ECE 331 - Digital System Design: Course Introduction and VHDL Fundamentals

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ECE 331 – Digital System Design

Course Introduction
VHDL Fundamentals
(Lecture #1)

The slides included herein were taken from the materials accompanying
Fundamentals of Logic Design, 6th Edition, by Roth and Kinney,
and were used with permission from Cengage Learning.
Course Introduction

Fall 2010 ECE 331 - Digital Systems Design 2

Course Info

Course #: ECE 331

Course Name: Digital Systems Design

Course Objective:
 To analyze and design combinational and
sequential logic circuits.
 To write VHDL code to describe and
synthesize both types of circuits.

Course website:
Fall 2010 ECE 331 - Digital Systems Design 3
Instructor and TA's

Instructor: Craig Lorie
 Email:
 Phone: (703) 993 – 9616
 Office: Nguyen Engineering Bldg., Rm. 3221

TA: Ahmad Salman
 Email:

TA: Smriti Gurung
 Email:
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 Title: Fundamentals of Logic Design

 Edition: 6th
 Authors: Charles H. Roth
Larry L. Kinney

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Office Hours

 Instructor: Craig Lorie

 TA: Ahmad Salman
 TA: Smriti Gurung

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The Lab (ECE 332)

Labs performed weekly.
 A total of eleven labs.

Pre-lab must be completed prior to your lab
 If you fail to complete the pre-lab you will not
be allowed to attend your lab session.

Labs are administered by the TA's.

ECE 332 must be taken in conjunction with ECE 331
or been previously completed with a C or better.

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Homework will be assigned on a weekly basis.

Homework is due at the beginning of class on the
date specified (generally Thursday).
 No late submissions accepted.

Each assignment will consist of 8 problems.
 Two will be worth 35 points each; partial credit.
 Eight will be worth 5 points each; no partial credit.

Homework is essential to the learning process!
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Two exams during the semester.

Final exam.

All exams are closed-book.
 No cheat-sheets.

No make-up exams.
 In the case of an emergency, see me.
 Notify me in advance (whenever possible) if a
conflict or problem exists.
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The final grade will be calculated as follows:
 Homework 15%
 Exam #1 25%
 Exam #2 25%
 Final Exam 35%

The grade for lab (ECE 332) is assigned

The letter grade assignment is indicated in the
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Attending class is in your best interest!
 I will provide supplemental information to that
which is included in the textbook.
 I will go over a multitude of examples.
 I will answer questions.

However, attendance in lecture is NOT

Attendance in Lab (ECE 332) IS mandatory.
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When emailing me, please format the

subject line as follows:

“ECE331 - <last name> <first initial> - <subject>”

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Please see the class syllabus for more details.

(The syllabus can be found on the course website)

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You are expected to:
• Attend class (highly recommended).
• Spend a minimum of 9 hours each week
outside of class learning the material.
• Read the text book.
• Do the homework.
• Attend the lab and complete all of the lab

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Materials to be covered ...

Chapter 10: Sections 1 – 9

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Introduction to VHDL

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The Design Process
Design conception


Schematic capture VHDL


Functional simulation

Design correct?

Physical design

Timing simulation

Timing requirements met?

Chip configuration

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Introduction to VHDL
 What is VHDL?
 Very High Speed Integrated Circuit (VHSIC)
 Hardware
 Description
 Language
 VHDL: a formal language for specifying the
behavior and structure of a digital circuit.

