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Performance Engineering vs Testing

Created By : Vinay Prakash


• What is Performance Testing & Engineering

• Performance Testing vs Engineering
• Why Performance Engineering
• Area Which Covered under Performance Engineering
• Tips and areas which should Covered
• 1. Profiling and performance testing altogether
2. Apps side & DB Side Tools
3. Thread Dump
4. Heap Dump
5. Performance Tuning

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Performance Testing vs Engineering

Software Performance Testing: To test and

certify the quality of the application with respect to
the performance.

Software Performance Engineering: To

plan and build a quality software without or minimum
performance bottlenecks.

©2018 Xceedance
Performance Testing is a quality check of the application in
terms of the application’s responsiveness and load handling
capacity. Performance Testing verifies how a system will
perform under production load and to anticipate issues
that might arise during heavy load conditions. On the other
hand, Performance engineering aims to design the
application by keeping the performance metrics in mind
and also to discover potential issues early in the
development cycle.

©2018 Xceedance
Performance Testing is a distinctive
QA process that occurs once a
round of development is completed
whereas performance engineering
is an ongoing process that occurs
through all phases of the
development cycle i.e. from the
design phase to development, to

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A dedicated performance tester or team
conduct the Performance Testing who has
sound knowledge of performance testing
concept, tool operation, result analysis etc.
A Performance Engineer is a person who
has enough knowledge of application
design, architecture, development, tuning,
performance optimization and bottleneck
root cause investigation and fixing.

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Performance Tester does not much care
about the design and architecture of the
application. He just focused on the
application behavior under load whereas
Performance Engineer cares about how
efficient each component of the application
is performing under load.

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Performance Testing Life Cycle (PTLC) covers all phases
of Performance Testing whereas Performance
Engineering Life Cycle (PELC) covers all the engineering
activities and deliverables

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Profiling and Performance Testing are different things

Performance testing happens at the system level, under varying types of load, and makes
sure your system lives up to its SLAs (service level agreements).

Profiling is what you do when your performance testing shows a problem. It helps you
identify those parts of your system that contribute the most to the performance problem
and shows you where to concentrate your efforts.

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Tools used to check .Net code side Resource Utilization
• Visual Studio code side Profiler also called Visual studio
performance profiler
• Re –sharper
• Jet Brains Dotrance
• JProfiler
• Redgate Ants profiler

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Step 4:

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Test Step Insert:

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