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Domestic Sewage

48 M
Necessity to treat sewage
1. To remove inorganic matters present in sewage like
sand & grit.

2. To remove toxic & hazardous waste from sewage

which causes harm to humans & aquatic life.

3. To kill the pathogenic organisms present in water.

4. To reduce organic matters from sewage.

Describe Recycling and Reuse of domestic waste. 04M
Recycling of domestic waste:
1. It’s the process of recycling the domestic waste by adopting various
techniques for minimizing the quantity of waste in landfill site. Many of
the items used in the home can be recycled. The benefits of recycling
include a cleaner environment, the safe disposal of hazardous materials.
2. The items most commonly recycled are: Glass bottles and jars, Paper
(newspapers, magazines, telephone books, office paper, junk mail, comics
and light cardboard), Laminated or waxed papers like paper cups, Plastic
bottles, Plastic bottle tops, metal and Aluminum lids, Batteries, etc..
3. Recycling helps to create hygienic environment in the society and thus
reduces the load on treatment and disposal units.
4. Treated recycled sewage is used to irrigate crops, flowers etc..

Reuse of domestic waste:

1. Reuse office furniture and supplies, such as interoffice envelopes, file
folders, and paper.
2. Use durable towels, tablecloths, napkins, dishes, cups, and glasses.
3. Encourage employees to reuse office materials rather than purchase new
4. Organic waste separated from sewage can be used as organic fertilizers
Define following terms :
 Sewage: A liquid waste from a community is termed as sewage. It
includes waste from latrines, urinals, bathrooms, industries, etc...

 Sullage: The discharge from the bathrooms , wash basins and kitchens is
termed as sullage.

 Soil pipe: The pipe which carries the discharge from urinals and water
closets is known as soil pipe.

 Rain water pipe: The pipe collecting rain water from roof is known as
Rain water pipe.

 Waste pipe : The pipe carrying waste water is called as waste pipe.

 Sewer : These are the underground conduits which carries sewage form
sanitary chambers to STP or ETP .
 Refuse-These are the things which are rejected or left as worthless .These are all putrescible
and non-putrescible solid waste except body waste.
 Rubbish- These are the things as portion of refuse which is non-putrescible and includes
papers, pins, glass, wood, etc.
 Garbage – It indicates dry refuse and it includes decayed fruits, grass, vegetables, leaves, etc.
 Ashes- These are the waste which are created in powder form after burning of combustible
 Manholes: Entrance provided to sewers for inspection, cleaning and repairing work.
 flushing tanks: The tank by which water is released automatically at some interval for
flushing the sewer line. suitable at places where self- cleansing velocity cannot be obtained.

