Blockchain For IBMers - Differentiators

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Blockchain for IBMers

2018 Market and Competitive Outlook

Blockchain for IBMers series

Engagement Model Design Thinking Workshops Differentiators

1 March 2018 – Donald Thibeau

© 2017 IBM Corporation

2018 Blockchain Market and Competitive View
Commoditization of hosting
New economic models
Competitor details
Digital asset view

© 2017 IBM Corporation 2


Mainstream adoption of cryptocurrency, primarily bitcoin, ethereum, ripple, and stellar, will diversify use-
cases and drive continued interest in blockchain technology
– “The combined market cap rocketed from $15 billion in January to over $600 billion by year's end.”
– Increased enterprise adoption
• Payments (Stellar, Ripple)
• Stock/bond issuance (Overstock)
• Regulated ICOs (ConsenSys Token Foundry)
– Gartner token framework

Impact on Competition Impact on IBM

• Journey
• ConsenSys
• Increased Interest in EEA
• Payments
• Potential increased interest in universal payments and
• Gitcoin developer incentives
central bank digital currency
• Microsoft
• Adoption of Ethereum
• Fabcoin
• Additional exploration of initial research concept
• GSIs • Native token issuance
• New cryptocurrency services
• Greater support for crypto-based protocols
• Platform interoperability
• Use-case driven use of cryptocurrency ledgers

© 2017 IBM Corporation 3


Interoperability will occur at the protocol layer when driven by a specific business use-case
– Payments and identity use-cases requires solutions supporting both cloud and protocol interoperability
• Payments requires interoperability between Fabric and other cryptocurrency networks (Stellar)
• Decentralized identity frameworks dictate common naming scheme for attestations across protocols (Sovrin)
– Emergence of open-source interoperability projects
• Hyperledger Burrow
• Hyperledger Quilt
– Cloud-agnostic deployment a requirement

Impact on Competition Impact on IBM

• ConsenSys • Requirement driven from solution areas (payments

• “In 2018, I predict IBM and ConsenSys will team up to and identity)
unify the best of the permissioned Fabric blockchain • Open source innovation and “future proofing”
with the best of permissionless Ethereum.” – Andrew • Sovrin integration
Keys • Stellar integration

© 2017 IBM Corporation 4

Commoditization of hosting

Platform providers begin to provide same hosted versions of Hyperledger Fabric and will compete at the
network governance and operation layer
– Entrance of traditional cloud service providers with secure and scalable hosting infrastructure
– Oracle, Microsoft, AWS, HPE, SAP, etc. all offering or likely to offer dedicated blockchain environments
– Customers will chose hosting environment based on availability of application, availability of network, or incumbency
• Emergence of multi-cloud platforms
– Oracle, BlockApps, etc.

Impact on Competition Impact on IBM

• Oracle • Increased price competition

• Release of Oracle Blockchain Cloud Service • Value driven to developer tooling, application
• Dedicated Fabric environments
services, and network management tools
• Microsoft
• Specializing development and deployment • Differentiation opportunity through interoperability
environments (Project Lexington and Coco • Multi-cloud strategy
Framework) • IBP value proposition defined as mission control for
• AWS blockchain networks
• Incumbent strength as cloud service provider • Awareness of exposing our current value proposition

© 2017 IBM Corporation 5

Segregation of solution roles

Unique blockchain network economic models which can’t be left to the solution layer
– Emergence of new financial flows within networks driven by changes in consensus
– Segregation of network roles
– Disintermediation?
• Promised but not yet delivered
• Change primarily being driven by those worried about getting disintermediated
– Exposure of governance failures

Impact on Competition Impact on IBM

• Ethereum
• ICO-driven innovation to attempt disintermediation • Enablement for complex network models
• Shift to proof of stake changing existing proof of work • Account Services
compensation/ incentives model • Align to and build capabilities for network roles
• R3 • Enable compensation for provision of services within
• Modeling financial roles in blockchain context network

