Pre - Calculus (Stem)

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• From Latin calculus, literally “small

beads use for counting on an abacus”.
• A branch of mathematics that deals
with the finding and properties of
derivatives and integrals of function.
• Two types of calculus: differential
calculus and integral calculus
• Is a branch of mathematics that studies
geometry using coordinate system. It is known
as Cartesian Geometry or Coordinate
Geometry. It were geometrical solutions are
represented algebraically and graphically.
Rene Descartes and Pierre de Fermat are the
two mathematician who independently
studied and developed analytic geometry.
• illustrate the different types of conic
sections: parabola, ellipse, circle,
hyperbola, and degenerate cases;
We introduce the conic sections (or conics), a
particular class of curves which oftentimes
appear in nature and which have applications in
other fields. One of the first shapes we learned,
a circle, is a conic. When you throw a ball, the
trajectory it takes is a parabola. The orbit taken
by each planet around the sun is an ellipse.
Properties of hyperbolas have been used in the
design of certain telescopes and navigation
• when the plane is horizontal to cone axis
• When the plane is tilted to cone axis
• When plane parallel to the side of cone
• When plane cuts both halves of cone
•𝐴𝑥 2 + Bxy + Cy 2 + Dx +
Ey + F = 0
•, where A, B, C, D, E, and F are
constant and A, B, C are not all
CASES Type of Conic Section


A and C have the same sign ELLIPSE

and A ≠ C
A = 0 or C = 0 PARABOLA

A and C have opposite signs HYPERBOLA

Classify the following equations
according to the type of conic section
each represent.
2 2
1. 3𝑥 + 5𝑦 − 6𝑥 + 2𝑦 − 9 = 0
2. 3𝑦 2 + 4𝑦 = 2𝑥 2 + 9𝑥 − 3
3. 6𝑥 2 + 12𝑥 − 𝑦 + 15 = 0
2 2
4. 𝑥 + 𝑦 − 14𝑥 + 2𝑦 + 50 = 0
2 2
5. 2𝑥 − 2𝑦 + 3𝑥 − 2𝑦 − 34 = 0
1. 4𝑦 2 − 3𝑥 − 6𝑦 − 9 = 0
2 2
2. 8𝑥 + 3𝑦 − 12𝑥 + 6𝑦 − 18 = 0
3. 3𝑥 2 + 3𝑦 2 − 4𝑥 + 2𝑦 − 15 = 0
2 2
4. 9𝑥 + 27𝑦 − 6𝑥 + 108𝑦 + 82 = 0
5. 5𝑦 + 13𝑥 + 2𝑦 = 91
• define a circle;
• determine the standard form of equation of a
• graph a circle in a rectangular coordinate
system; and
• solve situational problems involving conic
sections (circles)
• A set of all points P(x,y) in a plane whose distance
from fixed point called the center C (h,k) is a constant
r, called the radius.
• Origin: C (0, 0)
Give the standard equation of the circle
satisfying the given conditions.
1. Center: (-1, -6) ; Radius: 12
2. Center: (13, -11) ; Radius: 5
3. Center: (-11, -8) ; Radius: 42
4. Center: (1, 16) ; Radius: 2
5. Center: (12, -4) ; Point on Circle: (11, -2)
