CESC Group Dynamics

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Steps in Experiential Learning Cycle
• Step 1. Orientation
• Sets the mood with encouraging word and eases the
participants into the activity.
• “Icebreaker” may be used, but it should be carefully
selected to suit the participants.
• Associated with games or fun
Steps in Experiential Learning Cycle
• Step 2. Instructions
• Prepares the instructions and sees to it that they are
clearly heard and understood, and carried out by the
Steps in Experiential Learning Cycle
• Step 3. Experiencing
• Almost any activity that involves either self-assessment
or interpersonal interaction or any experience of any
kind, pleasant or unpleasant, can be used as the
“doing” or “experiencing” part of experiential learning.
This activities can be carried out by individual, dyads,
triads, small groups, or large groups.
Steps in Experiential Learning Cycle

• Step 4. Data Gathering, Data Analysis

• The first part of processing the experience is data gathering. People
have had an experience, and now they are presumably ready to share
what they saw and how they felt during the event. This involves
finding out what happened within the individuals at both cognitive
and affective levels, and making this available to the other
participants by “publishing” it through verbal sharing in small groups
and then to the big group.
• The facilitator needs to formulate carefully the process questions and
to plan how the processing will be carried out is useful learning is to
be attained
Steps in Experiential Learning Cycle

• Step 5. Synthesis and Generalizing

• The results of data analysis are synthesized or put together
so that generalizations can be made about the relevance of
the activity to the everyday life of the individual outside the
training session.
• Focus their awareness on situations in their personal or
work lives similar to those in the activity they experienced.
• May bring in theoretical and research findings to augment
the learning
Steps in Experiential Learning Cycle

• Step 6. Integration
• The final stage of the experiential learning cycle is the purpose foe which the whole
structures experience is designed.
• The facilitator helps participants apply generalization to actual situations in which they are
involved outside the training sessions
• Ignoring the discussion jeopardizes the usefulness of the learning.
Steps in Experiential Learning Cycle

• Step 7. Closing Remarks

• Brief remarks, as opposed to long lectures, gives a sense of ending to the structured learning
• “Back home” applications imply that participants in the session are expected to apply their
learnings and insights in the home, work, and social world situations.
1 ST

• 1. It’s the group decision where to start
• 2. When running in the corridor avoid screaming and
shouting. We don’t want to disturb other classes
• 3. The instructions in each activity will be given at the
said location
• 4. STAY SAFE  Good Luck
Data Gathering,
Data Analysis
•1.What did you feel while doing all the
activities ?
•2.What was the most difficult activity for you
•3. What are the skills that you exhibited
during the activity
•4. What was your role in the activity?
•5. What difficulties have you experienced ?
•6. What’s your group strategy or plan?
•7. Did you learn something from the activity
•8. What do you think is our Topic ?
Synthesis and
• 1. To let the participants learn how to manage their time
and to strategize their schedules
• 2. To enhance the participants planning and organizing
• 3. To be able to apply the time management skills or
proper planning of schedules in a daily basis
• 4. To appreciate the essence of time and scheduling
• No matter how you look at it, finding more time
everyday just isn’t possible. There are only 24
hours in a day, 164 hours a week and 8,760 hours
in a year. Time isn’t something you can
manufacture more of, make last longer than the
week before or purchase. This is why Schedule
Management is the Key to managing your time
and staying organized. Which will, of course, ease
stress and anxiety, reduce the aging process and
give you peace of mind.

• Planning- Is the process of thinking about organizing

the activities required to achieve a desired goal.

• Organizing - is the alpha and omega of time

management as it helps you to get an overview about
your plans for current day and what task need to be
accomplished. Being organized helps you to avoid
procrastination and postponement of all kinds.
• Time Management- refers to
numerous technique and skills that
can help a person to make use of the
available time in the most efficient
way and to accomplish goals, tasks
and projects within the
predetermined period of time.
Importance of Scheduling

• Understand what you can realistically achieve

with your time
• Make sure you have enough time for essential task
• Have enough time for your self, family, friends etc.
• Achieve a good work-life balance.
How to Schedule your Time
• Step 1. Create a To-do-list
• Step 2. Identifying available Time
• Step 3. Schedule High Priority Activities
• Step 4. Set Realistic Deadlines
• Step 5. Set Your Break time
• Step 6. Put Away distractions
Techniques that can help in scheduling
• 1. ABC Analysis – it allows you to prioritize your
task into 3 different categories
• A – Task that are important and Urgent
• B- Task that are important but not urgent
• C – Task that are not important and not urgent

• 2. Scaling from “1-10” – Prioritizing task via scale

from 1- very important to 10 unimportant can help
you to create a simple to-do-list.
Tips for Time Management
• 1. Prepare in Advance
• 2.Schedule your time
• 3. Start Early
• 4. Improve your organizational skills
• 5. Increase productivity with prime time

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