 Verilog: another, equally popular, hardware

description language (HDL).
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Basic VHDL Convention

VHDL is case insensitive

Naming and Labeling
 All names should start with a letter
 Should contain only alphanumeric characters,
and the underscore; no other characters

Should not have two consecutive underscores

Should not end with an underscore
 All names and labels in a given entity and
architecture must be unique
Fall 2010 ECE 331 - Digital Systems Design 21
Basic VHDL Convention

Free format language
 i.e. allows spacing for readability

Comments start with “--” and end at end of line

Use one file per entity

File names and entity names should match

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Logic Circuits in VHDL

VHDL description includes two parts
 Entity statement
 Architecture statement

 Describes the interface (i.e. inputs and outputs)

 Describes the circuit implementation

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VHDL Program Structure

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The Entity Statement
 Keyword: Entity
 Requires a name
 Specifies the input and output ports
 Ports have
 Name
 Mode
 Data type

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The Entity Statement
Each entity declaration includes a list of interface signals
that can be used to connect to other modules or to the
outside world.
entity entity-name is
end [entity] [entity-name];
The items enclosed in brackets are optional. The
interface-signal-declaration normally has the following
list-of-interface-signals: mode type [: = initial-value]
{; list-of-interface-signals: mode type [: = initial-value]};
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Ports: Mode

 Driver outside entity; can be read

 Driver inside entity; cannot be read

 Driver inside and outside entity; can be read

 Driver inside entity; can be read
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Ports: Data Types

bit std_ulogic
boolean std_logic
integer bit_vector
natural string
positive std_ulogic_vector
character std_logic_vector
There are other data types, including enumerated types.

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The Architecture Statement

Keyword: Architecture

Requires a name
 The model is typically chosen as the name

References the name of the associated Entity

Specifies the functionality of the Entity
 Using one of several models

Multiple architectures can be associated with a
single entity
 Only one architecture may be referenced
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The Architecture Statement
Associated with each entity is one or more architecture
declarations of the form
architecture architecture-name of entity-name is
architecture body
end [architecture] [architecture-name];
In the declarations section, we can declare signals and
components that are used within the architecture. The
architecture body contains statements that describe the
operation of the module.
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Can be wires or buses (groups of wires)
 Wire

 Bus (with 8 wires)

 Bus (with 16 wires)


Used to interconnect entities and components

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Signal Assignment

A signal assignment statement has the form:

signal_name <= expression [after delay];
Brackets indicate “after delay” is optional. If omitted, an
infinitesimal ∆ (delta) delay is assumed.

The symbol “<=“ is the signal assignment operator which

indicates that the value computed on the right-hand side is
assigned to the signal on the left side.

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Conditional Signal Assignment
The general form of a conditional signal assignment
statement is
signal_name <= expression1 when condition1
else expression2 when condition2
[else expressionN];
This concurrent statement is executed whenever a change
occurs in one of the expressions or conditions. If condition1
is true, signal_name is set equal to the value of
expression2, etc.
The line in square brackets is optional.
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Selected Signal Assignment

The general form of a selected signal assignment

statement is
with expression_s select
signal_s <= expression1 [after delay-time] when choice1,
expression2 [after delay-time] when choice2,
[expression_n [after delay-time] when others];

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VHDL Operators

When parentheses are not used, operators in class 7

have the highest precedence and are applied first,
followed by class 6, then class 5, etc.
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IEEE Standard Logic
Use of two-valued logic (bits and bit vectors) is
generally not adequate for simulation of digital
systems. In addition to ‘0’ and ‘1’, values of ‘Z’ (high-
impedance or no connection), ‘X’ (unknown), and ‘U’
(uninitialized) are frequently used in digital system
The IEEE standard 1164 defines a std_logic type that
actually has nine values:
‘U’, ‘X’, ‘0’, ‘1’, ‘Z’, ‘W’, ‘L’, ‘H’, ‘-’

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Arithmetic Operations on
Standard Logic Vectors
The basic IEEE standards do not define arithmetic
operations for bit_vectors or std_logic_vectors.
The package IEEE.Std_logic_unsigned defines arithmetic
operations on std_logic_vectors.
The arithmetic operators (+, −, and *) and comparison
operators (<, <=, =, /=, >=, >) defined in this package treat
std_logic_vectors as unsigned binary numbers.
These operators are referred to as overloaded operations.
This means that the compiler will automatically use the
proper definition of the operator depending on its context.
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VHDL Example





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VHDL Example

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VHDL Example

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VHDL Example

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VHDL Example (continued)

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