6. Center: (8, 10) ; Point on Circle: (9, 6)
• Give the standard equation of the circle
satisfying the given conditions.
1. Center: (-11, 6) ; Tangent to x = - 7
2. Center: (15, -9) ; Tangent to x = 14
3. Center: (9, 11) ; Tangent to y = 6
4. Ends of a diameter : (8, 0) and (17, 7)
5. Ends of a diameter : (-4, 4) and (14, 2)
Find the standard equation of the circle being
described in each item.
1. Center: (1, -8) ; Radius: 2 6
2. Center: (9, -2) ; Point on Circle: (12, -10)
3. Center: (12, 1) ; Tangent to x = 7
4. Ends of a diameter : (-10, 4)
and (-6, -11)
• Find the center and radius of the circle.
Sketch the graph.
1. (𝑥 + 1)2 +(𝑦 − 3)2 = 5
2. 𝑥 2 + 𝑦 2 = 7
3. 𝑥 2 + 𝑦 2 + 10𝑥 − 6𝑦 = 2
4. 𝑥 2 + 𝑦 2 − 6𝑥 − 4𝑦 + 13 = 0
5. 4𝑥 2 + 4𝑦 2 − 8𝑥 = −20
1. 𝑥 2 + 𝑦 2 + 14𝑥 − 14𝑦 + 98 = 0
2. 𝑥 2 + 𝑦 2 − 8𝑥 + 6𝑦 + 40 = 0
2 2
3. 𝑥 + 𝑦 − 10𝑥 + 6𝑦 = −34
4. 𝑥 2 + 𝑦 2 + 16𝑥 − 22𝑦 + 104 = 0
5. 𝑥 2 + 𝑦 2 − 4𝑥 + 10𝑦 = −23
6. 4𝑥 2 + 4𝑦 2 − 16𝑥 + 12𝑦 + 144 = 0
7. −2𝑥 2 − 2𝑦 2 + 22𝑥 + 18𝑦 + 214 = 0
• Identify the center and radius of the circle with the
given equation in each item. Sketch its graph, and
indicate the center.
1. 𝑥 2 + 𝑦 2 = 81
2. 𝑥 − 2 2 + 𝑦 + 4 2 = 5
3. 𝑥 2 + 𝑦 2 − 5𝑥 + 4𝑦 = 46
4. 4𝑥 2 + 4𝑦 2 + 40𝑥 − 32𝑦 = 5
• A street with two lanes, each 10 ft
wide, goes through a semicircular
tunnel with radius 12 ft. How high
is the tunnel at the edge of each
lane? Round of to 2 decimal
• A single-lane street 10 ft wide goes
through a semicircular tunnel with
radius 9 ft. How high is the tunnel at
the edge of each lane? Round o
to 2 decimal places.
• A seismological station is located at (0, 3).
The epicenter of an earthquake was
determined to be 6 km away from the
station vertically.
a. Find the equation of the curve that contains
the possible location of the epicenter.
b. If furthermore, the epicenter was
determined to be 2 km away from the shore,
find its possible coordinates (rounded off to
two decimal places).
• define a parabola;
• determine the standard form of equation of a
• graph a parabola in a rectangular coordinate
system; and
• solve situational problems involving conic sections
Set of all points P(x,y) in a plane which
moves so that it is always the same
distance from a fixed line and a fixed
point. The axis of the parabola is the line
through the focus(F) (or fixed point) which
is perpendicular to the directrix(D) (or
fixed line). The line through the focus
parallel to the directrix is called the latus
rectum(LR). The point midway between the
focus and directrix is called the vertex(V).
𝑥−ℎ = 4𝑝(𝑦 − 𝑘) 𝑦−𝑘 = 4𝑝(𝑥 − ℎ)

