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 Explain why Vygotsky’s theory is called “Socio-cultural” theory.

 Differentiate Piaget and Vygotsky’s views on cognitive
 Explain how scaffolding is useful in teaching a skill.
Vygotsky’s Background

• Lev Vygotsky was born in Russia in 1896. His work began when
he was studying learning and development to improve his own
teaching. In his lifetime, he wrote on language, thought,
psychology of art, learning and development, and educating
students with special needs. Vygotsky’s ideas about language,
culture, and cognitive development have become major
influences in psychology and education today.
• As a young boy, he was educated under teacher, who used
Socratic method.
Vygotsky’s Background

• Vygotsky’s experience together with his interest in literature and

his work as a teacher led him to:
• Two central factors in cognitive development
1. Social Interaction
2. Language
• Vygotsky worked on his theory around the same time as Piaget
between 1920’s and 1930’s
Comparison of Vygotsky Piaget
Vygotsky and Piaget’s
Sociocultural Context Strong emphasis Little emphasis

Constructivism Social constructivist Cognitive constructivist

Stages No general stages Strong emphasis on


Key processes Zone of proximal Schemata, assimilation,

development, language, accommodation,
dialogue, tools of the operation, conservation,
cultures classification
Role of language It has a major role in It has a minimal role
shaping thought

View on education It has a central role It just define existing


Implications for teacher Teacher is facilitator and Teacher is facilitator and

guide, not director guide, not director

 Vygotsky Theory is that social interaction plays a very important

in cognitive development.
 Did not focus on the individual child but on the child as a product
of social interaction, especially with adults.
 Focus on dynamic interactions rather than child by himself.
 People thinking differs dramatically between cultures because
different culture stress different things.

1. The More Knowledge Other (MKO)

 Refers to anyone who has better understanding or
higher ability level than the learner.
 Normally thought of as being a teacher, trainer or older,
adult, but MKO could also peers, a younger person,
even computers

2. Zone of Proximal Development

 Difference between what child can accomplish alone
and s/he can accomplish with the guidance of another.

I. Scaffolding
 Appropriate assistance given by the teacher to assist
the learner accomplish a task.
 Requires that an instructor shows example how to
solve a problem, while controlling the learning
environment so that students can take things step by
step expanding their knowledge without excessive

 Sociocultural theory considers learning as a semiotic

process where participation in socially mediated
activities is essential.
 Social interaction emphasized that effective learning
happens through participation in social activities,
making the social context of learning crucial.
 Vygotsky theory was important in education since
these works provide tools for the development of
individuals learning

• The class is divided into two groups. Having a piece

of wood, each group would list as many as they can,
what they can make use of a piece o wood. In 10

1. When Vygotsky was a young boy, he was educated

with what kind of method?
2-3. What are the two central factors in Vygotsky’s
cognitive development?
4. It is an appropriate assistance given by the teachers to
assist the learner accomplished a task?
5-6. What are the two main principles of Vygotsky’s

7. Vygotsky did not focus on the individual child but on

the child as a product of?
8. Refers to anyone who has better understanding or
higher ability level on the learner.
9. He is the one who created the socio-cultural theory
(full name).
10. What was Vygotsky theory on constructivism?

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