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 Deals with the principles, institutions, instruments,

and procedures involved in making payments of all
types in our economy.
 A broad term that describes activities associated with
banking, leverage or debt, credit, capital markets,
money, and investments.
 Encompasses the oversight, creation, and study of
money, banking, credit, investments, assets, and
liabilities that make up financial systems.
Financial System
 a network of financial institutions, financial markets,
financial instruments and financial services to
facilitate the transfer of funds
 a set of institutions, such as banks, insurance
companies, and stock exchanges, that permit the
exchange of funds
 provides channels to transfer funds from individual
and groups who have saved money to individuals and
group who want to borrow money
Requirements of an Effective
Financial System
1. Must provide an efficient medium for exchanging
goods and services.
2. Must it possible for creation of capital on a scale
large enough to meet the demands of the economy
3. Should provide markets and procedures for the
transfer of claims to wealth, such as promissory notes
and shares of ownership in a business, and for the
conversion of claims into cash
Effective Financial System help
create new jobs, increase production
and productivity, and contribute t o
boosting people’s real income. It
makes desirable long-range
economic development projects
Four Elements of Financial System
 Financial Claims
 Financial Institutions
 Financial Markets
 Government Agency
Financial Claims
 This includes the right to receive money under
certain condition. It may be debt claims or equity

 Debt-claims - is the right to pay principal loan and

 Equity claim- is right to dividends or interest for stocks
or investments
Financial Institutions
 An organization through which funds in the form of
money or claims in money are assembled and
transferred from those individuals and firms having a
surplus of economic goods to other individuals and
firms whose needs for funds exceed their existing
 Commercial banks, savings and loan associations and
finance companies.
 Act as intermediaries between suppliers and users of
 Also extend financial loans.
List of BSP Supervised Financial Institutions with Trust
A. Universal and Commercial Banks
1. Asia United Bank Corporation
2. Bank of Commerce
3. BDO Private Bank, Inc.
4. BDO Unibank, Inc.
5. China Banking Corporation
6. CTBC Bank (Philippines) Corp.
7. Development Bank of the Philippines
8. East West Banking Corporation
9. Land Bank of the Philippines
10. Maybank Philippines, Incorporated
11. Metropolitan Bank and Trust Company
12. Philippine Bank of Communications
13. Philippine National Bank
14. Philippine Trust Company
15. Philippine Veterans Bank
16. Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation
17. Robinsons Bank Corporation
18. Security Bank Corporation
19. The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation
20. Union Bank of the Philippines
21. Unites Coconut Planters Bank
B. Thrift Banks
1. City state Savings Bank, Inc.
2. Philippines Business Bank, Inc., A Saving Bank
3. Philippine Savings Bank
4. Sterling Bank Asia, Inc. (A Savings Bank)
C. Trust Corporation
1. ATRAM Trust Corporation
2. BPI Asset Management and Trust Corporation
3. Manulife Asset Management and Trust Corporation
D. Other Non-Bank Financial Intermediaries
1. AB Capital and Investment Corporation
2. Philippine Commercial Capital. Inc.
Financial Markets
 They serve as a means of bringing
forces for demand and supply of
financial claims under Philippine Stock
 Anywhere where buyers and sellers
trade goods and services in exchange
for money
Financial Markets is a market where buyers and sellers
trade in:
 Commodities
 Financial securities
 government bonds
 corporate bonds
 Certificates of deposit
 Stocks and shares
 Foreign exchange
 Derivatives – a financial security with a value that is
reliant upon, or derived from, on underlying asset or
group of asset
 Other freely exchange items
Government Agency
 This is the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas and its
Monetary Board
The Philippine Financial System
The Philippine financial system consist of:
1. Banks
2. Non- bank financial Intermediaries
Structure of the Philippine
Financial System
I. Central Bank of the Philippines
II. Banking Institutions
1. Private Banking Institutions
a. Commercial Banks – Expanded Commercial
banking/universal banking
-ordinary commercial banking
b. Thrift Banks – savings and mortgage banks
- Private development banks
- Stock savings and loan association
c. Rural Banks
2. Government Banking Institutions
a. Philippine National Bank
b. Development Bank of the Philippines
c. Land Bank of the Philippines
d. Philippine Amanah Bank
Non- Bank Financial Institutions
1. Private non-bank Financial Institutions
a. Investment houses
b. Investment Companies
c. Financing companies
d. Securities dealers/brokers
e. Non-Stock savings and loan associations
f. Building and Loan Associations
g. Pawnshops
h. Lending Investors
i. Retirement/provident/pension fund managers
j. Trust companies/departments
k. Insurance Companies
l. Credit Cooperatives
2. Government Non- Bank Financial Institutions
a. Government Services Insurance System (GSIS)
b. Social Security System (SSS)

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