Axis of Symmetry x=h y=k

Vertex (V) (h, k) (h, k)
Focus (F) (h, k + p) (h + p, k)
Directrix (D) y=k-p x=h-p
p>0 Opens upward Opens to the right
p<0 Opens downward Opens to the left
Axis Vertical Horizontal
Determine the vertex, focus, directrix, opening of the parabola, and
axis of symmetry of the parabola with the given equation. Sketch the
parabola, and include these points and lines.
1. 𝑦 2 = 8𝑥
2. 𝑥 − 1 2 = 12(𝑦 − 1)
3. 𝑦 + 6 2 = 16(𝑥 + 3)
4. 𝑥 + 4 2 = −4(𝑦 − 2)
5. 𝑦 − 2 2 = 4𝑥
6. 𝑥 2 = −2𝑦
7. 5 𝑦 + 3 2 = −(𝑥 + 6)
8. 𝑥 2 − 6𝑥 − 𝑦 + 9 = 0
9. 𝑦 2 + 10𝑦 + 𝑥 = −18
10. 5𝑥 2 + 30𝑥 + 24𝑦 = 51
Write the equation of the parabola in standard form with
the stated conditions
1. 𝑉 0,0 , 𝐹(2,0)
2. 𝑉 −3,5 , 𝐹(−3,2)
3. 𝑉 −1,3 , 𝐹(4,3)
4. 𝐹 0,5 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑑𝑖𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑥 𝑦 = −5
5. 𝐹 0,2/3 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑑𝑖𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑥 𝑦 = −2/3
6. 𝐹 −2,0 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑑𝑖𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑥 𝑥 = 2
1. A satellite dish has a shape called a
paraboloid, where each cross-section is a
parabola. Since radio signals (parallel to
the axis) will bounce the surface of the dish
to the focus, the receiver should be placed
at the focus.How far should the receiver be
from the vertex, if the dish is 12 ft across,
and 4.5ft deep at the vertex?
The cable of a suspension bridge hangs in
the shape of aparabola. The towers
supporting the cable are 400 ft apart
and 150 ft high. If the cable, at its lowest,
is 30 ft above the bridge at its midpoint,
how high is the cable 50 ft away
(horizontally) from either tower?
• 1. A satellite dish in the shape of a
paraboloid is 10 ft across, and 4 ft deep
at its vertex. How far is the receiver from
the vertex, if it is placed at the focus?
Round your answer to 2 decimal places.
• A satellite dish shaped like a paraboloid,
has diameter 2.4 ft and depth 0.9 ft. If
the receiver is placed at the focus, how far
should the receiver be from the vertex?
• A flashlight is shaped like a
paraboloid, so that if its light bulb is
placed at the focus, the light rays from
the bulb will then bounce on the surface
in a focused direction that is parallel to
the axis. If the paraboloid has a depth
of 1.8 inches and the diameter on its
surface is 6 inches, how far should the
light source be placed from the vertex?
• define an ellipse;
• determine the standard form of equation of
an ellipse;
• graph an ellipse in a rectangular coordinate
system; and
• solve situational problems involving conic
sections (ellipses)
•An ellipse is the set of all points
(x,y) in the plane, the sum of
their distances from two distinct
fixed points, which we shall call
𝐹1 and 𝐹2 , is constant.
See pg. 288(21st Century mathematics)
pg. 22 (Pre-calculus-vibal)
• Focus- is the fixed points of the ellipse. The plural form of
focus is foci
• Vertices- is the 2 points on the ellipse which are points of
intersection of the ellipse and the line passing through the
• Principal axis- a line that passes through the foci and
• Major axis- a line segment V1 and V2 passing through the
foci. Its length is 2a where a is constant.
• Minor axis- a line segment perpendicular to the major axis
which passes through the center and its length is 2b where
b is constant.
1. Center (2,1), vertical major axis of length 8, minor axis
of length 6.
2. Center (-2,4), major axis 12, vertical minor axis is 12.
3. Minor axis is 12, foci 6 units below and above the center
(2, -1).
4. Vertices (-2,4) and (-2, -6): a focus at (-2, 3).
5. Vertex (4,3) and foci at (-3,3) and (3,3).
6. Center (2,2), one vertex (2,7) and one co- vertex (5,2).
•define a hyperbola;
•determine the standard form of
equation of a hyperbola;
•graph a hyperbola in a rectangular
coordinate system; and
•solve situational problems involving
conic sections (hyperbolas).
• Is the set of all points on a plane
such that the difference of the
distances from two fixed points is
a constant. The two fixed points
are called the foci of the
• Principal Axis – line that passes through the two
• Vertices – the points of intersection of the
hyperbola and the principal axis
• Transverse Axis – line segment joining V1 and
• Center – midpoint of the two vertices of the
• Assymptotes – two diagonal lines that passes
through the center of the hyperbola
• The standard form of the equation of the hyperbola with center
(0, 0) and foci F1 (c, 0) and F2 (-c, 0) is

𝑥2 𝑦2
• − 2 = 1 =, with 𝑏2 = 𝑐 2 − 𝑎2 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑐 > 𝑎 > 0
𝑎2 𝑏

• Pythagorean Formula : 𝑐 2 = 𝑎2 + 𝑏 2
Label the circles with numbers 0, 1, or 2 so that no
two distinct circles connected by a line segment
(curved or straight) have the same numbers
Determine the center, vertices, foci, assymptotes, major and minor
𝑥2 𝑦2
1. 25

