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Crisis Communication

“A crisis is unpredictable but not unexpected”

- Timothy Combs
Crisis: A working definition
Definition of “crisis” is subjective, based on
perception of:
 threat to one or more of an individual’s or organization’s
basic values or missions,

 finite time to make decisions and take action, and

 lack of “standard operating procedures”

Types of Crises
• Natural disasters
• Malevolence
• Technical breakdowns
• Human breakdowns
• Challenges
• Megadamage
• Organizational misdeeds
• Workplace violence
• Rumors
The Impact of Crisis on Individuals
Intense or Prolonged Stress

Which leads to:

 Difficulty thinking clearly
 Dwelling on meaningless activities
 Tunnel vision
 Expressing hostility or numbness
 Impulsiveness
 Feeling incompetent
 Reduced ability to retain information
Pre-crisis Planning
• Prevent or lessen the negative outcomes of a crisis
and thereby protect the organization, stakeholders,
and/or industry from damage
 Monetary loss
 Reputation loss
 Identity altered

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• Definition - Looking out for potential sources of
• Industry-wide issue analysis
• Organization specific issue analysis
• Risk assessment (“implicit issues”)
• Stakeholder relationships

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Assessing situation

• Evaluate issues in two dimensions

 likelihood
 impact

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Develop Crisis Management Plan
• What is it?
 A potential action plan
 Used during the crisis
 Focuses on “how-to”

• What it is not?
 Overly detailed
 Rigid

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Selecting the CMT

A cross-functional group who have been

designated to handle ANY crisis

Characteristics of a good CMT

 Work together (conflict mgt)

 Apply the CMP (manage stress)
 Listen to others
 Make the right decisions
 Communicate proactively
Typical roles
 Legal
 Security/safety
 PR
 Operations
 Top Management (CEO)
 Victim manager

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Selecting Spokespersons
• Principle - “One voice is more important than one
• Role - Manage the accuracy & consistency of the
messages coming from the organization
• Communication should be guided by the 5 C’s:
Concern, clarity, control, confidence, & competence

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Five Keys to Effective Communication in a Crisis

• Clarity

• Repetition

• Honesty

• Empathy

• Efficacy (Give them something to do)

Why clarity? Why repetition?

- Because people are stressed.

Why Empathy?

- Because people are afraid or angry.

Why honesty?

- Because there is a threat.

- Because you need to build trust.

Why efficacy?

- Because action is the antidote to fear.

Skills of the spokesperson
 Appear pleasant on camera (visual, nonverbal)
 Answer questions effectively
 Don’t argue with reporters
 Avoid “no comment” comment (65% believe “no comment” = “guilty”
 Challenge incorrect information
 Assess assumptions of questions
 Legitimize
 Present information clearly
 Avoid jargon
 Provide structure

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• In very high visibility instances, a single
spokesman is the most effective to ensure the
message is consistent
 Also, the most obvious person for spokesman
is not always the best choice.
Remember to…..
• Follow-up on information requests
• Communicate with stakeholders
• Inform people about corrective actions
• Talk about financial implications
• Continue expressing compassion
• Continue tracking issues, risks, etc.

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Assemble the facts:

• What happened?
• Who did it impact?
• Why wasn’t this prevented?
• What are we doing about it?
• What are our strengths and weaknesses?
Next . . .

• Craft your main message. Decide what you

want people to remember
• Message needs to be clear
• Message needs to be concise
• And SHORT!!!!! 28 words or so
If YOU are the one talking . . .

• Use common sense

• Don’t speculate. It’s fine to say, “I wish we knew more”
or “We’re working to determine what happened.”
• Don’t feel compelled to give an interview just because
a reporter calls.
Also . . .

Be empathetic and caring:

• 1. Remember to acknowledge others feelings
• 2. Use phrases such as “We’re sorry” or “We
feel terrible.”
Finally . . .

Stay on message with phrases such as:

• “What’s important to remember…”
• “I can’t answer that question, but I can tell you…”
• “Before I forget, I want to tell your viewers…”
• “Let me put that in perspective…”
• And my favorite: “I wouldn’t characterize it that way -

Warnings don’t get

headlines, crises do.
— Anderson Cooper
• Activate the CCT.
• Gather and verify information.
• Assess the gravity of the crisis.
• Identify key stakeholders.
• Implement a communications strategy.
• Develop external materials.
• Inform partners, stakeholders, and media.
Remember: Fortune favors the prepared mind.
- Louis Pasteur

Thank you!

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