 sewer inlets: An opening along the sewer to allow the sewage to enter in the sewer.
 street inlet: opening provided by the side of roads to allow the strom water to enter the
sewer directly without accumulating on the road surface
 Vent Pipe: A pipe installed for the circulation of air within the drainage system or to serve the
purpose of ventilation is called as vent pipe.
 Self-cleaning velocity: The minimum velocity at should be kept such that no solid gets
deposited in the invert of the sewer is called as self-cleaning velocity.
 Non – Scouring velocity : Maximum velocity of flow at which scouring or silting of internal
circumference of conduit doesn’t occur known as Non scouring vel.
Building sanitary fitting :
1. Water closet
2. Flushing cistern
3. Wash basin
4. Sink
5. Urinals
6. Traps (Def,use,types)
7. Inspection chamber
 List of sanitary pipe fitting and purpose of each.
i) Water closet, Indian and European type-: it is sanitary fitting
is used to receive human excreta directly and is connected to
soil pipe by means of trap.
ii) Flushing cistern -: it is used for flushing water closet and
urinal after its use.
iii)Wash hand basin-:A wash basin is vessel use for washing
hand, face or bushing etc in standing position
iv) Sink-: These are rectangular shallow vessels suitable for
kitchen or laboratory for washing purpose.
v) Urinals-: A urinal is a toilet-like plumbing fixture for
urination only.
vi) Traps-: the device is used to stop the escape of foul gases
inside or outside the house.
 What is meant by trap ? State four qualities of
good trap.
The device which is connected to the soil pipe to stop
the entrance of foul gases inside the building is known as trap.
The traps generally consist of a bend tube which provides a
water seal between the atmosphere and sewer gas.
Following are the four qualities of good trap :
1) It should be made of non-absorbent material.
2) It should provide sufficient depth of water seal all the
3) It should be self-cleansing and should not obstruct the flow
of sewage.
4) It should be provided with access for cleaning.
What is trap? What are its functions? What are its types and their
Trap- The fitting placed at the ends of the soil pipes or Sullage pipes to prevent the passage of
foul gases from the pipes to the outside.
The device which is connected to the soil pipe to stop the entrance of foul gases inside the
building is known as trap.
1. To maintain water seal between the pipe and outside.
2. To prevent entry of foul gases inside the building.
Types of trap and there Location
Depending upon their Shapes-
1. P- trap : It is located at baths, sinks and labatories
2. Q trap: It is located at baths, sinks and labatories
3. S trap : It is located at baths, sinks and labatories
Depending upon their Use –
1. Floor trap: It is located at floor of bathrooms, kitchens etc.
2. Gully trap: It placed outside the building wall.
3. Intercepting trap: It is provided at the junction of house sewer and a municipal sewer
• Necessity of intercepting trap :- (i) To prevent the entry of
sewer gases from public sewer line into the house drains (ii)
Cleaning and inspection as it consist of inspection arm.
 System of plumbing : [W-16]
1. One pipe system
2. Two pipe system
3. single stack system
4. One pipe partially ventilated system
• Distinguish between one pipe plumbing &
two pipe plumbing system with sketch. W13
• Types of sewer :
Depending on shapes Depending on materials
1. Rectangular 1. Brick sewer
2. Circular 2. Concrete sewer
3. Semi elliptical 3. CI sewer
4. Horse shoe 4. Steel sewer
5. Egg shaped 5. Plastic sewers
• Suitability: 3-4 storey building with less population.
• Suitability: Multistorey building with average population.
Suitability: Multistorey building with maximum population.
• Suitability: 3-4 storey building with more population.
 Draw typical layout plan of sewage collection arrangement for residential building. 4M
 State any four points of importance and necessity of
a) importance of Sanitation
1. To maintain healthy condition in the building.
2. To dispose of the waste water as early and quickly as possible.
3. To avoid the entry of foul gases form sewer or septic tank.
4. To facilitate quick removal of foul matter (e.g. Human excreta).
5. To collect and remove waste matters systematically.

b) necessity of Sanitation
1. Importance of Environmental Sanitation
2. It promotes health
3. It prevents disease transmission
4. It eliminates breeding places of insects and rodents that may
be carrier of diseases
5. It improves the quality of life
 Enlist four principles regarding design of building drainage. 04 M

1. It is advisable to lay sewers by the side of building rather than below the building.
2. The drains should be laid straight between inspection chambers or manholes. All
sharp bends and junctions should be avoided except through chambers or manholes.
3. The entire system should be properly ventilated from the starting point to the end
point of disposal.
4. The house drainage should contain enough number of traps at suitable points for
efficient functioning of it.
5. There should be intercepting trap between public sewer and house drain so that
foul gases from public sewer could not enter in house drain.
6. The joints of sewers should be watertight and should be properly tested before
putting drainage line in use.
7. The sewage formed should be conveyed as early as possible after its formation.
8. The size of lateral sewers should be such that they will not overflow at the time of
maximum discharge.
List the operations carried out during
periodical cleaning of drainage system.
1. Use of the flexible sewer rod with manila rope for sewer
2. The composite flexible rod composed of rope tied together with
bamboo strips is lowered inside the manhole by a person on top,
while another person inside the manhole thrusts the same in to the
sewer in the direction of flow.
3. Flushing of sewers is carried out periodically to clear laterals and
sewers laid within sufficient slope for maintaining a velocity so as
to remove settled material.
State norms for maintenance of domestic
sanitary units.
1. Sanitary fittings should be laid in such a way so
as to remove the sewage quickly from the
2. The pipe line in the sanitary fittings should be
properly ventilated on the house sides.