2. 9𝑥 2 − 4𝑦 2 = 36
𝑦−3 2 𝑥+4 2
3. 16

2 2
4. 4𝑥 − 25𝑦 − 24𝑥 = 64
5. 3𝑥 2 − 𝑦 2 + 30𝑥 + 8𝑦 = −71
𝑦2 𝑥2
1. 16 −
2 2
2. 9 𝑥 − 3 − 16 𝑦 − 2 = 144
2 2
3. 2𝑥 − 5𝑦 − 20𝑦 + 30 = 0
• Center at the origin, focus (0,5), vertex
• Center (0, 5), the transverse axis is 8 units
long, and focus (0, 10)
• Center (2,3), vertex (2,8), and focus (2,-3)
• Foci at (1,-1) and (7,-1), length of
transverse axis is 2
• Center (2, 3), the transverse axis is 10
units long, and focus (7,3)
• Center (0,2), vertex (5,2), and focus (-8,2)
• Foci at (3,-6) and (3,4), length of
transverse axis is 8 units.
• An explosion was heard by two
stations 1200 m apart, located at F1(
600; 0) and F2 (600; 0). If the
explosion was heard in F1two seconds
before it was heard in F2, identify the
possible locations of the explosion.
Use 340 m/s as the speed of sound.
• When the graphs of two different linear functions
intersect, they intersect at a single point. The
coordinates of the point can be determined by
solving a system of linear equations. On the other
hand, if one or both of the graphs are not linear
(for example, a conic section), there may be more
than one point of intersection. The system of
equations may be more than one point of
intersection. The system of equations that need to
be solved is then described as nonlinear .
A decorative glass pane above
a doorway is constructed in the
shape of the upper of an ellipse.
The glass pane has a width of
80 inches at the bottom base
and a height of 20 inches at its
center. Find the height of the
glass pane 15 inches to the right
of the center.
•A decorative glass pane above
the window is constructed in the
shape of the upper half of an
ellipse. The glass pane has a
width of 60 inches at the
bottom base and a height of
15 inches at is center. Find the
height of the glass pane 20
iinches to the right of the center.
•A bridge is built in the
shape of a semi-elliptical
arch an dhas a span of 120
ft. the height of the arch at
a distance of 30 ft from the
center is 15 ft. Find the
height of the arch
A tunnel has the shape of a
semiellipse that is 15 ft high at the
center, and 36 ft across at the
base. At most how high should a
passing truck be, if it is 12 ft wide,
for it to be able to fit through the
tunnel? Round off your answer to
two decimal places.
The arch of a bridge is in the shape
of a semiellipse, with its major axis
at the water level. Suppose the arch
is 20 ft high in the middle, and 120
ft across its major axis. How high
above the water level is the arch, at
a point 20 ft from the center
(horizontally)? Round off to 2
decimal places
• An orbit of a satellite around a planet
is an ellipse, with the planet at one
focus of this ellipse. The distance of
the satellite from this star varies from
300, 000 km to 500, 000 km,
attained when the satellite is at each
of the two vertices. Find the equation
of this ellipse, if its center is at the
origin, and the vertices are on the x-
axis. Assume all units are in 100, 000
Planet Earth comes closest to the Sun at
147 million km, and the farthest from
the sun at 153 million km. Thus, its orbit
is an ellipse fro which the two vertices
are 147 and 153 units away from a
particular focus, the sun. Assume the unit
is a million km. Find the equation of the
ellipse, assuming the major axis is
horizontal and the center is at origin.
The distance of Jupiter from the
sun ranges from 741 million km
to 817 million km. find the
equation of its elliptical orbit
where the sun is one of the foci.
Assume again that the center is
the origin and its major axis is
the x- axis.
• The distance of the moon, as it
orbits around the Earth, ranges
from 363 thousand km to 405
thousand km. if its orbit is an
ellipse with the Earth at a focus,
find the equation of this ellipse.
Assume the ellipse has vertical
major axis and the center at the
1.) The dome of a whispering gallery has the
form of a semi- ellipse so that two persons
standing at the foci will be able to hear each
other. This is because sound waves from one focus,
when they reach the semi- elliptical ceiling,
bounce off to the other focus. If one such
whispering gallery has a focus 3 m from the end
of the se- ellipse, and the other focus is 14 m
away from the same end, how high is the dome at
the center?
2.) The ceiling of a whispering gallery
is in semi- elliptical shape. Two people
standing at the foci can hear each
other whisper, since sound coming from
any focus bounces off the ceiling to the
other focus. If the gallery is 30 ft across
and 10 ft high at the center, how far
apart are the two points where two
people should stand to hear each other
3.)A room’s ceiling is in the shape
of a semi- ellipse. Suppose the
room is 40 ft wide and 18 ft
high. How far from the end
should two people stand so they
can hear each other whisper
4.) An archway that is above
a highway is in the shape of
a semi- ellipse 80 ft wide
and 25 ft high. How high is
the archway 10 ft away from
the center?

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