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- Tabiat berkumpul terdapat dalam kebanyakan haiwan

e.g. ( gajah, singa, kambing, burung, itik,dan ikan )

-Fenomena berkumpulan dalam ikan menjadi inspirasi

kepada ‘capture fisheries’
-Schooling social grouping (conspecific or interspecific)
based on mutual attraction or needs

- Example of mutual attraction or needs:

- food
- protection from predator
- herding of prey
- reproduction
- to correct error in navigation
Schooling and Shoaling
• Schooling
– swimming at the same speed and in the same
– same species and the same age/size
– individual members precisely spaced from each other

• Shoaling
– swimming and foraging somewhat independently but
maintain the grouping
– fish of disparate sizes and mixed-species subgroups.
– individual members loosely spaced from each other
Ciri-ciri kumpulan ikan

a) Temperate waters:
- large in number in a sp. (1 haul landed 500 tons of sardine)
- few number of species (low species diversity)
- bigger individual sizes
In winter
- sea surface temperature is lower than the bottom layer water –
causes upwelling
- upwelling distributes nutrients in water
water becomes productive
more food for fish
bigger schools
bigger fish size
In summer
Sea surface temperature is higher than bottom layer
no upwelling
water is not productive

b) Tropical waters
- small in numbers (in a school)
- many different species
- smaller individual size

All year round

- surface water temperature is always higher than bottom layer
- no upwelling
- water is not productive
- thermocline layer exist all year round at 10 m below sea

Other causes of upwelling

i) water currents
ii) meeting of warm and cold currents
e.g. Oyashio and Kurashio currents in Japan Sea

Consideration of deploying certain types of fishing gears

i) Seine net (e.g. Scottish Seine)
not suitable in tropics because fish schools are small
ii) Midwater trawl
need dense schools of fish
not operated in Malaysia
iii) Kelong
need dense migratory fish schools
need water current
operated in Malaysia (Selat Tebrau)
Pengumpulan ikan mengumpul ikan (air tawar atau air
masin) untuk tujuan penangkapan yang lebih efisien atau untuk
pengurusan sumber

Mengumpul untuk menangkap:

- guna api (candat, pukat jerut dll)
- guna umpan (pancing, menjala, bubu, bubu baung di Kenyir)
- guna percikan air (pole & line – Tuna)
- guna bunyi (gillnet with dolphin to catch marlin)
- Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs) – unjam
- guna umpan berbau

Mengumpul untuk pengurusan sumber:

- strong FADs ( prevent operations of several gears e.g. trawl )
-artificial reefs ( close areas from unwanted fishing operations )
Peranti pengumpul ikan
Malaysia unjam
Filipina payao
Indonesia rumpun
Jepun tsukegi

“ A FAD is any method, object or construction used for the

purpose of facilitating the harvesting of fish by attracting and
thus aggregating them ”


• the desire to be close to a solid object

• perangai ikan suka berkumpul di sekeliling objek terapung seperti
balak, dahan dan daun
• digunakan oleh nelayan untuk tangkap ikan
Anchored FAD can improve the economics of a
fishing operation by:

1. Reducing time and fuel spent in fish searching

2. Improving catch per unit effort (CPUE) by increasing

vulnerability or availability of the targeted species

3. Improving the value of the catch in term of species or size


4. Serve to increase the safety factor in small scale coastal

fishing operations

5. Shift a fishery closer to markets

Success of FADs depend on multiple environmental

1. Water transparency
-clear water – less plankton – less fish
-turbid water (unpolluted) – more fish

2. Water color
-blue water – tuna, dolphin
-green water – mackerel, little tuna

3. Water depth
-depends on slope of continental shelf
-gradient is great – blue water fishes
-slope is small – other fishes
4. Current speed
-FAD should not be installed in strong current area

5. Closeness to existing reef

-more fish

6. Immersion period of FAD

Beberapa hipotesis mengenai pengumpulan ikan di FADs:

1. Fish seek shelter from predators

2. Larger fish prey on concentration of smaller fish
3. Fish feed on algae of decaying coconut fronds
4. Fish seek the shade under the object
5. Fish use the substrate on which to lay their eggs
6. The shadow of the object makes zooplankton more visible to
the fish
7. Floating objects serve as cleaning stations where pelagic fish
have parasites removed by other fish. Fish also bumps the
body to the flotsams
8. As a reference in an optical void

•Hipotesis adalah andaian yang munasabah

•Hipotesis perlu di’prove’ atau ‘disprove’ untuk menjadikannya

• Use raft with observation chamber to record fish behavior around the
floating raft

• Daripada hipotesis, 1,2 & 7 didapati tepat

• Ikan/mangsa buat kumpulan padat berhampiran dengan FADs apabila

pemangsa datang

• Ada mangsa lari ke belakang FADs dan ada yang bertukar warna
(camourflage) dengan menggunakan Fads sebagai pelindung

• Hipotesis 3 telah di‘disprove’ . Buat stomach content analisis ikan

pada FADs dan dihubungkait dengan organisma yang melekat pada

Lain-lain hipotesis (4,5,6 & 8) – how to prove or disprove????

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