3. Sanitary fittings shall be leak proof.

4. Sanitary fittings joints should be water tight.

5.Sanitary fittings should be cleaned periodically.

 system of sewerage :
1. Separate system
2. Combined system
3. Partially separated system
1. Separate system
1. In this system set of two sewers are laid. One sewer line
carries sewage & other sewer line carries storm water.
2. Sewage is carried to the STP & storm water is directly
discharged into rivers or streams without any treatment.
3. Advantage :
1. Load on STP becomes less
2. Storm water is not polluted
3. Small size sewers are used to carry sewage
4. Disadvantage :
1. Due to small size cleaning of sewers become difficult
2. Maintenance cost is more
3. Sometimes pumping is required to pump sewage at STP
4. Storm water pipe come in contact in rainy season only.
2 . Combine system :
1. In this system only one sewer is laid which carries both
sewage & storm water.
2. Both sewage & storm water are carried to STP
3. Advantage :
1. Size of sewers is more
2. Dilution of sewage occurs in sewers
3. It is economical
4. Maintenance cost is less except while pumping
4. Disadvantage :
1. Increases load on STP for separation of sewage & storm water
2. Sometimes during heavy rainfall , overflow sewers occur which is
3. Unnecessarily pollution of rain water
4. Pipe diameters are more
3. Partially separated system :
1. In this system storm water is partially permitted in sewer
carrying & exceed rain water is conveyed in open drain &
disposed in river or stream
2. Storm water avoids silting in sewers & flush the sewers
3. Size of sewers are reasonable
4. Velocity of flow is less in dry weathers or in summer
 Differentiate between separate system & combine system.
 Self cleaning velocity : Minimum velocity of sewage at which no solid
particles get deposited in inverted sewer & do not cause blockage of
sewer known as self cleansing velocity. Self cleansing velocity should
be from 0.4 m/s to 1 m/s
Following factors affects on self cleansing vel.
1. Nature of solid particles present in sewage
2. Diameter of sewer
3. Roughness of internal periphery of sewer
4. Slope of sewer & material of sewers.
 Non scouring velocity : Maximum velocity of sewage through sewers
at which no scouring action occur of internal diameter of sewer known
as non-scouring velocity
 Laying of sewer: [W-14]
1. Marking centre line
2. Excavation of trenches
3. Timbering & dewatering
4. Laying & joining of sewers
5. Testing of sewers
a. Air test
b. Water test
6. Backfilling
1)Marking centre lines of sewers and locating the position of sewers
appurtenances The centre lines of sewers are marked on the stresses and roads
from the plans starting from the lowest point of the main proceeding upwards
.the setting out of work is done by means of chain and theodolite or compass.
2)Excavation of trenches:- After marking the layout of sewers lines on the
ground the first step is the removal of pavement .After removal of pavement the
excavation of trenches is started the excavation is done manually or by means
of machinery
3) Sheeting, bracing and dewatering of trenches.:-In case of soft soils the
trench side required shoring and strutting to prevent their collapse till the
sewers are laid and tested .when sewers lines are to be lead below the ground
water table, the ground water enters the trench and causes much difficulties
.Therefore the de watering of tranches is compulsory.
4) Laying of pipe sewers and their jointing :-The sewers pipes are not laid
directly on the soil in the tranches .Before actual laying the concreting is done
.The centre line of sewers and their grades are trans ford from the ground
dimension of sight rail and boning rod .Smaller size pipes can be laid by the
pipe- layers by hand only but larger size pipes are lowered in the trenches by
passing rope around them and supporting through a hook .Then jointing of
sewers is done by usual method .
5) Testing of sewers lines.-The testing of the sewers is done with the help of
water test or air test by usual method .
6) Back filling of trenches:- After testing and removing defects of pipe line the
tranches are back-filled with earth generally the Excavated soil of trench is used
for back filling .Back filling is done step by step .
 Explain testing of sewers or drains and pipes
Air test- In this test the particular section of the pipe to be tested,
is plugged at upper and lower ends and air is forced into the pipe
with the help of pump. All joints are coated with soap solution.
The escape of air from leaky joints will then form bubbles at the
joint, which can be visually seen and hence repaired.