© 2017 IBM Corporation 6

Where are our key competitors going in 2018?
• Microsoft
• Oracle
• ConsenSys
• R3

© 2017 IBM Corporation 7

• 1Q release of dedicated blockchain network
– Multi-protocol
– Dedicated compute (TEEs)

• 1Q release of Project Lexington

– Smart contract + network definition
programming model
– Simplified application generator

• Key strategic concerns: Platform

– Digital pipeline enablement
– Multi-cloud deployment
– Application acceleration

© 2017 IBM Corporation 8

• Dedicated Hyperledger Fabric platform
– Human readable smart contracts
– Multi-channel chaincode configuration
and governance
– Dynamic chaincode creation

• Focus on integration
– Sales strategy
– Cloud service integration
– Multi-cloud deployment options

• Key strategic concerns: Platform

– Price competitive
– Challenging network services value
© 2017 IBM Corporation 9
• Core component priorities
– Ethereum Enterprise likely a dedicated
enterprise platform offering
– Protocol Engineering Group and Systems
– ConsenSys Labs

• Ethereum ecosystem support

– BlockApps
– Crypto-driven developer and network
operator incentives
– ICO driven adoption

• Key strategic concerns: Platform

– Mainnet adoption
– Application marketplace
© 2017 IBM Corporation – Shift to enterprise space 10
• “Ethereum already has a thriving developer community. Truffle, the smart contract
developer framework, has 250,000+ developer downloads. Infura, which can be
seen as an Akamai for Ethereum and IPFS, now handles over 2 billion requests per
day and smoothly scaled to peak at 4.5 billion requests per day one day in December.
MetaMask, which brings Ethereum seamlessly to browsers, has over 500,000 active

© 2017 IBM Corporation 11

• Corda
– Continue to mature Corda protocol
– Specialization for financial services
use-case through concept of flows
– Likely support for digital assets

• Partner enablement
– Focus on ISV application enablement
– Consortium serves as network

• Key strategic concerns: Platform

– Open-source enabled innovation
– Expanded capabilities in financial
© 2017 IBM Corporation – Test network 12
Movers to keep an eye on
• Chain
• Symbiont
• Intel
• Others?

© 2017 IBM Corporation 13

Digital Currency


Mainstream adoption of cryptocurrency, primarily bitcoin, ethereum, ripple, and stellar, will diversify use-
cases and drive continued interest in blockchain technology
– “The combined market cap rocketed from $15 billion in January to over $600 billion by year's end.”
– Increased enterprise adoption
• Payments (Stellar, Ripple)
• Stock/bond issuance (Overstock)
• Regulated ICOs (ConsenSys Token Foundry)
– Gartner token framework

Impact on Competition Impact on IBM

• ConsenSys • Payments
• Increased Interest in EEA • Potential increased interest in universal payments and
• Gitcoin developer incentives central bank digital currency
• Microsoft • Fabcoin
• Adoption of Ethereum • Additional exploration of initial research concept
• GSIs • Native token issuance
• New cryptocurrency services • Platform interoperability
• Greater support for crypto-based protocols • Use-case driven use of cryptocurrency ledgers

© 2017 IBM Corporation 15

(MD&I Analysis) In a market moving at warp speed, opportunities exhibiting the following
characteristics are leading the pack and defining the digital currency landscape winners and losers

Market Progression

Creation of stable, Real-time payments Digital asset

Post-trade optimization
digital collateralized and FX services, Rapid access to global, exchange backed by
delivering low-risk, low-
assets leveraging extending across all decentralized funding secure custody
cost, real-time
Key broader and more major countries and well beyond early-stage (vault) and virtual
settlement (T+0
Characteristics innovative forms of currencies and VC / PE firms wallet for retail and
collateral underbanked markets institutional clients

