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"What is the learning model?"

"The learning model is a method or systematic

presentation technique used by teachers in
organizing the experience of the learning process
in order to achieve the objectives of a learning."

"The learning model a pattern or a plan, which can be

used to shape a curriculum or course, to select
instructional material, and to guide a teacher action.”
"What is the learning model?"

"A learning model is a plan or pattern that

organizes learning in the classroom and shows
how to use learning materials."

"The teaching model is a reference to the learning

approach including its objectives, syntax, environment
and management system."

Cooperative Learning CL PBL Problem Based Learning

Direct Instruction DI D/I Discovery/Inquiry

Actually there are many kinds of learning models such as: Contextual Teaching and Lerning (CTL),
Guide Inquiry, Problem Solving, etc.
Direct Instruction (DI)

"This learning model is a teaching approach where learning is goal oriented

(learning) and structured by the teacher (Robert E. Slavin)."

So, the direct learning model is a learning model that is teacher centered ( teacher
centered ). When implementing this learning model, the teacher must demonstrate the
knowledge and skills that will be trained to students, step by step. The teacher as the
center of attention has a very dominant role. Therefore, in direct, the teacher must be able
to become an attractive model for students.
Cooperative Learning (CL)

"The cooperative learning model is one of the learning models that supports
contextual learning. Cooperative learning system can be defined as a structured
group work / learning system which is included in this structure are five main
elements namely positive interdependence, individual responsibility, personal
interaction, cooperation skills, and group processes. (Johnson & Johnson, 1993).

Cooperative learning is in accordance with human nature as a social creature that is full of
dependency with others, has shared goals and responsibilities, division of tasks, and a
sense of shared destiny. By utilizing that reality, learning in cooperative groups, students
are trained and accustomed to sharing knowledge, experiences, assignments,
responsibilities. Helping one another and practicing interacting-communication-
socialization because cooperative is a miniature of community life, and learning to
recognize the strengths and weaknesses of each.
Problem Based Learning (PBL)

"This learning model trains and develops the ability to solve authentic problem-
oriented problems from the actual lives of students, to stimulate higher-order
thinking skills."

This learning has a problem base as a basic design in learning that aims to get students
important information and be able to solve the problems they face. PBL is the interaction
between stimulus and response, or it can also be defined as an interaction between two
directions of learning and the environment. (Dewey in Trianto, 2007).
Discovery/Inquiry Learning (D/I)

"Discovery learning is a way of teaching that involves students in the process of

mental activities through the exchange of opinions, with discussion, reading by
themselves, and trying for themselves so that children can learn on their own
(Roestiyah, 2002: 20)."

So the discovery-inquiry learning model is learning that focuses on the problem solving
process, so students must explore various information in order to determine their own
mental concepts by following the teacher's instructions in the form of questions that lead to
the achievement of learning objectives.
According to Joyce and Weil (1980)

The model will make it easier for administrators

Clarify the functional relationship
to identify the component elements that
1 between various components,
elements or certain system elements.
4 experience obstacles, if the activities carried
out are ineffective and not productive.

The procedures to be taken in Identify precisely the ways to make a change

carrying out the activities can be
2 identified precisely.
5 if there is a discrepancy from what has been

With the model, the various activities Using the model, the teacher can
3 that it covers can be controlled. 6 arrange student assignments into an
integrated whole.

The learning model is a whole series of presentation of teaching material that covers all aspects before,
being, and after learning by the teacher and all related facilities that are used directly or indirectly in the
teaching and learning process. As well as the teaching model can be interpreted as a plan or pattern
used in preparing the curriculum, organizing students' material and giving instructions to the instructor in
the classroom in the teaching setting or other settings. Some learning models are as follows:

Joyce,B. Weil.(2000).Models of Theaching (9 th.edition). Amerika:

A Pearson Education Company

Noviayanti D K. (2010).Belajar dan Pembelajaran, Diktat Kuliah

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is
a miracle.
The other is as though everything is a miracle.”

- Albert Einstein
That’s all. Thank you! 

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