Water test-
In this test sewer pipe sections are tested between manhole to
manhole under a test pressure of about of about 1.5 m of water
head. In order to carry out this test on a sewer line between two
manholes, the lower end of the sewer is first of all plugged. The
water is now filled in the manhole at the upper end and is allowed
to flow through the sewer line. The depth of water in the manhole
is maintained to the testing head o about 1.5 m .The sewer line is
watched by moving along the trench and the joints which leak or
sweat, are repaired .The leaking pipes ,if any will also be replaced.
 Types OF MANHOLE :
 Component parts of a Manhole
i)Working chamber – It is lower portion of manhole provides working
space for labours to carry out maintenance and cleaning operation.
ii)Access shaft - The upper portion of manhole, which provides
access to working chamber.
iii)Cover and Frame- Manhole is provided with cover and frame at its
top flush with road top or ground level.
iv)Steps- Cast iron/M.S. steps in staggered manner for easy access
are provided.
v)Walls- Walls are made of brick-work/stone work/concrete.
vi)vertical drop pipe- In drop manhole, all other components are
same as above, except a vertical drop pipe from higher to the lower
sewer is provided.
vii)Benching – It is slope provided with concrete masonry at the
bottom of manhole which prevents scouring action at the bottom
due to free fall of sewage in manhole from branch sewers.
 DROP MANHOLE : (fixed que.)
 Explanation of drop man hole:-
A vertical shaft is constructed in the sewer at which the
sewage of branch sewer is allowed to enter the manhole.
The different in level between the branch sewer and main
sewer is within 60cm and there is sufficient roof within the
working chamber ,the connecting pipe may be directly
brought through the manhole wall by providing a ramp in
the benching.
Such manhole which drop the level of invert of the
incoming sewer ,by providing a vertical shaft ,are called
drop manhole ,the main purpose being to avoid the
splashing of sewage on the man working and on the
masonry work.
 B.O.D. (Biochemical Oxygen Demand)
• Def : The amount of oxygen required for microorganisms to carry
out biological decomposition of biodegradable organic matters
present in sewage under aerobic conditions & at standard
temperature is known as B.O.D.
1. BOD indicates the concentration of degradable organic matters in
2. Reduction in value of BOD indicates the removal of organic
matters present in sewage sample.
3. BOD is directly proportional to the concentration of organic
matters in sewage.
4. The type of treatment given to sewage is decided on BOD value.
5. It is used in the design various units of treatment plant.
B.O.D. in ppm or mg/l Nature of sewage
250 ppm Weak sewage
350 ppm Average sewage
450 – 500 ppm Strong sewage
• Limitations of BOD Test :
1. BOD measures the concentration of only biodegradable
organic matters, it doesn’t measure the non degradable
organic matters & inorganic matters.
2. Test of BOD requires 5 days i.e. BOD5 because 80 %
decomposition of organic matter is done in 5 days &
remaining 20 % requires infinite time for decomposition.
3. BOD requires aerobic condition for decomposition process
and growth of active bacterias who carry out the process
of decomposition.
C.O.D. (Chemical Oxygen Demand)
• Def : Total amount of oxygen required for stabilizing
biodegradable and non-biodegradable organic matters
chemically with the help of some oxidizing agents under
acidic conditions or anaerobic condition is known as COD.
• It is total amount of oxygen required to oxidize degradable
& non degradable organic matters as well some inorganic
matters so that they get stabilized or inactive.
• So that COD is always greater than BOD.
• Oxidizing agents play vital role in the process of COD so
there is very less interference of bacterias.
• COD test is carried out in 3 hrs.
Define COD. State its significance. 04M

• Def : Total amount of oxygen required for stabilizing

organic and inorganic matters chemically with the help of
some oxidizing agents under acidic conditions or
anaerobic condition is known as COD.

i) To measure the content of organic matter, biodegradable
as well as no bio-degradable matter COD test is carried out.
ii) The COD test can be carried out to measure organic
matter present in industrial waste having toxic compound
likely to interfere with the biological life.
iii) COD directly proportional to the concentration of sewage
 Relation between BOD & COD
• COD is always greater than BOD & BOD is
measured after 5 days (BOD5) .

