 6)(3 + y) : Distributive Property
 (5 + x²) + 4x² = 5 + (x² + 4x²) : Associative Property of Addition
 5x · 1/5x = 1, x ≠ 0 : Multiplicative Inverse Property
Properties of Exponents

 To multiply two exponential expressions that have the same base, we add
the exponents
am · an = am + n
Example: b³b²b = b3 + 2 + 1
 To raise a product to a power, we raise each factor to the power and
multiply the result
(ab)m = ambm
Example: (3x)³ = 3³ · x³
Appliying the Properties of Exponents

 4²x² · x = (4²)(x² · x) = 16x³

 (-x²)(x²) = (-1)(x² · x²) = (-1)x2 + 2 = -x⁴
 (-x)²(x²) = x² · x² = x2 + 2 = x⁴
 (4x)² = 4² · x² = 16x²
 (-3x²y)(5xy)(2y²) = (-3)(5)(2)(x² · x)(y · y · y²) = -30x³y⁴
Simplifiying Algebraic Expressions

 Simplify an algebraic expression generally means that we are to remove

symbols of grouping such as parentheses or brackets and combine like
 Two terms are said to be like terms if they have the same variable factor(s)
Example: 4x and -2x
 Combaining Like Terms
7x + 7y - 4x – y = (7x – 4x) + (7y – y)
= 3x + 6y
 Removing Symbols of Grouping
3(x – 5) – (2x – 7) = 3x – 15 – 2x + 7
= (3x – 2x) + (-15 + 7)
NOTE: - A set of parentheses preceded by a minus sign can be removed by changing the
sign of each term inside the parentheses
3x – (2x – 7) = 3x – 2x + 7
- A set of parentheses preceded by a plus sign can be removed without changing
the signs of the terms the parentheses
3x + (2x – 7) = 3x + 2x - 7
 2x + 3x – 4 = (2 + 3)x – 4 = 5x – 4
 5x + 3y - 4x = 3y + 5x – 4x = 3y + x
 2x² + 3x – 5x² - x = (2x² - 5x²) + (3x – x) = -3x² + 2x
 5x – 2x[3 + 2(x – 7)] = 5x – 2x[3 + 2x -14] = 5x – 2x[2x – 11] = 5x – 4x² + 22x = -4x² + 27x
 -3x(5x⁴) + (2x)⁵ = -15x⁵ + (2⁵)(x⁵) = -15x⁵ + 32x⁵ = 17x⁵
Evaluating Algabraic Expressions

 To evaluate an algebraic expression, we substitute numerical values for

each of the variables in the expression
1. When x = -2 and y = 5, the expression 2y - 3x has a value of
2(5) – 3(-2) = 10 + 6 = 16
2. When x = 2 and y = -1, the expression 2xy/(5x + y) has a value of
(2(2)(-1))/(5(2) – 1) = -4/(10 – 1) = -4/9
 When x = -2, the expression 5 + x² has value of
5 + (-2)² = 5 + 4 = 9
 When x = -2, the expression 5 - x² has value of
5 – (-2)² = 5 – 4 = 1
 When x = 2 and y = -1, the expression x – y has value of
2 – (-1) = 2 + 1 = 3
 When x = 2 and y = -1, the expression |y – x| has value of
|-1 – 2| = |-3| = 3
 When x = 2 and y = -1, the expression xy has value of
(2)(-1) = -2
Construction Algebraic Expressions
Translating Phrases

 Addition: Sum, Plus, Greater, Increased by, More than, Exceeds, Total of
Example: 5 + x : The sum of 5 and x
 Subtraction: Difference, Minus, Less than, Decreased by, Subtracted from,
Reduced by, The remainder
Example: 4 – b : b is subtraced from 4
 Multiplication: Product, Multiplied by, Twice, Times, Percent of
Example: 2x : Two times x
 Division: Quotient, Divided by, Ratio, Per
Example: x/8 : The ratio of x to 8
Translating Verbal Phrase Containing a
Specified Variable
 Seven more than three times x: 3x + 7
 Four less than the product of 6 and n: 6n – 4
 Y decreased by the sum of 5 and x²: y – (5 + x²)
Translating Verbal Phrases Having No
Specified Variable
 The sum of 7 and a number
Verbal description: The sum of 7 and a number
Label: x = the number
Algebraic expression: 7 + x
 A number increased by the sum of 8 and another number
Verbal description: A number increased by the sum of 8 and another
Labels: x = one number
y = the other number
Algebraic expression: x + (8 + y)
Translating Algebraic Expressions into
Verbal Form
 Algebraic expression: 5x – 10
Primary operation: Subtraction
Terms: 5x and 10
Verbal description: 10 less than the product of 5 and a number
 Algebraic expression: 3 + x/4
Primary operation: Addition
Terms: 3 and x/4
Verbal description: Three added to the quotient of a number and 4
 Four times the sum of y and 9: 4(y + 9)
 Four decreased by the product of 2 and a number: 4 – 2x
 Four is subtraced from a number and the result is divided by 9: (x – 4)/9
 5(x – 10): Five times 10 less than a number
 (3 + x)/4: The sum of 3 and a number, all divided by 4
Hidden Operations
Discovering Hidden Products

 A cash register contains x quarters. Write an expression for this amount of

money in dollars.
The amount of money is a product
Verbal model: Value of coin · Number of coins
Labels: Value of coin = 0,25 (in dollars)
Number of coins = x
Algebraic expression: 0,25x (in dollars)
Using Hidden Operations to Label
Unknown Quantities
 A person’s weekly salary is d dollars. What is the annual salary for this
There are 52 weeks in a year
Specific case: If the weekly salary is $300, then the annual salary
is 52(300) dollars
General case: If the weekly salary is d dollars, then the annual
salary is 52 · d or 52d dollars
 A cash register contains n nickels and d dimes. Write an expression for this amount of
money in cents.
5n + 10d (in cents)
 Write an expression showing how far a person can ride a bicycle in t hours if the person
travels at a constant rate of 12 miles per hour
distance = rate · time
= 12t
 A person adds k litters of a fluid containing 55% antifreeze to a car radiator. Write an
expression that indicates how much antifreeze was added
Percentage of antifreeze · Number of litters = 0,55k litters
 A person’s annual salary is y dollars. What is the monthly salary for this person
y/12 dollars
 One person is k inches shorter than a second person. If the first person is 60 inches tall, how
tall is the second person?
66 + k inches tall

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