 Central Bank Digital Currency  GFTN / Lumens (IBM,  Bank- backed tokens , e.g.,  ICO only platforms (e.g.,  Coinbase
 Commodity-based coins e.g., Stellar, KlickEx) - Utility Settlement Coin:, Blockstarter)  CME and Nasdaq
Bilur – Crude Oil, ZrCoin –  Ripple / XRP UBS with a 12-member  ICO platform / token cryptocurrency futures
Examples: bank consortium exchange (e.g., Waves, announcements
Zirconium Dioxide, Royal Mint
- Bullion Settlement Coin: TokenMarket, TokenHub)
Gold – Gold
Euroclear w/5 banks

 Central Banks  Consumers  Banks and Market Infra.  Startups/SMEs  Cryptocurrency hedge funds
Winners  Institutions  Institutions Players (e.g., CSDs,  Corporates /  Other potential institutional
“Beneficiaries”  Energy & Utilities  Central Banks counterparty clearinghouses) Manufacturers investors
investing in private networks  Privately held firms  Exchanges considering
 Industrial Products  Payment/FX related
 Potential to set early industry digital assets
standard, and hedge potential
Central Bank impact

 Commercial Banks  Commercial Banks –  Commercial Banks and  Venture Capital Firms
Losers  Commodity Exchanges  Traditional exchanges (timing
payments represent 38% of Market Infra not considering  Private Equity
 Investment Banks / extent of impact unclear)
bank revenue globally. Could some form of alternative
 Custodians
shift away from banks. At a settlement standard
minimum will shift role
© 2017 IBM Corporation
(MD&I Analysis) Of the opportunities IBM could potentially own, two clear winners emerge; three
additional merit further investigation
Competitive Current
Financial Regulatory Pressure Market Brand Partnership
MARKET OPPORTUNI TY OPPORTUNI TY DESCRI PTI ON Liability Uncertainty (Mkt, Clients) Oppty I mpact Opportunity

Validated GFTN Cross border Multi-ledger, GFTN network for real-time clearing and
Opportunity Payments and FX settlement supporting cross-border payments, 3 3 1 >$100B 3 1
services demand funding and access to FX services

Digital Token Open-source technology used to facilitate regulatory- $100 -

Attractive Extension of
Platform / I CO compliant initial coin offerings across asset classes. 3 1 3 3 3
WINNERS GFTN Factory Allows businesses to launch their own I COs on Stellar $250M1

Further Extension of Cryptocurrency

Create secure online platform for buying, selling,
GFTN Exchange / Wallet
transferring, and storing cryptocurrency, including a 2 1 1 $3.5-$5B2 3 1
virtual, secure wallet

Blockchain-based securities processing (DvP) and

REQUIRES Utility Settlement collateral management services for commercial bank 3 2 1 TBD 3 3
FURTHER Coin on Hyperledger funded coins on Hyperledger fabric
POTENTIAL investigation
Coin engineering and launch of I BM-branded asset-
NEXT WAVE KEY I BM Asset - backed
backed coin. Potential use as a utility coin (e.g., for 2 1 3 TBD 2 N/A
DEPENDENCIES Token / I CO cloud usage)
(E.G., REG,
Exhibit substantial
FABCOIN) Digital Asset Trusted body for safekeeping of cryptocurrency or
Custodian digital assets, similar to Coinbase Custody service
1 3 3 $40.0M3 3 3
financial, REG, client
and execution risk
for ibm FX/ Currency Potential extension of role with Stellar to include FX
services / market making
1 3 2 >$100B 2 TBD
OFF THE Exchange Services

Current Market Opportunity Source: MD&I
1Based on (ICO launch fee * # 2017 ICOs) + % success fee on # ICOs

2 Based on DGAX’s fee on annual CC volume (Coinbase’s Global Digital Asset Exchange for institutional trading)

3Based on Coinbase custody setup fee * 124 accounts (# CC hedge funds) + Coinbase monthly AUM fee (.10%) * hedge fund AUM * 12. Given nascent number of hedge funds (124 * 10K today), figure is conservative. Estimates of $10B of

institutional money waiting to invest in digital currency today, pending secure option for digital asset custody
© 2017 IBM Corporation

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