• ( BOD5 / COD ) = 0.92 – 1.00 for fully

biodegradable waste.

• ( BOD5 / COD ) = 0.4 – 0.8 for untreated

domestic sewage.
 Diff. between BOD & COD
1. It stands for Biochemical 1. It stands for Chemical
oxygen demand. oxygen demand.

2. Def 2. Def

3. Aerobic condition 3. Acidic condition

4. Test requires 5 days. BOD5 4. Test requires 3 hrs.

5. It is lesser than COD 5. It is greater than BOD



responsible for AEROBIC PROCESS responsible for ANAEROBIC
2. Decomposition occurs in the
presence of Oxygen 2. Decomposition occurs in the
Absence of oxygen
3. D.O. is utilized by bacterias

4. No offensive nuisance generates

3. Chemically bond oxygen is utilized
by bacterias
4. Offensive nuisance generates
5. Requires Less cost
5. Requires More cost
6. End products of reaction are CO2
,H2O ,NO3 ,SO4 6. End products of reaction are CH4
,H2S ,CO2
7. METHANE gas is produced which
8. Its suitable for liquid waste can be used as fuel
 S.T.P. OR E.T.P.
• Objective of STP :
1. To reduce the severity of sewage by removing toxic
substances which may cause harm to aquatic life.
2. To remove organic matters from sewage
3. To remove inorganic matter from sewage such as sand,
grit, oil & gas, etc…
4. To kill the pathogenic bacterias.
5. Recycling & reuse of sewage for for agriculture,
gardening, dumping grounds etc…
 Layout of STP
 Screen :
 Grit chamber :
1. Sewage contains inorganic matters such as sand, soil,
broken stones or bricks, broken crockeries etc…
2. If this grit is not removed, it mixes with sewage &
creates problem in sludge digestion as well wearing &
tearing of pumps and sewers.
3. So, grit chamber is a tank in which the velocity of flow
of sewage is reduced & grit is removed.
4. Sand (grit) is heavier than organic matters so get
settled down at bottom of tank & removed by manual
operation or by mechanism such as
i) purpose of grit chamber
• Protect moving mechanical equipment from abrasion and
accompanying abnormal wear.
• Reduce formation of heavy deposits in pipelines, channels
and conduits.
• Reduce the frequency of digester.
• To remove grit from the sewage.
• To minimizes the load of subsequent treatment.

ii)grit chamber location

Grit chambers are usually located ahead of pumps or
comminuting devices, and if mechanically cleaned, should be
preceded by coarse bar rack screens
 Skimming tank :
1. The main objective or function of skimming tank
is to remove O & G (oil & grease).
2. From the bottom of tank compressed air is
blown by diffuser due to which O & G comes on
the surface of sewage.
3. Inclined outlet is provided at bottom of the tank
so that sewage is pumped out from bottom & O
& G keep remaining on surface & easily can be
4. Efficiency of skimming tank can be increased by
passing chlorine gas along with the compressed
 ASP (Activated sludge process)
 Raw sewage is detained in PST (Primary Settling Tank) for 1 to 1.5 hrs. of
detention period and then it is sent to an aeration tank.
 The raw sewage is mixed with 20% to 30% of activated sludge (return sludge)
in aeration tank and the mixture is known as mixed liquor.
 Then mixed liquor is aerated and agitated in the tank for about 4 to 8 hrs. due
to which the microorganisms oxidize organic matter in the presence of
maximum quantity of oxygen.
 Sewage is allowed to settle in SST (Secondary Settling Tank). This settled
sludge has undergone aeration and has active microorganism, so some portion of
this active sludge is re-circulated into the aeration tank for seeding the raw
 Excess quantity of sludge is treated and disposed off.
 The effluent from SST is disposed off.
 Trickling filter :
 Working of Trickling filter:
1. Sewage is supplied through siphonic dosing tank and
allowed to sprinkle or to trickle over a bed of course,
rough hard material with the help of revolving arm.
2. Filtration of sewage through the filter bed is allowed and
effluent is collected through the effluent pipe.
3. The oxidation of organic matter is carried out under
aerobic condition.
4. A bacterial film known as a bio film is formed around the
particles of filtering media and for existence of the film,
the oxygen is supplied by the intermittent working of the
filter and by the provision of suitable ventilation facilities
in the body of the filter.
Write any two reasons for necessity of pre-
treatment before trickling filter process in view
of activated sludge process.
1. The main object of primary object of primary
treatment process is to remove suspended
matters, oils, sand and grit and floating matters
2. In the primary treatment process the sewage is
passed through screens, grit chambers, detritus
tank and sedimentation tank.
3. The primary settling tank remove less
percentage of settable sand due to less removal of
solids the filter media does not clog.
MPCB norms for discharge of sewage
effluent :

1. BOD5 = 30 ppm (at 20 degree Celsius)

2. COD = 250 ppm
3. pH = 5.5 – 9
4. TDS = 100 ppm
5. Temperature = 40 degree Celsius
6. Oil = 10 ppm
7. Fluorides = upto 1.5
 Write eight characteristics of sewage. 4M
• Colour : Fresh sewage is brownish or grey in colour, after few hours it starts
decomposing & colour changes into black or dark black.
• Odour : Initially odour isn’t offensive but after decomposition it becomes very
foul & offensive.
• Temperature : Temp. of sewage is slightly higher than water.
• PH : It is very less in sewage. PH of sewage is about 2-3 or lesser.
• D.O. :D.O. of sewage is very less i.e. 0.1- 2.5 ppm
• BOD : BOD is measured after 5 days.
• BOD =[(Initial D.O.)-(Final D.O. )] X D.F.
• COD : It is oxidization of compounds. It is greater than BOD
• Chlorides : It indicates the sewage pollution since there is high chloride content
in urine.
• Aerobic & anaerobic bacterias are present in sewage which helps for
decomposition of sewage.
• These bacterias are pathogenic in nature those can cause diseases to peoples.
• These pathogens are also harmful for aquatic life.
• These bacterias are killed at most extent in process of chlorination.
 What is Valves?
Valves are the devices(accessories) provided on the water supply line to
control the flow of water through pipe. They are required to make the
distribution of water easy and effective. Two types of valves are
1)Air valve: some quantity of air is there in water it creates problem
location: for exit of such accumulated air, Air valve is provided at the
summit of the
water pipe and also provided close or above the hydraulic gradient
function: it allow the air to escape and flowing water without
2) Sluice valve
It is also called as gate valve
Dividing the water pipes into suitable sections.
It is very useful in intermediate system
Location: placed at a distance of about 150m to 200m from joints.
Function: to control the flow of water.
3) Relief valve: these are automatic cut off valves,
Pressure exeeds limit, valves operate automatically.
Load is adjusted to maximum pressure
Location: every point along the water pipe where pressure
likely to be maximum
Function: it saves the particular section from bursting
4) Reflux valve:
It is also known as check valve It allows the water to go in one
direction only.
When water ceases it starts flowing back, and damage may crates.
Location: at the point where the water comes directly from the
Function: when pump fails, water will not flow back so it
prevents from damaging.
5) Scour valve: They are ordinary sluice valve and are operated with hand and close
down immediately after clear water is seen passing through them.
Location: Located at dead ends and depression or lowest points in mains.
Function: To remove sand and silt deposited in pipe line.

 Explain ‘Inspection chamber’ with respect to necessity, location,

size and shape. 04 M
1. Necessity: - Inspection chamber is a sanitary unit provided to inspect or
identify the reason of blockage in case the system is blocked due to some
reason. It is constructed with thick concrete bed and brick or RCC walls.
RCC slab is provided at the top in which a manhole or cleansing eye is
2. Location: - It is provided near the gully trap at a distance of about 2m to
3m and further connected to manhole through stoneware pipe.
3. Size: - The size varies according to the diameter of drain or sewer, size of
manhole or cleansing eye provided and functions of the chamber.
4. Shape: - Inspection chamber are generally square or rectangular in shape.
Inspection chamber
The purpose of inspection chamber is to provide a means of access for inspecting the
drain or sewer and to allow cleaning. Inspection chambers may be constructed form
Class B bricks, precast concrete sections, in-situ concrete, and glass fiber plastic. All
pipes in an inspection chamber should be discharging in the direction of flow. Benching
in a chamber should rise vertically on either sides of channel up to the crown of pipe,
and slope upwards towards the chamber wall at a gradient of 1:6.
 Explain working of septic tank with sketch.
State the function the following appurtenances in sewerage
System : {4M}
i) Manholes
ii) Flushing tank
iii) Sewer inlets
iv) Street inlets

i) Manholes: For entrance of men for inspection, cleaning and

repairing work.
ii)flushing tanks: by this water is released automatically at some
interval for flushing the sewer line. suitable at places where self-
cleansing velocity cannot be obtained.
iii)sewer inlets: An opening along the sewer to allow the sewage
to enter in the sewer.
iv)street inlet: opening provided by the side of roads to allow the
strome water to enter the sewer directly without accumulating on
the road surface
 Two characteristics of industrial waste from textile
1. In contains high suspended solids and detergents.
2. It contains high BOD and offensive odor.
Two characteristics of industrial waste from paper and pulp
1. It contains saw dust, Black carbon residue and lime sludge.
2. It has high BOD/COD and high sodium content.
 Explain characteristics of sewage for following industries.
i) sugar:- 1) Low PH 2) High BOD 3) High volatile Solids
ii) Dairy:- 1) High Dissolved solids 2) High suspended solids 3) High
BOD 4) Oil and grease 5) Nitrogen 6) Phosphorus
iii) Textile:- 1) High alkalinity 2) High BOD 3) High COD 4) High
suspended solids
iv) Paper and pulp:- 1) High BOD 2) High COD 3) High alkalinity 4)
Strong Colour 5) High sodium contain
 Explain with sketch working of oxidation pond.

• Working of oxidation pond: - Oxidation ponds purify sewage

by dual action of aerobic bacteria and algae. Sewage is
stored under climatic conditions which are favorable for the
growth of algae, namely, sunshine and warmth.
• Aerobic bacteria obtain oxygen from the atmosphere & used
it in the decomposition of organic matter of sewage . the
carbon dioxide produce during decomposition of
carbohydrates of sewage is broken by algae by the process
of photosynthesis in to carbon & oxygen .carbon is used in
producing more carbohydrates & released oxygen keeps the
dissolved oxygen content of water at high level .
 Explain working of oxidation ditch with sketch.

• The oxidation ditch are aeration units in the shape of long

channel 150 to 1000m long , 1 to 5 m wide and 1 to 1.5 m
deep .These aeration cylinders are rotated at about 75 r.p.m
• Detention period of 12 to 15 hours is normally provided .The
loading of sewage can be 0.8 to 2.5 cu.m/kg of B.O.D .After
aeration the sewage is allowed to settle in the settling tanks.
The activated sludge is returned back to the aeration units.
For economy purpose sometimes the aeration units also act
as the settling units. The rotors are stopped for 2 hours an
the suspended solids settle in the bed, the effluent is taken
 State factors affecting selection of pipe materials.
Mention types of pipes
Ans:-The selection of material for the pipe is done on the
following point :-
1) Carrying capacity of the pipe.
2) Durability and life of the pipe.
3) Type of water to be conveyed and its possible corrosive effect
on the pip material.
4) Availability of founds .
5) Maintenance cost, repair etc.
Following types of pipe :-
a) cost iron pipes . b) Wrought iron pipes.
c)Steel pipe . d)Concrete and lead pipe .
e) Cement lined cast iron pipe . f)Asbestos cement pipe .
g) Copper and lead pipe . h) Wooden pipes.
i) Vitrified clay pipes.

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